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>kike flag
>shill directive


Looks like a janny is going to face prison time for disobeying his masters.

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Female zoomers are the worst.


The first one was only successful because 99% of gamers today are normoids who think they're part of the cool kids club because they browse 4cuck. It still wasn't a good game.


Saddest part is they used 4cuck/v/ which like 4cuck /pol/ is basically "jews posting interracial cuckold porn and CP generl: the neverending edition!""


How do they spam 4cuck with CP? Proxies are banned.


>why would a FED honeypot allow their masters to post CP
An unsolvable mystery.

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I'm hyped !
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They're still going with this pile of shit? The gayme was dead on arrival and even adding normalniggers' favorite villain didn't help. Why bother continuing wasting money on propaganda no one's consuming?


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The state and bankers are on their side, they can blow all the shekels in the world just to brainwash enough goyim just to bring back Weimar to its fullest.


Damn this image is powerful


They're now labelled as anti-semites for using a dune-coon who wished death to all kikes. This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.


>This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.
It really has been amazing. The kikes have spent generations and who knows how much money on programing the NPCs to view both kikes and shitskins as victims of white nazi oppression, but forgot that they as programed in that the darker a sub-human's skin is the more oppressed they are.

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Bttter than wukong.


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So is Metal Slug X. Why shouldn't I just play that?


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Based Metal Slug chad.


Nice titters

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Won't happen. There's no way (((ubisoft))) would dare to remove a nigger from a gayme.

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kikejima knows this, hes a pathetic loser, leftist all love to humiliate themselves.


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Kojima know how to make pc version.
Deal with it


Wow. I hate it.


Kojima has always been a god to me. Knowing that he's as fascinated by trannies as I am just makes me feel more capable and smarter.


Might be part of the humiliation ritual so that he gets that pedowood movie deal.

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balvbros, our response?
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Why was the post about T-Pain's meal deleted?


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That big drumstick in the front looks like a dick.


potent chinese medicine


So their game universe also suffers from an obesity epidemic?

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Yes, initially. Only the original '80s toys that eventually got rebranded into Transformers were ever made in Japan. Today not even Diaclone, which is Takara Tomy's pride and joy in the mecha toy segment and specifically aimed at adult collectors only, is made in Japan (it's made in China). But yeah, at the same time today's Chinese brands just roflstomp whatever Bandai or Hasbro does.


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Not to mention Trannyformers or any mecha sextoys autism attracts the worst kind of faggots.


It's always the same bunch of autistic pedos overthinking and overanalyzing everything.


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They jerk off to some utter degenerate shit while acting like saints on what to validate characters as part of their flaggot cult.


>monster that eats and rapes children
<gay icon
Based faggots.

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It's not a coincidence.
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Boomers didn't teach anything to anyone and hoarded everything.
Now we suffer


Do you have a fetish for old people, paquito?


I think Weimart already destroyed japan, like, eighty something years ago, anon. They're a conquored people for longer than any of us have been alive.


Do you not?


So you're basically saying a bunch of people with all the skills and wealth already predicted America is going to die and thus they've been prepping for decades now? Wtf I love boomers now.

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South East Asians. The proper term is SEAmonkey, it avoids this confusion.


Would be funny if someone hacked their site.


Not to mention they're also leftwing but god forbid when IGN trashed the good word of Bing Bing Wahoo that's when they burned bridges with their peers, same case with many jewrnalists unless they're pushing for peaceful arsons.


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>I don't get the drama surrounding this game. Its detractors like IGN have clearly never played the game.

Because IGN used to get to "pick the winners" and influence what was popular, Wukong came out of left field and was a smash hit. After years of games journalism lauding movie games as the future, all of the top games this year are linear action games with cool designs and hot women, and they have to grit their teeth and go with it or they have no job


IGN has always sucked ass.

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