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File: 1686667473010.jpg (62 KB, 901x865, 901:865, Hideous.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.2435[Last 50 Posts]

Your new women in videogames, goy.
I have no idea which xbone game this is because I didn't watch the cuckeogoom zogslop on Sunday.


>people are paying for this


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>It can't get any uglier than this.
Hold my yamalka.


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They want everyone dumb and ugly. I mean, if being ugly is part of the character I'm fine with it, but they are making ugly characters for years now only to push their agenda. Even normalfags are tired of it.


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Gaming has never been better chuds!


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Endless niggers and troonfems.


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>Blackpill thread #3523634673573
Fuck off


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Kill yourself


Only one of those are decent and she still has a boyish haircut


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>One girl in one scene in one shot is tolerably pretty enough to be tolerable to look at.


>complaining about the appearance of a customizable protagonist
Can the average IQ on this board get any lower?


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Not just that but
>Concept art that is not even in the games
>Character models from first person games
>Models that aren't ugly, just not white
>Models that aren't ugly, just making a silly/angry face

OP said it himself he is not even interested in games and is just using it as an opportunity to virtue signal and use all the new buzzwords his e-daddies taught him


Holy fuck I always wanted a latinx girlfriend


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They gave her a big bunda too, I hope Phantom Liberty makes 2077 a somewhat decent experience


I was mocking you, retaard


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you WILL watch the Microsoft zogslop
you WILL pay the 70 dollars
you WILL appreciate always online
you WILL play the woke nufem characters
you WILL love the "customizable" women
you WILL love smelly dumb Zoomer scum
you WILL buy the "remake"
you WILL lust after the strong, mouthy, independent half nigger
you WILL appreciate gaming journalism


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GODern games won


He's being ironic.


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you WILL transition


Hey, cool it with the white supremacy.


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Uh oh somebodys cranky


Why the webring adopted this concept of "any small critics about subject X is blackpill"?


Its ni/gg/er-tier logic as if a blackpill is even a bad thing, if anything it should be a wake up call.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Nobody here is a neonazi, we just don't like woke in our games.


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Nuzach can seethe, but yes, I'm a NatSoc and a Super Ramon enjoyer.
I eat the JBalvin meal while listening to Rex Viper. Deal with that, pleb.


>I am a porn addicted incel


>"I am a porn addicted incel" said the browned eye incel known as Nuzach, looking at his folder with pictures of black cocks and having a little boner, his jewish-mexican blood inflate his small member that will never be touched by a woman.


>I'm a NatSoc
Then how about you do the rest of us NatSocs a favor and cease posting images of this disgusting piece of genetic shit? About the only way I ever want to see him is swinging in an oak tree with his dead nigger eyes glazed over in death.


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Weak bait, here's a pity (You), Jewzach


The only kind of women I accept in vidya:
>big tits
>big ass
That's it. That's LITERALLY it. And no, other races fuck off.


interesting how you only become a "natsoc" when it suits you and never complains about Luis C.K posting
very JEWISH attitudes coming from you, my fellow "white"

what about Taki from Soul Calibur or Sheva Alomar from RE5?


>Ramon Coon


>"kys", said the brown mexican incel


The only time a woman should be in a game, is if it's a housewife npc.
Although those shouldn't exist either, since men should strive to STOP playing with electronic toys, and spend time with their children, doing backyard farming, etc.


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Good bait.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
YWNBAM Ramonposter
But you're still cool


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Good, bro.
/ita/ used to be one of my main boards back when it was on alogs.theguntretort, Nuzach is the one jersey mullato jew or latinx larping as "med". Really sad, he was pictures semi nude pajeets and arabs in his hd to show his "med" heritage.
Btw Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere is gem. Check the songs I'll be posting in the OST thread


Not him, but Taki is hot. Did they shrink her tits in the new one? I haven't played Soul Calibur since V.


The Fable series has never had a character customizer. At most you could only choose between male and female versions of the same character. And there is no mention whatsoever of there being a custom character creator in this one so far. Stop pretending to be contrarian.


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>Why the webring adopted this concept
The webring is not one person dummy, personally I am tired of this site being used as a whining post for the biggest fucking losers on the planet, how about have some fun or fuck off


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Hey, Gayhoole
Fuck you.


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Who says we are not having fun? We are just breaking your balls a little.
Go get ya fucking McDonalds box!


>I am tired of this site being used as a whining post for the biggest fucking losers on the planet
If you leave that won't be a problem anymore.




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I wanted to have fun, but I compromised, I started shitposting on imageboards instead.


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Taki looks pretty much the same in SCVI, as far as I can tell.
Also, they've got 2B in the game.


Did they preserve Gainax bounce?


I haven't done an in-depth comparison of the bounce physics between each game, but I think they look fine in SCVI.
You can see for yourself. Here's a pretty long youtube video of SCVI Taki in her normal costume:


t. Sneedious, the furfag
t. Yakuzapedo


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>its customizable! There is no wider leftist troon/feminist agenda!!
Fuck you, eat shit and die.


You have to go out of your way to make them that ugly.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Game journalist sisters, our response?


Who in the absolute NIGGER FUCK was hyped for the new Fable after the first one was a complete fucking disaster of undelivered concepts.


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/pol/troon moment


>/trannypol/ is back.
Long time, no see losers
>when you're a leftist and leftists control every aspect of cultural production but you want to sill pretend to be the radical underdog because otherwise you would realize you're a fraudulent piece of shit
Dilate, tranny.


yellow fever faggots


She practically looks White in-game, her eyes are round. I'm not attracted to Asians IRL.


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Yeah I'm not reading that, lose weight and go outside


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Get owned hahahhahaha


What did they mean by this?


What's the difference between waifufags and tumblrinas? They always end up defending their retarded Mary Sue's by grasping at straws.


At first I thought that was some troon's self-insert, but then I remembered Fable's setting is based on Brittan and they're just being accurate to real life.


Fuck yourself, tranny.




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Matrix character vs Ethot




It's the jews. It's not just because they're hiring any cunt or troon off the street to make these games. It's part of the jewish agenda to debase the culture in all sectors of entertainment.


Jews are only piece of the puzzle.


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Pic related.

Wrong, I usually don't like asian women, but Taki is top tier vidya waifu.

Can this ugly gook kill himself already? One time he tries to grift the left, then he tries to grift the right, then once again disavow the right and tries to grift left again.
Now his little youtube channel is trying to be part of the "anti-sjw" comicgate crew to get some money and relevance again.

At first I thought that was some troon's self-insert
It's actually a dev self inserting, an ugly tranny "no-binary" with hairy arms.



the funniest thing about this shit is that the fable has never had a character creation feature, and this newest one also most likely doesn't. because if it actually does they would have teased the fuck out of it. and that means they deliberately made the character that ugly.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Not reading that
What a hot take, did you take notes from inbreedtubers?


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ITT: Proof that gamers are dead.
It's settled then.


ugly tranny




From which race is that tranny? Latinx?




Extra gross


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*dead brain


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Bathesda Champion just btfo'd y'all chuds.


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So, we are all pathetic for talking about an ugly video game character being ugly. I get it.
Also Linux makes you gay.


He's getting uglier the more I see him in the catalog.


She's just the average anglo woman, bro.


Let's ban makeup and see what happens.


Don't you remember that app that removed makeup from woman???


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once again 4chan is winning and dabbing on left-wingers, while webring coons are acting like parasites and jerk off to cp.

yakuza won


Guys, if you complain about "xir" looks you're an incel and loser, simple as.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>A video about a tweet.
kill me


If you cry about feminists taking your cum cums away because a character model in a pre release trailer doesn't look like how you want it to look (a character that is unnamed and has never appeared in any media before whatsover) then you are an incel


You're implying it's not an orchestrated press release designed to create incels then.


>You're implying it's not an orchestrated press release designed to create incels then.
What does that even mean?


If a reaction to said press release causes someone to be an incel, and if that press release was designed to produce that reaction, they are purposely creating incels.


Do you not know what that word means?


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>you're an incel!


If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is near to hear it, does it make a sound?
Nobody would be saying incel. The word didn't exist until dup entered office causing libs to seethe like psychopathic maniacs, producing the most anti-right wing content in the history of entertainment. It's not even primarily virgins that are upset with things like the OP, yet the label persists anyways because of legless arguments in support of heinous creations.


I remember it being suddenly pushed by the media as a counter to "cuck" and its derivatives. Even on 4chan it was suddenly used by everyone to mock anyone who doesn't 100% agree with MSM narratives. But then around 2018 or so regular anons also started using it themselves and turning it into a suffix to all kinds of insults, much like "cuck" was, resulting in stuff like wokecel, femcel, trooncel etc which kind of slowed down the inorganic posters from using it to shut right wingers up. Right after that memers also started spamming "chad" everywhere which once again prompted the birth of the completely reactionary term "chud" as the social engineers quickly ran out of ideas.


Welcome to the new age of content, be on imageboards, be on youtube.


Maybe you should try to have sex and act less like an incel.


Maybe you should kys, /trannypol/.


Chud is hilarious because it doesn't make sense outside the context of Chad which nobody gives a fuck about anyway except the left having meltdowns about it. It's like someone threw a blanket over the top of some mad lefty, and they are swinging wildly without being able to see and just hitting walls with the blanket edge flaps. If I called someone a Chud irl, they wouldn't know what the fuck I was talking about.


I hate /trannypol/, but you should act less spergy.
They still use the term regardless, since they are fucking retarded and uncreative.


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heckin chuderino detected


The full clip is better.



I don't have it anymore.


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Found it


Wow, based.


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Similar case with "chungus", they shit out that word just to spite rightwingers that you can be funny while being politically correct.



I don't get it, why it's based? It's some /trannypol/ cope?


>I don't get it
We know


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This is the hotter female from western games in years




>/trannypol/ would say "Black lives don't matter."
I mean maybe they would if they were broken and suffering social shaming.
They say the left are the real racists.


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A self pat on the shoulder, just like "X character is trans, because I said so"




Yes, tumblr. Tumblr is an amazing place to actually found art, pulp magazines, lolcows and even some actually based boomers and soccer moms.
More useful than Twitter, less cringe than reddit.


I dismiss the opinion of any cat faggot.


Funnily enough its censorbots scared away the lewd artists and dragged their degenerate rainbow cattle to twitter, leaving the remaining narcissists (the ones who refuse to leave behind their e-fame built since 2014) to get shit on by da bigots. The site practically became another DeviantArt.


Yes, even some of the extremely mentality ill "otherkin nobinary AGP trannies" on tumblr dabs on twitter users. For them, anyone using tumblr is second class.
The few tumblr users may act like tsunderes, but they would rather to be around cuckchanners instead of twitterfags.


Gaming becoming popular was a mistake.




It's Fable.


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back when gaming wasn't as big this is what 'women in gaming' meant


>tfw no underage loli brothel madam

why even live bros


god i hate my life


Back to Mark's site you fucking freaks


Dude that's Mark you're replying to


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So Epstein was the real hero? Btw breadtuber Vaush got caught with degenerate porn in one of his streams, would you side with him?


Here we fucking go. Can't even make a shitpost anymore.


Do you think he'll post his titties?


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He should post his ass instead.


I'm glad his mpreg fantasies finally came true!


Good. This is the representation women deserve. Just ugly fat mutts.


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Please, go back to zzzchan.


go back zzzpedo


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Antea is cute :)


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>Antea is cute :)


Yes yes I know WMBF ludo is very upsetting for you but there's no need for that


From which game is that shit? Another medieval Europe game or what?



The future is men pretending to be women and browns.



Woah, a cuckchanner said it, must be true!


Lol, John, you are so funny!

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