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File: 1686667473010.jpg (62 KB, 901x865, 901:865, Hideous.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.2435[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Your new women in videogames, goy.
I have no idea which xbone game this is because I didn't watch the cuckeogoom zogslop on Sunday.
145 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



The future is men pretending to be women and browns.



Woah, a cuckchanner said it, must be true!


Lol, John, you are so funny!

[Last 50 Posts]
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>A Chinaman goes to a CDI Doctor
What did Chase mean by this?
19 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, that actually surprised me. I always thought he was just a leftist Kraut until not that long ago when he took the mask off and started ranting about how Jewish he is.


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It was 2013


>I remember
Yeah, no shit. It was posted last time Sizzler was mentioned in a thread.


That long ago already?


Look up pics of him back when he had hair, he looks more jewish than without it. Which is kinda odd because bald kikes usually have a pretty obvious skull structure.

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I want to go back and play fallout 3 again
>buy GOTY Edition off steam
>game crashes the moment I hit play
>look up wtf is wrong
>steam version is broken because of Anniversary update
>download an ass load of patches
>game crashes
>fuck steam move to GOG
>Buy GOTY Edition again
>game crashes
>do even more tomfuckery to get it to work
>I'm finally able to play
>realize I just spent 20$ on a game from 2009
fuck Bethesda
66 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>people are whores for money
wudda ya know?
I hope Amazing Atheist gets fucked in the ass by a nigger.


Hey Louie!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't most-if not all- of the people on Channel Awesome turn into hyper liberal cucks?


I enjoyed TheDistressedWatcher more than anyone else on that site. Was disappointed when he retired.


Obscurus Lupa was actually a minor Alt-Right e-celeb for a time.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Switch ports can't have good gra-


>good gra-

I wonder what OP was trying to say before he died?

I think his message, had he not had his unfortunate heart attack and died writing it, would have been

>Switch ports can't hae good gravy!

Now I don't know quite *why* OP was trying to write that, of course. I suppose that's a better question for him, but considering the unfortunate accident I suppose we'll never know…
<In the aaaaarms offfff an angelllll…


Looking at that trailer makes me wish a Switch port could actually have good graphics.


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Looks like one of those fake pre-rendered trailers from late 6th gen / early 7th gen where everyone would go WOW GAMES ARE GONNA LOOK LIKE THAT???


All gameplay footage.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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What are some actually good PC games from the 90s or super early 2000s?
I played many of them, but I suspect there's still plenty out there that I didn't have the time to play through or even money to buy back then.
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boomers are the antichrist


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Sounds like a cool guy.


So? Being anti-kikes is based.


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>They used that picture for an actual advertisement


videogames used to be counter culture and cool.
I miss those days.

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>$49.99 for 600 preloaded """games"""

I remember Gahoole has something like this for his retro gaming, but can't recall what kind exactly.
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How about this one? I've heard ok things about the KINHANK


Looked it up and it supposedly struggles to even play SNES at full speed
At that price point you can buy a low quality mini pc, or a real (used) console. Even some streaming boxes will get better perfomance. 10 years ago Playstation TVs were selling for that price.


Get yourself an old original xbox, put you a modchip in it, add a new HDD, and you've got yourself the finest emulation machine ever made m8y


Well shit. I already have an old xbox


same model is available on aliexpress for $35 shipped, always check to make sure you're not being scammed by resellers when buying from amazon and ebay

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<<Captain, have I told you what my favorite color is today?>>

Yes< >No

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Ummm /ch3/sisters??? What the FUCK is this???
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Looks like an accurate depiction to me.


>i'm being harassed
>i want reparations
>i could be attacked
>give me the number of a lawyer who will work pro-bono
Almost like this is yet another ploy for gibs by a mentally ill man in a dress.


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>The random guy who out of nowhere falls onto the tranny


Zoomers have had enough of these freaks lmao.


Elliot hulse was right about zoomer

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>he plays Mario games for the plot


this might be official news but it's been known since the original was announced that they were already working on the sequel
I unironically did for Paper Mario, but Miyamoto got pissy and shut it down


They're probably making a new Mario RPG, since they remade the original, and the remaster of The Thousand-Year Door is coming out soon.


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They did replace Bowser with a toad and an alien during the early years of the franchise, at least they threw in some variety unlike in NSMB.


In addition to the Super Mario Land series, all of the Mario RPGs had antagonists other than Bowser.

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>Where is everyone?… and why do I taste blood?


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>Oh, Simon… Your sword, Laxasia, swears to protect this tower.



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Unbelievably ludokino

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