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I'm hyped !


No Epstein no buy






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Season 3???

And will they continue to give ammunition to the "anti-woke" dudes? LMAO!


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Gibs juicy chocolate milkies


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>Season 3???
I think they are locked in for 4 seasons since the game was promoted and sold based on the roadmap, I can't think of any other reason they would waste resources on it.


and all being peak woke trash, changing races or sex of the characters and making some fucking awful design


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>Shitting on the legacy on jewish superheroes
Very anti-semitic.


I remember some super Ramon poster explained years ago how capeshit was the Jews ruining goyim pulp fiction since even the less prestigious masses had greater access to culture and imagination through short stories


Its basically at its core subversion of white male hero's, as an example they never kill even when they should. Roy moore the communist traitor faggot revealed like a tard that super heros are in fact very fascistic and as a commie race traitor he hated this. Like the jews he works for he made watchmen end with the message that killing millions is only okay if its for the greater good, and by greater good he meant a one world (((government))).
t. Ozymandias the good goy
In contrast Rorschach and his love/obsession with the truth and his revealing of the lie to the world was treated in the novel as bad, as evil, but because even normalniggers back than weren't that cucked they interpreted it the based way, that mask-autist was the good guy. So when you see a super hero and maybe somewhat identify with one, remember that they are just white heroic archetypes subverted for ZOG. Take Wolverine, he's a classical Germanic Berserker, he would never have fought for ZOG during WWII, or you know Marvels Thor which is a subversion of the entire Norse Pantheon. Super goy is literally jewish butthurt towards the ubermensch but basically harnessing the power of white americans into a good mongrelized jewish boyscout et cetera I could go on…


>an example they never kill even when they should
I always just assumed that was a combination of capeshit being too scared to permanently kill off popular characters and lose potential marketability and how sanitized everything use to be in comics. I think it was called the comic code or something. Not that I know much about capeshit past the surface normalfag level.


ComicsGate is nothing but a miscarriage
>Marxists dealing with their race-traitor predecessors by just shitting out retarded propaganda fanfictions or mediocre faggot shit

Fucking Batman TAS painted the guy who treated psychopaths like zoo animals as le evil faciss while failing to explain why mass murderers deserve a second chance. No wonder why kinos such as Dick Tracy get buried because it was the total opposite:
>Subhuman crooks get killed
<Just to protect civilized people
"Civilized" is considered a dogwhistle synonym to white people.

Nicolas Maduro's half-assed cartoon is not so far from DC and Marvel.


>Chester Gould was born to Gilbert R. Gould and Alice Maud (née Miller), in a log cabin outside Pawnee, Oklahoma.[3][4] All four of his grandparents were pioneer settlers of Oklahoma.[5] One grandfather was a minister, and Gould and his family were members of the United Brethren Church.[6]

Of Course Dick Tracy gets pushed to the wayside, its literally made by an Aryan unlike most (((American))) comics.


yeah I am aware of the that but they do kill the characters off, until they don't and bring them back, I am talking about petty criminals in them. Super Heros can't be damned to killed the average criminal, rapist because that is what jews are, and you can't kill us goy cause when you kill your enemy, they win!


They're still going with this pile of shit? The gayme was dead on arrival and even adding normalniggers' favorite villain didn't help. Why bother continuing wasting money on propaganda no one's consuming?


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The state and bankers are on their side, they can blow all the shekels in the world just to brainwash enough goyim just to bring back Weimar to its fullest.


Damn this image is powerful


They're now labelled as anti-semites for using a dune-coon who wished death to all kikes. This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.


>This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.
It really has been amazing. The kikes have spent generations and who knows how much money on programing the NPCs to view both kikes and shitskins as victims of white nazi oppression, but forgot that they as programed in that the darker a sub-human's skin is the more oppressed they are.

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