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We have to go back, before the soylent, before the nuamles, before the soyjaks, before the cuck and anti sex epidemic.

When men could be men


Sorry, but we are reaching peak zoomer era.


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zoomers are getting sick of this shit too though, and the weaker ones are just roping.


Never gonna happen. Rap may die off, but the most effeminate nu-male rock will take its place before anything edgy does.
And tbh this is normal, you know if you're old enough or around older people that you had to dig to find underground shit. Don't complain.


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>And tbh this is normal, you know if you're old enough or around older people that you had to dig to find underground shit.


Its normal because the people listening to to are predisposed to being effeminate twinks or viewing everything as aesthetics. Expecting zoomers to like Burzum or Slayer sincerely and without a hint of irony is folly. You'll get a few outliers but even that's not certain anymore.
Also lmao Slipknot more like Dogknot, stop using imageboards and gb2tumblr.


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I don't like Spliknot, I'm just saying that shit like this used to be mainstream popular and was more way more masculine than the soy shit we get today.
It wasn't just underground stuff.


>I'm just saying that shit like this used to be mainstream popular and was more way more masculine than the soy shit we get today.
It was popular with White boys ONLY. It was so "masculine" that it scared White girls away from the scene. That was the whole point of the nu-metal psyop. It wasn't sexy at all, it was grotesque.


>It was so "masculine" that it scared White girls away from the scene.
Slipknot's shitty and all, but you could say that about most forms of metal other than the styles with mainstream appeal. I can think of a few women involved in the scene, like Jo Bench and Angela Gossow, but metal has been a male-dominated genre for a long time. I'd even say that nu metal had more female appeal, since at least it wasn't uncommon to have mallgoth girls in Tripp pants who would be into stuff like Korn.


Metal especially extreme metal borders on being competent fanfare or hipsters skinwalking as 80s metalheads. I think Gelal had it right in the 2000s:
"The problem is that the underground scene is not composed of extreme people, rather, it's constituted by neo-hippies with social agendas and left-wing attitudes. Can you imagine a death metal show in benefit of something positive? What the fuck is this? Since when is death/black metal something positive? It is total negativity, misanthropic, destructive, suicidal… Just because we say fuck this, and fuck that, and fuck you, people believe we're going to impose a certain political belief onto them."


>Slipknot's shitty and all, but you could say that about most forms of metal other than the styles with mainstream appeal.
I worded this in a retarded way. I meant you could say women generally aren't interested in non-mainstream metal, not that metal's shitty. But I guess I generally do dislike most modern metal anyway.
It doesn't help that even guys like Phil Anselmo and Fenriz have become much more docile and domesticated over the years. It's really pathetic, since metal guys used to have the balls that punks generally didn't have due to the leftists taking over their scene pretty early on. The whole metal crowd has become filled with NPCs and hipster faggots pretending to be anti-establishment, just like with punk. We need Seth Putnam back.


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Low T faggot


I avoided the metal scene and just stuck to looking for the music through blogspots, pdfs and e-zines. It's mostly college aged zoomers in some of the faggiest getups I've ever seen.
I'm not even sure how someone 14 - 22 these days even finds metal. I'm in my late 20s and metalheads in that age demographic were either indie rock kids with a "Black Metal" side project or from Europe. Otherwise it was pretty much walled off because of the massive age difference (It's Gen X culture, but most Gen X'rs weren't hardcore metalheads so much as Metallica fanboys)


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>I'm not even sure how someone 14 - 22 these days even finds metal.I'm in my late 20s
I'm a little older than you, and a lot of people my age were into crappy metalcore/scene kid stuff when we were teenagers but would listen to other music too. I even remember some metal kid in school who apparently didn't like me because he thought I was only into older bands. I was lucky enough to have a friend when I was a who was a talented guitarist and told me to check out "Master of Puppets" one day. I was just opening up at the time to music that wasn't soundtracks or Weird Al, so I went home and listened to that song after downloaded a torrent of all their music. Metallica ended up being my gateway to '80s metal in general. I ended up finding some of my favorite metal and punk music through them and was always looking for different bands to listen to.

I think it would take an inquisitive kind of person to find metal these days, especially the classic bands. Back when I was first getting into it, I wasn't really alone because of how big the Guitar Hero games were. There was a lot of hype over "Through the Fire and Flames" in particular at that time, and I heard someone I knew complaining about how everyone started latching onto them when he was already familiar with the band before that. Nowadays you get faggots who hear "Master of Puppets" or "Running Up That Hill" on Stranger Things and suddenly consider themselves Metallica or Kate Bush aficionados based on knowing one song by each. There are so many people out there who don't have the curiosity to actually find out about anything unless they're completely spoon-fed by Current Pop Culture Sensation™. They don't seem to have any sense of curiosity whatsoever, even though it's easier than ever to discover new things.
>indie rock kids with a "Black Metal" side project
Indie kids and trendhopping poseurs are one of the reasons black metal is so overexposed now. You have pampered jackasses like pic related going slumming among those stinky metal proles and attracting more entitled trust fund kids to co-opt and subvert music they have no understanding of. It shouldn't come as any surprise that Hunter-Hunt Hendrix ended up adding trap elements to his music and trooning out.

Black metal also has a tendency of drawing in way too many retards who care more about the "lore" of the Norwegian scene than the actual music.
>or from Europe
I remember noticing that with Eastern Europeans back when I had a Last.fm account.
>Otherwise it was pretty much walled off because of the massive age difference (It's Gen X culture, but most Gen X'rs weren't hardcore metalheads so much as Metallica fanboys)
Definitely boomers too, although Generation X as a whole seemed have more tolerance for the more intense forms of music
>Metallica fanboys
That was me when I was younger.


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Metallica is shit


Metal was always shit. Nigger rap is shit.


I've probably been finding more music in a while than I did early on. I'll admit it's partly because of UG guys I watch showing off their demo collection, the other half being having more enthusiasm to go find more music after 'burning out' or going back to older stuff I heard like the Phlegm demos or the Sarcastic demo and going, "Why didn't I listen to this more often? It was badass the first time I heard it."
>Indie kids and trendhopping poseurs are one of the reasons black metal is so overexposed now
I've had a hard time listening to black metal partly because of that, but it was kind of the same way for a while when it was super trendy to be an 'old school'-type death metal band in 2016 - 17. It was not a good time to get into metal around then if you gravitated towards Death Metal and Grindcore.


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They might be the Rolling Stones of thrash nowadays, but they have a much better catalog than Megadeth.
>Metal was always shit.
>Nigger rap is shit.
>I've probably been finding more music in a while than I did early on. I'll admit it's partly because of UG guys I watch showing off their demo collection, the other half being having more enthusiasm to go find more music after 'burning out' or going back to older stuff I heard like the Phlegm demos or the Sarcastic demo and going, "Why didn't I listen to this more often? It was badass the first time I heard it."
I reached a point where I got sick of the metal subculture and started feeling like the juice wasn't worth the squeeze musically. It became harder and harder to find metal that actually connects with me. I've gotten a lot more finicky over the years. Modern bands especially I've given up on paying much attention to. I ended up getting more into other genres in my late high school years, although I still come back to my metal favorite metal records I used to listen to and occasionally check out old releases I missed. I've actually felt a lot more free since I stopped trying to fit into any musical subculture. I used to force myself to like influential bands, and now I have no problems admitting that there's a lot of stuff I don't even like.
>I've had a hard time listening to black metal partly because of that
I was lucky enough to get into it before they completely drove the whole thing into the ground. It became the form of extreme metal that ended up being closest to my heart.

One of the things that chaps my hide is how the concept of atmospheric black metal nowadays seems to be associated with the parasitic interlopers who try to pass themselves off as real black metal fans.

I guess the one positive thing is that there's nothing stopping aspiring black metal musicians from making small batches of original lo-fi cassette releases in the old spirit. Meddlesome normalfags who fetishize the usual showbiz trappings that '90s black metal rejected aren't going to want to touch that kind of thing.
>but it was kind of the same way for a while when it was super trendy to be an 'old school'-type death metal band in 2016 - 17. It was not a good time to get into metal around then if you gravitated towards Death Metal and Grindcore.
I wasn't aware of that, although it helps that I haven't been paying very much attention to what's been going on within metal for a long time. I've never been that big on those styles, although there are a few albums I like. Are the hipster locusts still involved with death metal to the same degree? Metal in general has become faggy nowawdays, but I can't imagine death metal is as subverted as black metal is.


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>they have a much better catalog than Megadeth.


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You could have at least chosen a good song. Sad!


> Are the hipster locusts still involved with death metal to the same degree?
It dies off a little more recently. I only hear about maybe Tomb Mold and Blood Incantation or zoomer death metal like 200 Stab Wounds and Frozen Soul, but the trend has largely died off after most people moved on to the next trend or found actual metal and ditched these fags.
>Metal in general has become faggy nowawdays, but I can't imagine death metal is as subverted as black metal is.
When I got into DM, Crematory and Abhorrence held a very special place in my heart and still do. But you also had a bunch of grifters like Phil Tougas parading them about and releasing shitty metalcore sounding demos or ripoffs of Demilich and Timeghoul.


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