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>theres a video game board
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Ghoul is a fed


>There will NEVER be a video game board on tvch


Tarrantdup is a winner who won when gahoole said "THERE WILL NEVER BE A VIDEOGAME BOARD".
Based t-dup aka the winner


>it's an OP makes a shitty retarded thread and then blatantly self-bumps for months and possibly years episode


They never had any gun rights in NZ in the first place anon

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>We realize many of you have been anticipating news around the project that we've been calling The Last of Us Online. There's no easy way to say this: We've made the incredibly difficult decision to stop development on that game.

>We know this news will be tough for many, especially our dedicated The Last of Us Factions community, who have been following our multiplayer ambitions ardently. We're equally crushed at the studio as we were looking forward to putting it in your hands. We wanted to share with you some background of how we came to this decision.

>The multiplayer team has been in pre-production with this game since we were working on The Last of Us Part II - crafting an experience we felt was unique and had tremendous potential. As the multiplayer team iterated on their concept for The Last of Us Online during this time, their vision crystalized, the gameplay got more refined and satisfying, and we were enthusiastic about the direction in which we were headed.

>In ramping up to full production, the massive scope of our ambition became clear. To release and support The Last of Us Online we'd have to put all our studio resources behind supporting post launch content for years to come, severely impacting development on future single-player games. So, we had two paths in front of us: become a solely live service games studio or continue to focus on single-player narrative games that have defined Naughty Dog's heritage.

>We are immensely proud of everyone at the studio that touched this project. The learnings and investments in technology from this game will carry into how we develop our projects and will be invaluable in the direction we are headed as a studio. We have more than one ambitious, brand new single player game that we're working on here at Naughty Dog, and we cannot wait to share more about what comes next when we're ready.

>Until then, we're incredibly thankful to our community for your support throughout the years.

Sony has gone beyond no games and started unreleasing games
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Never actually played it, but reading articles written by some of the devs made me realize there was a lot of work put into the original game. They did a lot of groundbreaking stuff with the AI. Of course that was just the original game.


There was nothing unique about it.
It was an interactive movie, just with more gameplay than Cages shit.


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>I wanna get down to brass tacks. I wanna be very, very specific here. This illness, what does it feel like? You mentioned it's painful.
<It is. There's a tightness in my chest… difficulty breathing… and pain. Burning pain. Pain spreads everywhere.
>Sounds horrible. Does it hurt right now?
<There's always some discomfort, yes. Games are everywhere in the modern world. But I very much appreciate the indulgence of the panel… for their accommodation today. I can handle this fine.
>Right. So with the games off, you don't feel them.
<If the gameplay's not flowing, no.
>Sorry about those Stadia's. I guess they couldn't kill that for you.
<Well, they're not drawing many players, and there's no exclusives. Intensity drops off with player count per the inverse-square law.
>Got it. Got it. So if I had a small console, say… from Sony, and I got up close to your skin… you'd know?
<I would feel it, yes.
>Can you feel more games coming from any particular direction right now? From that back wall or…? From over there or up through the floor? Can you tell us where the nearest source is right now?
<Jimmy, do you have something in your pocket?
>Yes, I do, as a matter of fact. My PS5. From this distance, you should feel it, and you don't, do you?
<It's all right. It's all right. May I? Just as I thought. There's no games in here. PS5 has no games. That's a sorry little trick, isn't it?
>Yeah, you got me, Chuck. Dead to rights.


Only the first game was ever passable, and only because its narrative was still less politically correct than the second one. They still went ahead and published that shitty spin-off comic so they could say "See, we always planned for Ellie to be gay! So you do support LGBT, huh." in that stereotypical numale gotcha moment fashion. They also made sure that the only other prominent male character is a faggot, although at least you got to kill an annoyingly smug black bitch.



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>Cool designs and setting
>Fast one hit kill combat
>Level based with bosses, no open world padding
>Only real successor to Mirror's Edge

It's crazy how underrated these games are, GR2 is easily in my top 5 of the year but they're barely talked about. Anyone else played them?


>playing videogames

child detected


This, imagine playing videogames when you could be huffing with half naked men in a sweaty rolm instead and then hitting the cinema to catch up on the latest capekino and chill!


>he doesn't play vidya but would gladly shitpost about it 24/7
go back to 4cuck/v/

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It's finally over…
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>Only true OG oldfaggots know that MW2 was a shitty downgrade and normalization of COD4. I stopped playing during MW2 because it was so shit.

for me it was that it was the same exact game as MW1. WaW got a pass because at least it changed thematically and was still really good. MW2 really disappointed in that I was hoping they'd bring back vehicles like in COD3 but alas, it took them to warzone (?) to finally add them back in and by then the damage was done.

I dipped my toes back in here and there and blops 3 was pretty fun, and advanced warfare was really cool with the jetpacks changing the gameplay dynamic but of course it's the one that cod kiddies seemed to hate


>basically abolished the lobby chat
damn I haven't thought about or seen a lobby in a multiplayer game in ages. Brings me back and makes me sad desu


>That grinding system never went away. Companies just learned new psychological tricks to convince people to never stop grinding. Battle passes, daily logins, seasonal events etc

or Prestige mode, since we're talking cod


Forgot about that garbage. I remember the word now, but I don't remember what it added.


heh. The point was when you get to max rank and unlock everything you can reset your progress to 0 and do it all over again for a different shiny badge next to your name

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I was reading some reviews and something triggered me, now I've got that fucking repetitive battle theme stuck in my head.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Update [Fri 8th Dec, 2023 01:50 GMT]:

Sega dropped a bombshell at this year's Game Awards confirming it's reviving five of its classic franchises for a new generation. This includes Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi and there's apparently "more" to come!


If nintendo made a similar announcement there would be a massive buzz, but it's Sega


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They all look good too, especially Shinobi. This is awesome.

>If nintendo made a similar announcement there would be a massive buzz, but it's Sega
Xbox, Sega and Konami are all back, so I hope the Nintendo/Sony bias dies off for good this generation


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Also on topic, I missed this announcement but Wayforward is making a new Contra


I saw that, too. It looks killer.

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What did he mean by this?


Hussle don't stop, yo. Playas always play. Nomasayin?


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>Monster Hunter with a fully fleshed out ecosystem + day and night system
Stop, my dick can only get so hard
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Monster Hunter has never been my thing either. Dragon's Dogma feels more like a fully fleshed out version of the idea.
he means it's a spinosluts thread clearly


>open world monhun
The goyslop must flow. I use to like Monster Hunter, but I've given up on the series after they started the body type 1&2 instead of male and female and (((westernizing))) armor designs.


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>Monster Hunter

Can I go black in it?


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I love it when you hold me, Savage Deviljhoji
You can be the switch-axe thing, I'll be the HBG
Girl, you looks good, won't you axe that thang up?
You's a handsome young hunter, won't you axe that thang up?
Hunting in real life, you need to axe that thang up
Pukei pukei all night, you need to axe that thang up



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Does anyone want to play Smash tonight? My friend code is SW-0750-5115-4046.


Sorry, I don't even own the right hardware.

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Nexus Mods has deleted a mod that allowed players to change the gender and voice of one of Baldur's Gate 3's most popular minor characters, making one of the game's canon gay relationships heterosexual.

The now-deleted mod altered the angelic Dame Aylin, turning her into a man. It even used AI to alter the voicelines to make them sound more masculine. "A Reimagining of Nightsong. Meet Ser Aylin, a slightly more polite and male version of Dame Aylin," the mod's description read.
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I love lesbian characters, they always lose to my cock on my modded playthroughs


>Banned mods
How can there be such a thing?
It sounds like by "banning" it, they are advertising the game.


>Did you know the game was actually for fags the whole time?
>Yeah, here's proof. They banned an anti-fag mod that completely changed the game because it was actually a fag game.

>Bro, did you hear there's finally an anti-fag mod for the game?

>yeah bro they banned it but you can like still get it and shit


There is no such thing as negative publicity and they know people will still put the mod up in other places. They will also use the fact that players are using the mod in the first place to say "see, our game's that good, even the chuds want to play it so bad they had to go that far"


>There is no such thing as negative publicity and they know people will still put the mod up in other places.
Larian doesn't run Nexus mods

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This looks like it's shaping up to be one of the last big releases for Switch.

I learned about this yesterday, and I recalled how much fun the original Layton games were, the best the DS had to offer imo. I tried running them in Retro Arch and the touch controls just aren't playable, then I learned they remastered the first three games on Android, so I bought them. They are fantastic on my tablet.

Anyone else hyped for new Layton?


Only thing that makes me wary is that Layton 7 (aka Lady Layton aka LAYTON'S MYSTERY JOURNEY™: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy) was really really bad. 6 I also felt was not as good as the first 5. This one looks more like a return to form but 7 especially makes me nervous.

Most people probably don't even know that New World of Steam is Layton 8.


I read that the chief puzzle designer died, not sure if he had anything to do with Katrielle. I haven't played that one yet, so I don't have an opinion on it.

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