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SILENCES White Male Developers + Rockstar INFESTED with Woke DEI Agenda


Yeah, no shit. Cuckstar has been very open about their commitment to DEI. How is this news to anyone?


Even with the Houser brothers they were pushing for liberal morals, hence their mediocre games with spaghetti code have gotten popular with mexcrements.


Cuckstar was always anti-white and subversive.


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>(twanging noises)
Dum da da dum da dum dum da dum daaa dum
Dum da da dum da dum dum da dum daaa dum
Dum dee dum da da da da da dum


Rockstar used to be pro-White, most of their games starred White chad heroes and anti-heroes.


>depicting whites as violent criminals is pro-white


Read the subcontext of the games, your meant to dislike and think Niko is le ebil in GTIV. John Marston sells out all his friends to the feds and is dumb enough to think they would let him live when he should have tried to maintain the dictatorship in Mexico.


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This reminds me of troll posts I used to make on /pol/ back in the day.


>Rockstar was prowhite
dude, shut the fuck up.


Whether they're bad or good doesn't matter, it's a video game and you get to play as a White badass. Girls are attracted to bad bois.


>being le bad ass and attractive to shiftless whores is more important then being moral


And fucking Arthur Morgan the self-pitying cowboy cuck who for some reason despised racism despite being the norm during his era, he was never mentioned until they casted the Irish fuckboy actor and decided to pull out of their asses such character retconning and failing miserably with the plots of both games. An extended version of The Lost and Damned without the cuss words just to not upset their audience of children and dykes.

Goy vey, thank g*d they didn't make Klebbitz proud of his jewish heritage while being a (((shitstein))) with his biker gang.


>And fucking Arthur Morgan the self-pitying cowboy cuck who for some reason despised racism despite being the norm during his era, he was never mentioned until they casted the Irish fuckboy actor and decided to pull out of their asses such character retconning and failing miserably with the plots of both games.

Yeah hes a loser. Also love how they implied Dutch was somehow taking advantage of asking the natives to aid him against the feds.

>Goy vey, thank g*d they didn't make Klebbitz proud of his jewish heritage while being a (((shitstein))) with his biker gang.

Trevor briefly became a giga-aryan when he curb-stomped that loser. Oh yeah and his "multiracial" biker gang that totally exists in real life.

San Andreas was only based in the sense that it showed the reallity of bullshit kiked multuracial hellholes and how even niggers like CJ who tried to lead better lives could never truly escape the reallity of how retarded their families were.




San Andreas redpilled a lot of people so when the BLM era rolled around, we weren't surprised.


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>Trevor Phillips
<Stomping the kike with his multiracial gang
His only redeemable action, the rest was just rejected Saints Row's ideas:
>Sociopath ready to murder anyone
<But haets raciss
<He's willing to kill any race and gender equally yay upvoted big chungus moment

LA Noire comes to a second, but that's because of the aussies who went bankrupt for hiring Pedowood's actors.


Ironically because they were far away from jewish hands thet depicted (((hollywood))) accurately.


Everybody knows the Just Cause series is better anyway.


Michael Does Life was right about modern Rockstar over 5 years ago but nobody cared about the truth


Niggercattle need shit rubbed in their face for a decade before they even start to see it. This feminism/SJW/DEI shit has been getting shoved into vidya for a long fucking time and most didn't notice until like 10 years after it got to the point where (((they))) didn't feel the need for even a hint of subtlety anymore.


And the fucking jewish mafia, the mafia that barely gets represented in every medium.


>over 5 years ago
We were talking shit about it since 2013


Rockstar went downhill over 20 years ago, it started with gta3 and gta4 was the last nail in the coffin.
All this shit was comming a long way and im not suprised in the least it ended up like this.
>Niggercattle need shit rubbed in their face for a decade before they even start to see it.
Thats about right, 10 years atleast if they ever notice at all.
Who cares for this shit anyway, gta has been dead for ages, even among the ones who used to be hardcore fans and rockstar is flopping hard, wouldnt suprise me if they go out of business one day.


Are they partially guilty for starting to pull out rejected Hollywood scripts a long side with Kojimbo?
>GTA 3
Missed opportunity to not bank on the WTC by having Claude Speed plant bombs, but instead they created a shitacular plane with some pretentious memorial because there's no better way to virtual signal than in a videogame where you mass murder people. Cuckstar's developers gotta cuck out.

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