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Based queen BTFOS SJW cucks
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>Wait, you weren't clear. Did you mean that every NPC in BG3 will respond favorably to a homosexual request?
Not every NPC, you can romance any companion as a male or female character I mean.

>If so, you really think people shouldn't say all the NPCs are bisexual? Would you not want people to know that?

Because the quote that all the characters are pansexual comes from a tranny from Wizards of the Coast who didn't work on the game in any capacity, the only canonically bisexual companion is Astarion. The rest are straight unless you go out of your way to romance them as a same sex player character.


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>NPCs are straight. Unless of course you try to see if they're gay. Then they're gay.
So you're pushing the notion that straight means closeted bisexual.


Not all diverging paths in an RPG are canon, if you accept that for all the other choices in the game why would characters sexuality be any different. It's like how you diverged from being normal when somebody touched your no no space as a boy and now you watch Trans500 all day and make intentionally retarded posts on tvchan


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They even mock the failed products or just quickly change the subject because they knew they've poisoned the well.

The girl ends up getting fucked by a bear, take that as you will.


Pretty sure it was a faggot that got fucked by a bear.

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If you play that faggot ass Senua cunt game, kys.
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>Isn't Hellblade 2 more around 5 hours?
The 7 hours is probably a generous estimate for the type of paint drinking retards that would buy this sort of shit.


>game looked interesting from the trailer
>MC is le everywoman lady that you can see at least 5 clones of in the Walmart across the street
Now I understand those autists who refuse to play action games with a female protagonist, they always knew tolerating it would lead to this kind of redditry. The game can't even rely on the "I'm not gay, I like looking at the ass of my in-game avatar" crowd to defend it because Senua is just butt ugly.


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The actress is hot and they didn't butcher the model. 4channitors just have no taste. It's all cuckime girls, furry and furry adjacent, shit they don't even like real women. They cum in their pants to looney tunes but they want to weigh in on what's attractive or realistic. Get real…


Cope, seethe and dilate.

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Post them hidden gems
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>oy vey you want the western market don't you, slant eyed goyim?
>well all you have to do is fill your gaymes with niggers, ugly women and trannies. that's what westerners want
>you'll make billions of gookbux i promise
Same reason so many other nip devs are shit these days. They think commeifornia and jew york represent the entirety of westerners.


Nobody complained about this pivot to cinematics with the old Resident Evil games.


Probably because it wasn't a "pivot to cinematics." Yes there were cutscenes, but they were short most of the time. The longest ones tended to be the opening and ending and RE's opening was like 5 minutes.


Speak for yourself.


Nobody complained because it was completely different in scope and implementation. The current problem started off as formulaic cutscenes added in after play testing to deal with trouble areas where testers got stuck. Then they transformed into the 'cinematic experience' to make play testing go faster and smoother, if all you can do is move the camera around and have to press a button every so often to progress then less problems are to be found.

The first few Resident Evil games had none of that.

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We'll be able to turn Super shit off in Sparking! ZERO? All I want is a Budokai Tenkaichi 4 without Super trash


How many DBZ games are there now? And how do you keep opening your mouth for this slop?


You're too pure for the world Anon.

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Jesus Christ they raped the shit out of this corpse.
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>Looks like Takayoshi Sato's original sketches
>Looks like the young woman she is supposed to be, not in her forties
But it's bad because… because it just is okay???


It's woke feminist slop. Kys /troonpol/.


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I can't believe Sweetbaby went back in time and forced Takayoshi Sato to draw these WOKE designs, it's so fucking OVER bros


>i'm faceblind, checkmate chuds!


>I can't believe
Believe it, troon.

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i'm still optimistic.
shit's going to be great.

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What race is this?
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So do cunts, at least butts can be more aesthetic.


Thanks. Is Yandex good for searching? Search engines are getting worse and worse, but how well does Yandex compare?


Honestly, it's not as good as it used to be, particularly with reverse searching Instagram girls, but it still works better than the others.


Once upon a time, I used Yandex and Duck Duck Jew, but now it makes you stand out from the crowd. My new tactic is hiding in plain sight. Lucky me, I live in town, so I use what we used to call a "war driver" setup with powered amplified 12 inch wifi whip antennas. I rip all the free shit from local schools, McDonald's, and Starbuck's. I also use a throw-away wifi NIC and use a MAC address spoofer on top of my shady third world VPN servers. I also use wifi calling only burner phones from Walmart. I ain't going to make it easy for these faggots. Go Linux or gimp Windows as much as you can. There's plenty of forums out there to give you instructions on registry edits.



>I also use wifi calling only burner phones from Walmart.
And shopping at Walmart doesn't give your anonymity away how?

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G*d bless Israel!

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In retrospect, only the first game is really a good game. But I still like 2, 3, and Reach out of nostalgia. ODST is boring.
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>Halo 2
>Using anything but the BR and the Carbine
lmao, kys


>You're either retarded or didn't play it.
I played it and it was consistently good I don't know what to tell you.

>Using anything but the BR and the Carbine

Sentinel beam / energy sword / shotgun are way better for flood. Sniper/beam rifle are straight up better than BR/carbine just less ammo. Fuel rod gun and rocket launcher are useful for crowd control and the tankier enemies. SMG is good for drones and plasma pistol for popping shields. I think the only weapon I never used in any situation was the needler


>Linear as fuck levels
>Literal corridor levels
>Elevators everywhere
>Those garbage Flood sections
>Implying you'll use those weapons for more than 5 seconds before changijg back to the AR/Carbine
lol, Halo 2 is terrible in every way from art to level design along with nerfed weapons.


But enough about CE


CE had way more open areas and it's weapons didn't suck dick.
The Brap Mine and High Charity as just as bad if not worse than the Library.

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