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Best generation EVAH!
Who here agrees?


>No live service shit
>2-3 year development times
>Open world template not applied to everything yet
>Playstation & Xbox making fun shooters and platformers instead of movie games
>Konami and Valve still making games
>Bethesda and Bioware among others not yet gone to shit

It was kino


>This is what 360 kids actually believe


Every era of gaming had good and bad games. PS2 is one of the best consoles of all time, it was also a shovelware magnet with an insane amount of shit games. PC has had the full spectrum of great games to completely broken unfinished brick your PC games. Even in the rotten state of the current games industry, there are still masterpieces being made. It's arbitrary to say games were shit after X date, it doesn't even make any sense


>PS2 is one of the best consoles of all time
To this day I continue to be completely baffled by this assertion.


6th gen was the biggest leap in terms of visuals, but 7th gen is where the games matured with the graphics.


Don't let it take over your life Anon.
You can't expect to figure out everything.


File: 1716889346151.mp4 (1008.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Oh Dear, I Seem to Have Sp….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>This is what 360 kids actually believe




Honestly, PS1 is way better than PS2.
PS2 has some bangers (DMC, MGS3), but those games do a lot of heavy lifting for the library.
A lot of games people rave about on PS2, I actually don't care for that much.
Ico, and SotC, boring, don't give a shit.
Silent Hill 2, far too annoying with the level design where corridors all look the same.
Okami, beautiful, but it's like the worst of all bad Zelda design trends.
Zone of the Enders 2, actually just bad. Super shallow combat system that you can't really do anything with other than mash.


I think 7th gen graphics have maybe aged the worst out of anything.
Not only do you have Unreal 3 all over the place, with it's texture pop-in issues, you have that awful design trend of making everything brown as fuck.
Characters often look rubbery and shiny, and hair looks bad, which was actually less of an issue in previous gens.


The 360/ps3 era was the best.


It was ass.


Xbox 360 was such a piece of shit that they had to extend the warranty by several years which still wasn't enough.
Fucking piece of shit broke 6 times on me, 3 times out of warranty. All e74 except for one E71.


True. Hello fellow oldfag.


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It was the golden age compared to what was to come.


I did enjoy the plethora of co-op games from that generation.

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