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What race is this?


Some form of nigger genetic mixture, which always ends in disaster.
Nigger genes are awful. Literally Homo Erectus.




Is it just me, or do mutts tend to look more physically disgusting than full-blown jigaboos?


It's the uncanny valley. With porch monkeys you know they're not human, but with mutts they have just enough human features where you sort of recognize them as human while your subconscious knows they're not.


Scientists really need to study this site, everyone here is an aryan blonde beast ubermensch with perfect genetics and yet you are all ince- uhhh "volcels" the odds are staggering, someone really should be looking into this


Gas yourself, /trannypol/ nigger lover.


Nice red herring, but I have a woggy phenotype and have never claimed otherwise. That doesn't suddenly make repulsive mutts attractive.


This but unironically.


kill yourself shitskin


True its because niggers and all the other shitskins should be a extinct species. The muslims and jews were retarded and spread the shitskins every where with slavery instead of doing the right thing any competing species would do which is total extinction.


meant for >>7515


I'm a CeltIberian Medbull, Germoid subhumans are beneath me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm definitely white unless you're playing by Varg Vikernes rules.


This one really stirred up the drumpfpanzees nest


Kys /trannypol/


Why focus on incels who refuse to blow circumcised cocks? When you get these mystery meat mutts who are willing to stick their tongues out for more pozzed slop despite shitting on them BingBingWahoo's constantly on their subreddits.


Go easy on him. His wife's boyfriend only lets him out of the cuckshed for a few minutes a day.


Because they're here. Duh.


File: 1717116466036.jpg (134.48 KB, 892x888, 223:222, join us on TVCH dup board.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



File: 1717116664699.jpg (91.06 KB, 400x338, 200:169, Take a hike kike.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Anyone have the non-shooped version of this? I thought I had it saved but apparently not.


File: 1717210498375-0.jpg (55.86 KB, 576x773, 576:773, ejlcs1epfru21.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1717210498375-1.jpg (70.29 KB, 750x750, 1:1, cropped185124105.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1717210498375-2.jpg (52.02 KB, 720x720, 1:1, tx-1f~~rh.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1717210498375-3.jpg (282.81 KB, 1242x1342, 621:671, 39SIGOe.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

From Yandex images.


Butt's smell horrible.


So do cunts, at least butts can be more aesthetic.


Thanks. Is Yandex good for searching? Search engines are getting worse and worse, but how well does Yandex compare?


Honestly, it's not as good as it used to be, particularly with reverse searching Instagram girls, but it still works better than the others.


Once upon a time, I used Yandex and Duck Duck Jew, but now it makes you stand out from the crowd. My new tactic is hiding in plain sight. Lucky me, I live in town, so I use what we used to call a "war driver" setup with powered amplified 12 inch wifi whip antennas. I rip all the free shit from local schools, McDonald's, and Starbuck's. I also use a throw-away wifi NIC and use a MAC address spoofer on top of my shady third world VPN servers. I also use wifi calling only burner phones from Walmart. I ain't going to make it easy for these faggots. Go Linux or gimp Windows as much as you can. There's plenty of forums out there to give you instructions on registry edits.



>I also use wifi calling only burner phones from Walmart.
And shopping at Walmart doesn't give your anonymity away how?

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