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File: 1647069172900.png (526.06 KB, 1211x501, 1211:501, plumage.png) ImgOps iqdb


I've been hearing a lot of hype lately about Nic Sequeira's new single, "The Girl With The Crystal Plumage." I decided to give it a listen about an hour ago:


I am still blown away by this new Direction Sequeira is going in. I never would have guessed that the same guy behind "Jam It Like You Mean It" back in 2019 would now be producing this weird psychedelia. I can definitely see what all the fuss is about this guy, and I honestly have no idea what he'll be getting up to next.

What did you think about this one? Was it a disappointment?


Also why are you pretending mixing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (garbage) with The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (kino) is meaningful or a good idea?

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