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File: 1727240786627.jpg (120.59 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, 1727228940141031.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



It's not a coincidence.




Same haircuts, same butthurt energy, same copes.


Depressing thing is any good hearted anons during gamergay made to headway in the end.


File: 1727444993089-0.jpeg (113.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, stellarblade.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

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>Here are some hot asian women, enjoy

>Here are some hot asian women, enjoy

>Here are some hot asian women, enjoy

>Here are the dumpiest, moon faced, most androgynous asian women UE5 would physically allow us to create, fuck you


File: 1727445629896.jpg (73.78 KB, 736x1206, 368:603, The Eternal Boomer.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

USA is a decadent shithole losing it's sphere of influence and on the world stage.
Only Total Boomer Death might keep it afloat for a few more years before the Juden inevitably meet the consequences of their actions.


How so? As far I can see, other than ecelebs, most of the GG veterans are gone.


asians are fucking cucked at this point, tbqh all races are, but asian americans are just straight up garbage, mostly used to be women, but now even asian males are becoming far-left freaks since they are all incels wanting to get any form of sex


Dude, the Boomers were the only thing keeping America afloat. Total Boomer Death is what's KILLING ZOGmerica. They were the last generation who could actually do shit.


Boomers didn't teach anything to anyone and hoarded everything.
Now we suffer


Do you have a fetish for old people, paquito?


I think Weimart already destroyed japan, like, eighty something years ago, anon. They're a conquored people for longer than any of us have been alive.


Do you not?


So you're basically saying a bunch of people with all the skills and wealth already predicted America is going to die and thus they've been prepping for decades now? Wtf I love boomers now.

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