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Based queen BTFOS SJW cucks


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No, I love spic women


That is a coon.


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Doesn't look very coonish.


Zoomers are apparently so coonified and Judaized that they cannot identify nigger genetic mixture. Whites once had laser vision for these abominations.


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Did you notice the arresting officer? With a fine Germanic name and a fine Germanic profile?
You talk about "whites" only for temporary unity. What about Irish, Italians, Poles or other eastern Europeans?
It's really only the Master Race you care about.
Non-Germanic whites have laser vision for you people.


Would feed eggs to


Did Stellar Blade's developers name the jew?


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kys /trannypol/


Yes. The degenerate pervert in me does want that. He's a 0.001% trap. Not the norm though. Sadly, the 99.999% norm is vid related. It's like baiting me into accepting one pretty cool and talented well spoken nigger like Obama as a justification to flood us with millions of sub-Saharan chimp animals. A classic bait and switch move. I assume you have a black belt in JEWjitsu.



What's Venti up to these days? Still grifting?


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Was she ever grifting?
She's on Youtube now, but everyone knows what they're getting so hardly grifting.
I've seen clips from when she was a kid, and she counter-trolled lots of would-be trolls, into getting her upset by trying to post 4chan content into her chat - like the word nigger and ascii art of Hitler, but eventually it became clear she had been faking it all the time, trolling the trolls, and making money from the views. That's pretty clearly a win.
See the pic here. Anyone who's hated by Antifa is ok in my book.


>one pretty cool and talented well spoken nigger like Obama
He couldn't keep from stuttering like a retard without a teleprompter. He wasn't well spoken so much as he was just one of the 3 literate niggers in the US.


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Games journalists will just latch onto anything popular and try and claim it's secretly gay and woke and made for them (BG3, Hades 2), because games that are explicitly gay and woke are dead on release and look terrible for them


I will never understand why BG3 is so popular. The combat is dogshit and the romance is just your usual dating simulation shit. Another one is Elden Ring or any Soulsshit.


They are good games with effort put into them, even if they don't appeal to you. Talos Principle bored the fuck out of me but I could tell it was made by people who cared, I just don't like puzzle games that much. It's a matter of taste


It's an rpg so it's more about how you can shape and change the narrative is the fun part.


No, that's the fun part of choose-your-own-adventure books. Role-playing games are about testing one's skill for the purposes of entertainment.


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Just yesterday I saw lots of retarded redditors show up to defend the new Dragon Age in the commentaries.

It's amazing how predictable and repetitive they are, no wonder the NPC meme really affected them years ago.

It's not hard to see them post this kind of defense in favor of a PRODUCT: "Hmmm, this game from the past was 'woke' and you like it! This IP/Franchise has always been woke!"


Aren't both BG3 and Gaydes pretty woke though? Like everyone in BG is a fag, nigger, tranny or some combination of the three and Hades decided that the goddess of beauty was a fat ugly sheboon.


>No, that's the fun part of choose-your-own-adventure books. Role-playing games are about testing one's skill for the purposes of entertainment.
Most people don't agree which is why BG3 was massively successful and not Underrail or Pathfinder or any game with build autism and overcomplicated mechanics. The vast majority of people are playing an RPG for a good story, characters, choices etc.

Not saying you are wrong but where did you see that? Every comment on the youtube trailer is trashing it, even reddit hates it

I don't know too much about Hades to be honest but the BG3 thing is misrepresented. You can romance any character as a man or woman, which the twitter crowd twisted into "the entire cast is pansexual". Which is not true, they just react to the player's intentions. It's like saying Shephard in Mass Effect is canonically bisexual because you can fuck Kaidan


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Wait, you weren't clear. Did you mean that every NPC in BG3 will respond favorably to a homosexual request?

If so, you really think people shouldn't say all the NPCs are bisexual? Would you not want people to know that?


>Wait, you weren't clear. Did you mean that every NPC in BG3 will respond favorably to a homosexual request?
Not every NPC, you can romance any companion as a male or female character I mean.

>If so, you really think people shouldn't say all the NPCs are bisexual? Would you not want people to know that?

Because the quote that all the characters are pansexual comes from a tranny from Wizards of the Coast who didn't work on the game in any capacity, the only canonically bisexual companion is Astarion. The rest are straight unless you go out of your way to romance them as a same sex player character.


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>NPCs are straight. Unless of course you try to see if they're gay. Then they're gay.
So you're pushing the notion that straight means closeted bisexual.


Not all diverging paths in an RPG are canon, if you accept that for all the other choices in the game why would characters sexuality be any different. It's like how you diverged from being normal when somebody touched your no no space as a boy and now you watch Trans500 all day and make intentionally retarded posts on tvchan


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They even mock the failed products or just quickly change the subject because they knew they've poisoned the well.

The girl ends up getting fucked by a bear, take that as you will.


Pretty sure it was a faggot that got fucked by a bear.

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