>>9138Its basically at its core subversion of white male hero's, as an example they never kill even when they should. Roy moore the communist traitor faggot revealed like a tard that super heros are in fact very fascistic and as a commie race traitor he hated this. Like the jews he works for he made watchmen end with the message that killing millions is only okay if its for the greater good, and by greater good he meant a one world (((government))).
t. Ozymandias the good goy
In contrast Rorschach and his love/obsession with the truth and his revealing of the lie to the world was treated in the novel as bad, as evil, but because even normalniggers back than weren't that cucked they interpreted it the based way, that mask-autist was the good guy. So when you see a super hero and maybe somewhat identify with one, remember that they are just white heroic archetypes subverted for ZOG. Take Wolverine, he's a classical Germanic Berserker, he would never have fought for ZOG during WWII, or you know Marvels Thor which is a subversion of the entire Norse Pantheon. Super goy is literally jewish butthurt towards the ubermensch but basically harnessing the power of white americans into a good mongrelized jewish boyscout et cetera I could go on…