>>9899I think its more like executives and all the higherups conspired to screw up gaming because they hate their retarded client base and figured they would gay up their games just to piss em off.
They probably laugh and drink champaigns and smoke cigars in their boardrooms looking at charts of what degenerate to hire and conceptualizing of how to self sabotage in the most outrages and degrading way.
They probably hold constest with other game studios who can stoop the lowest.
They come home and masturbate to the youtube videos of outraged gamers who wasted their money so rich executives can please themselfs even more, furthering their collective extacy.
Behind the scenes the exectives must hold large parties with drinking and smoking and more, large projections of pissed of gaymer videos, the laugher must be heard for miles, then they have large orgies with heaps of bodies and substances involved all while the constant thought of these worthless loser incel subhuman scum bastards have to crush every penny to make this lifestyle of theirs possible.
The people behind this must laugh so much when they die that smirk will remain on their faces, they know that no matter how low they stoop and how badly they screw up, retarded gamer kids will throw their money at them, the exectutives must contain their laugher at the constant thought that this cattle like herd of subhuman scum will always crawl back to them and enrich them, what a bunch of pathetic subhuman roaches goymers truly are, almost as low as the normgroid cattle who even works for them.