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File: 1718227604539.jpg (611.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, darkages.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>Dat parry
>Dat dragon combat
>Dat mech combat
>Dat 2016 color palette

I'm gonna cum


File: 1718245834422.jpg (376.9 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, Doom.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Looks nothing like Doom
>Chromatic aberration
I'm gonna puke


Doom 2016 was very good.


Doom hasn't looked like that in 30 years


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Doom is about SciFi Military vs Hell
All these new games are just Superhero vs Hell


Fuck you.


>Liking an action FPS game that starves you of ammo for 3 second animations
>Liking an action FPS game that punishes you for shooting things instead of doing 3 second cutscenes
>Liking an action FPS game about speed with forced sections that slow down the gameplay
No thanks, the explpration is also piss poor compared to the originals or even 3.
It's super fucking linear.


Doom used to be all about the map making, hosting your own custom multiplayer or coop servers and having fun. You could also delve into the source code if that was your idea of fun. Even doom 3 for all its faults had that going for it.

These new games look and feel like generic shooters that are doom in name only.


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>These new games look and feel like generic shooters that are doom in name only.


I recommend you play 2016 Doom. It really is free from all the problems of modern gayming.


It really isn't COD. It's very old school in its genes.


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Immersive sims > first-person pooters


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Ah, yes… "Doom".


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actual games > story-telling simulators


Gutter trash


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>Liking an action FPS game that starves you of ammo for 3 second animations
>Liking an action FPS game that punishes you for shooting things instead of doing 3 second cutscenes
>Liking an action FPS game about speed with forced sections that slow down the gameplay

If you just want to point and shoot there are thousands of boomer shooters for you to zone out to, I like that NuDoom isn't actually afraid to throw some mechanics at you and expect you to utilize them, rather than just chewing through everything with the SSG on autopilot


> I like that NuDoom isn't actually afraid to throw some mechanics at you and expect you to utilize them
I am a "old=good, new=bad" type of guy but if they want to make a new Doom game but add more shit to it, they should make it as a spinoff and have the ads say that it's not 100% Doom but the 'charm' is there. But we all know that they wanna grab dat nostalgia dough.


Just pretend it's a spinoff then…? Is it that hard?


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The best thing about original Doom is I don't have to wade through a bunch of nanny spyware bullshit to play my fucking game.


Do trannies and redditors still pretend to love Nu-Doom?


Ypu mean this?
>dragon combat
>mech combat
>2016 remake color palette
What's your opinion?


little faggot


So it seems.


Did troons like nudoom? I can see retardditors loving it with the last game doing the 'akculashe god is evil' reddit atheist shit, but I don't think I've seen any men in dresses pretending to like it.


OG Doom community is full of modders and speedrunners so do the math…


Well this looks like shit. On the other hand just the other day I played a nice little oldie Doom II pwad called Biowar. You should check it out lads.


Oh yeah that's the other thing. Trannies also infest oldschool Doom. Just look at the profile pictures of some of the users in Doomworld. Not only that, there are rules about saying no-no words in oldschool Doom servers. I have met some semi-redpilled people in those servers though. The thing is, it's a lot easier to ignore those players because you're playing Doom and you can let the nostalgia goggles wash over you.


Another thing to add is that ANY fringe community (Doom community) will always have trannies in them. Don't believe me? Try searching around neocities websites. Some of them have weird colors a man owning a website shouldn't have.


It doesn't surprise me at all because majority of troons are just male nerds and they have the exact same interests after they trooned out as they did before. The best example is Fallout New Vegas which troons have tried to claim as a "trans" game, ignoring the obvious which is that it's a game aimed at male nerds which is what they are.


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This picture actually makes the redditors and trannies be assblast to the point of needing to samefag to cope about.


>Doom 3
Get outta here with that shit.


I never understood why Doom gets all the love when Quake was an improvement in every aspect.


Because it's not anywhere near as good.


How? Doom doesn't have y-axis aiming, sprite-based enemies are problematic when you're on a different plane, etc. I love Doom, but with Quake they basically took Doom and improved on everything it lacked.


Except for being slower and uglier.


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Biggest problem with Quake is level design as they had to precompute all the maps which made iterating on them during development almost impossible and placed severe limitations on how they could be designed which becomes apparent if you know what to look for. Then there were the technical limitations so you were engaged with very few enemies at the same time compared with Doom.


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>Not putting the banned DOOM mods


Doom is not 3D, therefore you do not have to stress your brain into turning your head around. That's why most anons prefer 2D platformers.


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It's interesting how the map design complexity is like night and day compared with Descent.


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Oldcasuals when the game requires more than WASD and mouse click to win


>Doom is not 3D
When is this stupid meme going to die…

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