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File: 1727194833468.png (372.11 KB, 737x971, 737:971, ign.png) ImgOps iqdb




Based IGN, zun woking was being pushed by chinks anyways.


I don't get the drama surrounding this game. Its detractors like IGN have clearly never played the game. But its most vocal Twitter supporters like the fag above obviously haven't played it either. 90% of all online discussion about the game is either seething over irrelevant shit surrounding the game, or people mocking the ones seething. But then I took a glance at the game's specs and realized most people simply wouldn't be able to play it even if they wanted to kek


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Better question: who in the actual fuck still uses IGN?


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>Lefties shitting on the work of their peers at Corona Land


>Black Myth

i'm louis CK and I'm intrigued, what is the black myth???


Terminally online SEAniggers who hatebrowse its social media pages to find caps they can seethe about on Twitter. They saw Americans shitposting everywhere about IGN in like 2016 and they've been emulating it ever since because they think it's what the cool internet kids do.


Mindless cum guzzling cucks that want to read retarded fag shit that regurgitates their programingback at them and people fishing for (((IGN's))) microscopic brained takes to be mad about/laugh at, I assume.


What is a SEAnigger?


An african kidnapped by evil whitey for the transatlantic slave trade that fell off the boat on the ride over, became a mermaid, and founded atlantis


South East Asians. The proper term is SEAmonkey, it avoids this confusion.


Would be funny if someone hacked their site.


Not to mention they're also leftwing but god forbid when IGN trashed the good word of Bing Bing Wahoo that's when they burned bridges with their peers, same case with many jewrnalists unless they're pushing for peaceful arsons.


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>I don't get the drama surrounding this game. Its detractors like IGN have clearly never played the game.

Because IGN used to get to "pick the winners" and influence what was popular, Wukong came out of left field and was a smash hit. After years of games journalism lauding movie games as the future, all of the top games this year are linear action games with cool designs and hot women, and they have to grit their teeth and go with it or they have no job


IGN has always sucked ass.

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