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File: 1729277817999.jpg (228.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, leandros.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


What is his fucking problem


Hes a literal autist who follows a book that was never meant to be followed with complete literalness, his autism makes it more comfy for him to be a total autist and enforce it to the letter.


He is a redditor. The tense situations between him and Titus are the 40K version of you suggesting an effective method to tackle a problem, and the redditor next to you instead asks "Source?". It is possible he asked the machinefuckers to turn Titus into a Primaris because Titus did not become a Chaoscuck at all until he died to that Carnifex, so Leandros wanted another go at proving himself right.


He was intended to be the 'stuffy conservative who can't get with the times' who's wrong about everything because he follows the rules that have been in place for generations.


He even got punished by being maid chaplan because now hes not fully trusted by anyone at this point.
Hes a good modern conservative cause he preserved nothing.

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