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>Edgy Pac-man reboot
The 2000's are back


That Pacman advert was perhaps the most retarded thing out of the whole show.

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And as usual the cuck behind this slop is a Jew, but normalfags are unable to notice this.
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What the fuck is avowed?


He is autistic, and despise all the cope among retarded fuckers in imageboards and discord, autistic people are really easy to be forced in cults and shit like that.
Also such is the fate to all creative almost redpilled guys who love to California, they all end up becoming cucks.


They are really forcing this black fat lesbian thing, since most of black women are ugly femcels.


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I think its more like executives and all the higherups conspired to screw up gaming because they hate their retarded client base and figured they would gay up their games just to piss em off.
They probably laugh and drink champaigns and smoke cigars in their boardrooms looking at charts of what degenerate to hire and conceptualizing of how to self sabotage in the most outrages and degrading way.
They probably hold constest with other game studios who can stoop the lowest.
They come home and masturbate to the youtube videos of outraged gamers who wasted their money so rich executives can please themselfs even more, furthering their collective extacy.
Behind the scenes the exectives must hold large parties with drinking and smoking and more, large projections of pissed of gaymer videos, the laugher must be heard for miles, then they have large orgies with heaps of bodies and substances involved all while the constant thought of these worthless loser incel subhuman scum bastards have to crush every penny to make this lifestyle of theirs possible.
The people behind this must laugh so much when they die that smirk will remain on their faces, they know that no matter how low they stoop and how badly they screw up, retarded gamer kids will throw their money at them, the exectutives must contain their laugher at the constant thought that this cattle like herd of subhuman scum will always crawl back to them and enrich them, what a bunch of pathetic subhuman roaches goymers truly are, almost as low as the normgroid cattle who even works for them.


Give power to the faggot and he'll push you off from a 10 story building, a great example has to be Druckmann who was oozing his pants that he shit out a female protagonist that wasn't hypersexualized: praised by his fellow numale doormats, marxist mediocre music composer and his monkey-see monkey-do actors. Although it could be interpreted that he's obsessed with the sexuality of a 15 year old like the typical kike from his God elected tribe.
>Crash Bandicoot
>Jak and Daxter
Don't know what you're talking about.

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>Nintendo owns the rights to balls
Ermmm EAbros… it's not looking good…


Disgusting creature. The world would be a better place if all people with this phenotype were gassed.


>kiketendo literally owns the rights to a magical ball that you store an animal in
The fact that soyny and yidbox are both failing means pretendo will further regain control over whats left of vidya games.


I haven't actually seen any gameplay of palworld but I'm pretty sure it was specifically the mechanic of aiming a ball that contains a monster to release the monster that they used to patent troll palworld


EA is off the hook, after all Nintendo's cultists usually go after the outsider peasants who dare to taint their beloved imagery.

Also Valve is getting flack under the suspicion of becoming a monopoly and for not patrolling antisemitism, so much for being a babysitting platform that donated to Kumdump Harris.

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SILENCES White Male Developers + Rockstar INFESTED with Woke DEI Agenda
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Niggercattle need shit rubbed in their face for a decade before they even start to see it. This feminism/SJW/DEI shit has been getting shoved into vidya for a long fucking time and most didn't notice until like 10 years after it got to the point where (((they))) didn't feel the need for even a hint of subtlety anymore.


And the fucking jewish mafia, the mafia that barely gets represented in every medium.


>over 5 years ago
We were talking shit about it since 2013


Rockstar went downhill over 20 years ago, it started with gta3 and gta4 was the last nail in the coffin.
All this shit was comming a long way and im not suprised in the least it ended up like this.
>Niggercattle need shit rubbed in their face for a decade before they even start to see it.
Thats about right, 10 years atleast if they ever notice at all.
Who cares for this shit anyway, gta has been dead for ages, even among the ones who used to be hardcore fans and rockstar is flopping hard, wouldnt suprise me if they go out of business one day.


Are they partially guilty for starting to pull out rejected Hollywood scripts a long side with Kojimbo?
>GTA 3
Missed opportunity to not bank on the WTC by having Claude Speed plant bombs, but instead they created a shitacular plane with some pretentious memorial because there's no better way to virtual signal than in a videogame where you mass murder people. Cuckstar's developers gotta cuck out.

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Koreans will literally save gaming
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Stellar Blade got bought by ESG, feminist dykes are seething over Quixote wearing a swimsuit and recently there's a coup in which videogame companies will get affected because of "le evil capitalism" and totally not liberalism that tied South Korea with a tight dogleash.


They don't know how to make good games. They can't even save themselves.


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>They don't know how to make good games.
Lies of P is a masterpiece. Great game with zero filler, amazing visuals and despite that still runs like a dream. Even 3-4 games like that a year would completely disrupt the market


Name one Korean game without a rootkit. You can't…

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Do you want Bioware dead, anon?
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>pozzed age: AIDSgaurd writers are such castrated pathetic losers they can't even imagine being good at talking to women
Not exactly what I'd call surprising. Funny to see them admit to it though.


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Women get way more humiliated in this game TBH. The male romance options are a zesty black elf, a gay grandpa who hangs around skeletons all day, Qunari Elliot Page or Lucanis the medBVLL

Naturally the majority of women went for Lucanis, but Lucanis flirts harder with Neve, one of the other companions way harder than with the player and only stops when the romance gets locked in (good chunk into the game). If the player makes the wrong (mandatory 50/50) choice in Act 1 Lucanis rejects the player and gets with Neve by default.

What were they thinking!?


>What were they thinking!?
To put as many roadblocks as possible to normal relationships. I'd bet you have to actively avoid faggot relationships.


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>To put as many roadblocks as possible to normal relationships. I'd bet you have to actively avoid faggot relationships.
To be fair to Bioware the game has many issues but this isn't one of them, it's impossible to accidentally trigger a romance and there's no pre-release BG3 moments where you are just being friendly and they start asking to bust some crust

Gay shit is non-canon anyway, as is anything other than romancing Harding with a human male player character


How much did they make? 3 million of dollars? Even without inflation Inquisition sold more than ten million copies and that would be much more than 40 million dollars.

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How dare u steal vidyagoyms white pigsu!?

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I like Ranma


I like black men


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We all, there's nothing more sexy than a good conservative black man.


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You should spend more time sucking nigerians cocks, Yakuza.

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Yeah, I'm thinking we're back
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Yeah, indo-iranian, the same Iran beloved by many marxists due to their opposition to Israel, not the kikes themselves in theory.


>the same Iran beloved by many marxists due to their opposition to Israel, not the kikes themselves in theory
Being against Israel is being against the kikes themselves whether they realize it or not, and ancient Iranians were in fact Aryan. Even today a minority of them maintains an Aryan phenotype.


Iran and the Aryan people will prevail.


This tbh.


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No more kneeling.

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