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/ch3/ - Video Games

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File: 1728151731614.jpg (83.75 KB, 960x502, 480:251, 20241005_130724.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb




Its over


>have a dev team that makes a successful game
>replace the entire team with talentless diversity hires for the sequel
Seems like a solid plan. What could possibly go wrong?


I have no idea what this is nor who these people are. Why are you playing modern video games?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Female zoomers are the worst.


The first one was only successful because 99% of gamers today are normoids who think they're part of the cool kids club because they browse 4cuck. It still wasn't a good game.


Saddest part is they used 4cuck/v/ which like 4cuck /pol/ is basically "jews posting interracial cuckold porn and CP generl: the neverending edition!""


How do they spam 4cuck with CP? Proxies are banned.


>why would a FED honeypot allow their masters to post CP
An unsolvable mystery.

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