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Samus will be a tranny.


Nintendo is pretty fucked at this point, not sure what else to say
they're still gonna be successful, but I'm not really interested in playing their shit anymore


>sequel to an old IP after 10+ years with none of the original developers written by a tranny or wymin with tie-dyed hair
Yep. It's another shitty numake. Point and laugh then move on.


Excellent, another snail-paced FPS with trash platforming masquerading as a Metroid. This time with writing. That's what Metroid needs: more writers.


Metroid sucked from the very beginning when they had to make the MC a fucking woman. Like wtf were the japs thinking? Imagine being a guy who plays female or nigger MC in video games.


There's a good reason why nobody brings up Metroid when arguing about Nintendo's strongest franchises, in fact Metroid tries way too hard to be hecking edgy but falls flat at every fucking aspect, even the last time R&D devteam gave a shit about it was just a Wario Land with a different coat of paint.


Is just me, or anyone else around here ALWAYS hated Pink Floyd fans?


>There's a good reason why nobody brings up Metroid when arguing about Nintendo's strongest franchises
I will admit I am confused by this stateemnt. People always bring up Metroid, besides Mario or Pokemon.


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>In 2015, following an article published by The Mary Sue that suggested Samus Aran was a transgender woman (which cited a potentially transphobic statement made by Hirofumi Matsuoka in 1994), Fausti tweeted her support for the idea and personal belief that Samus is and will be transgender.[1] This tweet was liked by the article's author Brianna Wu, but it has since been deleted.
This transhumanist shit needs to be fucking uprooted from our hobbies and hung to the tree of order and sanity. All this activism needs to be purged and the people responsible need to be banned from participating in real life. Let them live under fucking bridges, we'll see how far their "non-binary" and tranny shit will take them then.


Just because some autist obsessed with fighting their idpol crusade posted something on Wikipedia doesn't actually mean the rest of the world gave a shit about it.


I've always wondered about the hygiene of nose piercings. I have to assume they get encrusted with boogers easily, and unlike human skin metal is not self-cleaning. Just imagine all the snot that's accumulated and dried even after a couple days of wearing one…


There's Animal Crossing, the Mii games and recently Splatoon is gaining popularity.

>Hirofumi Matsuoka
You forgot they mentioned that he was the CREATOR, not some random designer who just doodled some sketches for the games but referred as the creator, peak journalism right there. Of course googling his name would be too much and desperately they needed to btfo the chuds.


I've only ever known one Pink Floyd fan, and that was their entire personality. All they'd talk about was Pink Floyd.


I tried to be force myself to like Pink Floyd back in my teenage years, but now I've given up. I guess I like The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and The Dark Side of the Moon well enough (although they're still overrated), but the other albums I've heard are only good for inducing narcolepsy. Their songs can be like ambient music at times but without interesting atmospheres, timbres, or anything else that can make ambient music appealing. It make me wonder how many people out there even truly like them or just feel like they have to pretend to because of pretentious college stoners pushing them as a "deep" band cool people are into.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
As far as the Nintendo Direct, I'm more excited about Echoes of Wisdom and Mario & Luigi: Brothership.


haven't the last few mario and luigi games all been shit though? that's what I heard


I only played the one for GBA, haven't played any of the others.


Odyssey isn't bad.


Odyssey was the one with the body switching hat, right? Weren't there some twittertroons saying Mario was a tranny because you could put him in a dress or something?


That was just a gag with the amiibo. Not necessary to beat the game.


you can make him wear peach's wedding dress


lmao this faggot is excited for woke zelda game lmao.


it feels like that article on that one fan created wiki is only referred to when it's about discussing this franchise on this type of forums because i have never seen any normie ever mentioning it, fucking die violent deads, all of you, niggers.



All me.


>playing as Zelda makes it woke


hey you're not me


eat shit niglet


Does that mean that new Mario games are over?


Blue haired pedo freak.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Speaking of activists who got hired through nepotism: Everyone's must be jealous of this James MaoZeo Wong despite being the typical stuck up gook who hates white people because they got bigger cocks, /v/irgins still defend and jizz their pants to whatever Nintendo shits out.

>Not posting the actual kino
How dare these contrarians not falling in line and shout!?
And instead they said the most unthinkable responses:
>Looks like shit
<Enough with the RPG's NINTENDO

The crayola eating spastic has finally left /v/ just to stumble across people who are not indoctrinated up the ass and criticize that Nintendo's Direct sucked as usual.


odyssey isn't part of the Mario and Luigi series
Mario and Luigi specifically refers to an action JRPG series comparable to Paper Mario


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>action JRPG
Now we've really reached new heights of genre confusion. This is what an actual action RPG looks like. The Mario RPGs are all turn-based games.


Yes and no. The battles are turn-based but with timed actions, and there is a fair amount of platforming outside of battles.


I sort of wish they'd bring Super Mario 64's gimmick of having the character beat the shit of his opponents, but this time you get to choose Mario or Luigi a la GTA 5. But then, Nintendo also follows this trend of playing it safe.


*clears throat*
That direct was fucking trash:
>Mario and Luigi Brotherhood: go to the polls
>NES championship featuring commentary from black speedrunners
>One Piece Rip-Off the Videogame
>More JRPG slop!!!
>Sports switch 2 twerking update!
>Silk Song ripoff because real Silksong is never happening
>Disney woke tranny mouse plataformer DLC
>Hello Kitty farming sim cause we need another one RIGHT?!?!
>Looney Tunes multiversus skibbidy basketball videogame
>Shitty palworld farming sim rip-off
>DK country but Dixie is a tranny
>Batch of Dragon Quest demakes to bank of Toriyama's Dead
>LUIGI'S MANSION 2 (yes again)
>The rolling retard mmo
>Metal Slut TD without succubus, females and Dio is now a Tranny
>Darkest dungeon (the bad one (2) )
>Gameboy Advance and N64 games, $50 each.
>Perfect Dark 64 (the censored one)
>Kick Scammers simulator: Fight stick edition
>super Mario Party DLC this late into the switch lifespan
>Legend Of Zelda: Gone Woke, now it's up to the all powerful and asexual Princess Zeldass to save the useless Twink LINK!!!!! Sheik is confirmed trans
>Just Dance: The globohomo injection continues: your kids are next!
>Lego Nikocado Adventures (not an exclusive)
>The game about a cat and trans robots: 5 years later
>The Hobbit: BLM simulator
>Miles Edgeworth: journey into the noose
>NOT Danganronpa: school shooters are all white
>Genshit but Elden Ring But Xenoblade
>Metroid Prime 4: 10 years and still same shit
I'm amazed they didn't mention how Samus is now trans but i did saw the trans flag decal on the morph ball.
TL;DR: Nintendo Is no longer a videogame company, they have gone woke, for good this time.


>I'm amazed they didn't mention how Samus is now trans but i did saw the trans flag decal on the morph ball.
Of all the things to criticize Nintendo for why just make up shit that didn't happen


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>Remake of first party game
<Another fucking Wahoo RPG so the few terminal online fans can finally shut the fuck up
<More slop for the "You Own Nothing" emulators, not bothering to unlock the cross-platform features of course
The competition just fucking shot themselves and let Nintendo be cancerous as ever.


Is it okay to fap to big titted Zelda (rule 34)?


>"You Own Nothing" emulators
you talking about the emulators Nintendo officially made?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Stray port looks promising. I always wanted to play it. Other than the framerate, it looks pretty close to the original.


>copypasting posts from 4um




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>I always wanted to play it
pls, bleed out from your dick wound while hanging yourself.
tranny freak!


>cross plataform features
oh boy i have always wanted to play starfox 64 with my fellow gamers on xbox.


Yes, long ago during the N64 and GCN era they greenlit the idea of having games sharing unlockable features by obtaining cross-platform accessories for both portable and home consoles, something they didn't give a shit and won't fix that. Only Super Mario Advance 4 got the privilege of having its unused e-reader levels available on the get go, but nothing else.


You're absolutely obsessed with troons, you shoehorn them into every conversation that has nothing to do with them. Seek help.


To be fair, the shitty cat game is pretty tranny


You could also look at a vision of the dystopian future with trans robots that the cat explores as a warning, rather than a promotion of it.


you are no less of a tranny watcher so wtf.


I just read your posts and I spent the entire time repeating the words "this is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes…" under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of the my for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy quirky shitpost mockery lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place


>I spent the entire time repeating the words "this is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes…"
Are you okay? Sounds like a psychological issue.

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