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What is his fucking problem
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>mfw can't find the uncensored version


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>Censored "nigger"
<But not "retarded" or "faggot" not even "kill yourselves"
What a yikes moment.


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I always thought the normalization of the nerd stereotype was just another part of the nu-male program. Most modern nerds are simply all sorts of normalfags, hence the anime profile pictures and meme-y usernames but painfully obvious mainstream media approved, 100% reddit-infused opinions. Come to think of it, the usage of nu-male and normalfag as insults will most likely be called out too sometime soon, turning them into the latest n-words lmao.


Basically its the same as always in the post-WWII paradigm:
>real human beans try to create something to escape or better their lives in this (((dystopia)))
>jews are afraid because anything they can't control is literally poison to them
>jews infect it with zogslaves
>it gets ruined
Rinse and repeat. Normalniggers ruin everything for their kike masters. You dumb goy you don't get a hobby, you don't get anything!

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Doesn't matter, chud, another miscarriage will take its place.


>chink picrel

who the fuck are you faggot


that was meant for you homo



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Providing you with daily ragebait kinos
Is that the new slang for mediterranians?

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 No.2435[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Your new women in videogames, goy.
I have no idea which xbone game this is because I didn't watch the cuckeogoom zogslop on Sunday.
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Woah, a cuckchanner said it, must be true!


Lol, John, you are so funny!


She is an 7/10 in the UK


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>Reddit is now asking you to create an account so you could see their r/etarded posts
Can the current owners join the jew who killed himself?

[Last 50 Posts]
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Only based and redpilled games.
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I'm honestly sick of dealing with nerdy narcissistic faggots. Now there is one on every corner.
And yes, the guy who made the video is a nigger, but even he managed to be less annoying and more objective than many faggots on jewtube.


I've seen quite a lot of niggers shit on leftoids, mostly for sperging about guns or spouting the racial justice nonsense. If even niggers and spics have enough self-awareness to realize that feel-good politics is bullshit (even if they think it's just another one of whitey's plans to keep a brutha down), I got to wonder why white liberals keep on doubling down on being true believers.


>why white liberals keep on doubling down on being true believers.
They're unironically NPCs programed by years of jewish propaganda in media.


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The 3D era of GTA and GTAIV were unironically based


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I love those

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maybe people would "consume" more Nintendo if the nintendo fans didn't acted like butthurt sissies
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Fat soybeard pedophile liberal phenotype.


It's funny that today I saw a soyface faggot accusing others of being incels for criticizing a book that involves pederasty. I checked his profile and guess what, he was a Vaush subscriber.
You know you're living in a shitty society when after all the drama involving him no one has taken any action, we've only had a few faggy drama ecelebs talking about it, but nothing else. Sargon, Godwinson, any other figures who think they're badasses refused to go after Vaush.


What book?


To be fair the FEDs are really slow when it comes to investigating crimes primarily committed by the tribe, so there might be something going on we just don't see. I wouldn't count on it though. Vaush is a useful idiot(for now at least) so the likelihood of anything getting done about him is low.


I doubt the feds would arrest any far-left faggot at this day and age.

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Holy fuck. Ubisoft is actually in a full blown death spiral right now.
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What's their response if you bring up the game's price is not worth it? After all, the main excuse of these cucks' for swallowing the yetza semen is always:
>Never cared aboot politics bruh


>What's their response
"if you don't like it, don't buy it, and don't shame other people for spending their money the way they want to, not all products are meant for you"


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Wow fucking capitalist pigs, they're shaming the poor goyim who can't afford shitty games.


>botting comments
>botting views
>botting votes
>botting polls
>botting political rallies

The U.S. has become north Korea


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Time to make a new modding site


this one exists for downloading and uploading romhacks, at least, not sure if it could be used for a lot of pc hacks since it probably has a filesize upload limit


People should fuck with Nexus, where's all the hackers who enjoy some fun?


I love trans mods!


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I used to post some small mods on Nexus a long time ago and participate in some dissutions there, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I had my account deleted because of comments I made years ago.
I remember that even before this situation got out of hand some old modders were refusing to post their stuff on Nexus, much to the confusion of some people.

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Also, what the fuck is Gamergate 2?
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Thank you anon.


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real video footage of the aftermath of a white woman stealing a black autist's nintendo switch


>white woman
She's a jewess. Also, the groid will be released back into society as a free adult in 2-3 years with time served.


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G*d's chosen /v/irgins

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Non pozzed free to play capeshit mmo private server. Get in here faggots.
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Crystal shards lost a lot of good stuff from super star but the ability mixing was cool.


Or it would have been if half the combos weren't lame and dumb. Or at least if there was actually a reasonably consistent mechanical expectation for what type of ability a combination might give you. Dream Land 2 did this kind of thing better with the animal pal + power combinations. Can't remember how well Dream Land 3 executed it.


>Or at least if there was actually a reasonably consistent mechanical expectation for what type of ability a combination might give you.
I kind of like being surprised. The main gripe I have is when you find a shard that you need a certain mixed ability to break the barrier for, from enemies that don't exist on that stage, so then it's this scavenger hunt of going back to previous levels and finding the right enemies to mix, then, you can't exit the stage you've already cleared, you've got to go through it again, surviving with the mixed ability without being killed, then, go back to the stage you needed it for to get the shard, and go through that stage all over again. I know the Japanese love this kind of repetition, maybe I'm just old and jaded, but at least you can savescum now to save yourself some time.


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played through most of dream land 2 for the first time this month, there's a good hack that makes it full color
it's crazy how the game is normally pretty carefree, but getting the items needed to 100% it involves maneuvers that require complete mastery of the controls and mechanics


I love dreamland 2 and the entore dark matter saga tbh.

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This is a game I really want to like and get into but after maybe 1 hour I get bored instantly. Maybe sandbox games are not for me. But something about this game beckons me to push on and let myself loose into it. I know buyfags are retarded, but is it worth actually buying the game on Steam or just better pirate it as usual. Would Fitgirl repacks be the best fit?
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I mostly play Terraria like it's a fucked up arcade game, trying to beat in one-life-one-world marathon challenges, failing over and over, hoping for the one day where I'll finally succeed. It's hard for me to enjoy it with other people because I play it at such a higher level than my friends.

I'm not sure why you willingly buy the game with DRM when DRM-free options exist, but obviously this is the sort of game you might want to try out a fair bit to see if you really like it before wasting money on it. Also I wouldn't categorize it as a sandbox game since it has some pretty obvious goals and tests the player's skill.


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The only video you need.


How is that a question? Do you think buying it is going to make you suddenly enjoy it over pirating it?
Either way Terraria hasn't been fun since the Moon Lord update it got way too bloated and comically unbalanced to the point the only melee weapons that are worth a shot are basically just ranged weapons with the melee label slapped onto them.


Actually the last major update did such a gigantic rebalance that this isn't really true anymore. In fact in my one-life master mode attempts I usually find myself gravitating towards melee weapons. The Night's Edge is actually great now, as are many other melee weapons that don't spit projectiles.


Where can I find the levels of autism that image has, on a regular basis?

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