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File: 1686667473010.jpg (62 KB, 901x865, 901:865, Hideous.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.2435[View All]

Your new women in videogames, goy.
I have no idea which xbone game this is because I didn't watch the cuckeogoom zogslop on Sunday.
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I hate /trannypol/, but you should act less spergy.
They still use the term regardless, since they are fucking retarded and uncreative.


File: 1687828595178.mp4 (186.85 KB, 290x514, 145:257, IRL_soyjak_fucking_chud_TK….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

heckin chuderino detected


The full clip is better.



I don't have it anymore.


File: 1687971416738.mp4 (8.97 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, chud school.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Found it


Wow, based.


File: 1688005231482.png (434.19 KB, 720x408, 30:17, Wonder Redditor.png) ImgOps iqdb

Similar case with "chungus", they shit out that word just to spite rightwingers that you can be funny while being politically correct.



I don't get it, why it's based? It's some /trannypol/ cope?


>I don't get it
We know


File: 1688052920624.jpg (82.72 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Tumblr_l_6438195728612.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

This is the hotter female from western games in years




>/trannypol/ would say "Black lives don't matter."
I mean maybe they would if they were broken and suffering social shaming.
They say the left are the real racists.


File: 1688107589018.png (81.34 KB, 720x598, 360:299, Nice comeback roastie, you….png) ImgOps iqdb

A self pat on the shoulder, just like "X character is trans, because I said so"




Yes, tumblr. Tumblr is an amazing place to actually found art, pulp magazines, lolcows and even some actually based boomers and soccer moms.
More useful than Twitter, less cringe than reddit.


I dismiss the opinion of any cat faggot.


Funnily enough its censorbots scared away the lewd artists and dragged their degenerate rainbow cattle to twitter, leaving the remaining narcissists (the ones who refuse to leave behind their e-fame built since 2014) to get shit on by da bigots. The site practically became another DeviantArt.


Yes, even some of the extremely mentality ill "otherkin nobinary AGP trannies" on tumblr dabs on twitter users. For them, anyone using tumblr is second class.
The few tumblr users may act like tsunderes, but they would rather to be around cuckchanners instead of twitterfags.


Gaming becoming popular was a mistake.




It's Fable.


File: 1707900999407.png (1.47 MB, 1731x874, 1731:874, PAin2003.png) ImgOps iqdb

back when gaming wasn't as big this is what 'women in gaming' meant


>tfw no underage loli brothel madam

why even live bros


god i hate my life


Back to Mark's site you fucking freaks


Dude that's Mark you're replying to


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So Epstein was the real hero? Btw breadtuber Vaush got caught with degenerate porn in one of his streams, would you side with him?


Here we fucking go. Can't even make a shitpost anymore.


Do you think he'll post his titties?


File: 1708141854181.png (17.58 KB, 407x150, 407:150, juicy.png) ImgOps iqdb

He should post his ass instead.


I'm glad his mpreg fantasies finally came true!


Good. This is the representation women deserve. Just ugly fat mutts.


File: 1708303425016.jpg (50.69 KB, 600x653, 600:653, Miiverse feminism.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Please, go back to zzzchan.


go back zzzpedo


File: 1709403416623.jpg (322.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, z542bP3dF86idQohwANADN.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Antea is cute :)


File: 1709406679971.jpg (47.6 KB, 600x564, 50:47, EL AMERICANO.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Antea is cute :)


Yes yes I know WMBF ludo is very upsetting for you but there's no need for that


From which game is that shit? Another medieval Europe game or what?



The future is men pretending to be women and browns.



Woah, a cuckchanner said it, must be true!


Lol, John, you are so funny!


She is an 7/10 in the UK


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Reddit is now asking you to create an account so you could see their r/etarded posts
Can the current owners join the jew who killed himself?

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