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File: 1706089987713.jpg (68.06 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Palworld-Seven-Million_01-….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb




Pokemon go had 500 million in a year, they still have a long way to go.


This isn't F2P


How will Nintendo ever recover?


Same why (((they))) always do: Lawsuits and DMCAs.


They won't, they can't touch this.
It's fucking over for them.


>they can't touch this.
I really hope so. It's funny as hell seeing all the pokepedos flipping the fuck out over this game.


What the actual fuck is Palworld? I first heard about this game a couple of days ago.


Best I can tell is that it's an indieas in small no-name dev team rather then a bunch of Californian hipster "artists" who can't get anyone to take them serious anywhere else open world crafting survival type of game kind of like that dinosaur game whatever the fuck it was called, just with not-pokemon instead of dinosaurs. And it has ruptured the anuses of nintentoddlers for "stealing" pokemon's totally original idea of capturing and using monsters to fight and pedoera types for not banning literally everyone for transphobia.


this, I figured this out a few years ago and began working on my own pokemon clone, they won't sue you, they can't even touch you, people want pokemon and are willing to buy legal bootlegs because the official games are so bad


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I consider this more proof that tendies only care about Nintendo brands and characters and not the games, Palworld is a completely different genre to Pokemon but they threw a fit because the creatures look like knockoff pokemon. Meanwhile not a peep about picrel which are a lot closer in gameplay


Am I supposed to know what this is
AI generated pokemon game?


pokemon parody game more or less


rust but with pokemon


Was checking out this well regarded pokemon youtube channel that's been at it for over 10 years to see if it would cover palword and was surprised it did. Not only that the last solely dedicated to pokemon video he did 2 weeks ago got around 3.6k views. All of his videos for the last 2 weeks have been solely about palworld and 3 of them have over 100k views.

When people like him jump ship to another brand it's probably over for pokemon.


They fucking purged the Super Mario ragdolls for Gmod, the addon was a lot more fun than whatever sterile turds they've been shitting out in the past 15 years.


I gave it a spin for a while. I don't think it's a great game but it's competent enough, and the seething over it really gives credence to the theory that modern gamers are basically just retarded brand loyalists.


>the seething over it really gives credence to the theory that modern gamers are basically just retarded brand loyalists.
It proves the opposite because the game is wildly successful. All the shit that failed game devs cry about like AI/NFTs/asset flip/copyright etc. don't matter to end users.


These aren't gamers, they're consumers.
It's all socialization and addiction to these subhumans.


The seething is exclusively from Nintendrones though, that's what he's talking about.


Yeah but he said all gamers are retarded brand loyalists which isn't true, console warriors are a loud minority. Most gamers don't even know what companies make what games outside of flagship franchises like Halo, Mario, God of War etc.


>The Pokemon killer that blew out of the water its main rival
<They only bothered to deliver a fully fleshed out game
Bear in mind the game was backed by Tencent, Nintendo has been dropping the ball lately that even governments can easily steal their costumers.


>Bear in mind the game was backed by Tencent
No it wasn't, it was made by an independent Japanese studio


That's what the press story is; a small ragtag gang of game devs beat all the odds and made a massive viral hit. One was even hired at the nearest convenience store supposedly. The industry press isn't going to stray from that story.

Just as Chinese companies hire white people as representatives for their companies to give them prestige, the term is called 'white monkey', the same thing happens in many surrounding Asian markets. Just follow the money or look at their previous game Craftopia where people were pointing out that the Japanese indie game company was just a front.


technically tencent will get a small cut of the profits due to unreal engine, but that's it's only relation as far as I know
fun fact: most people don't know this but tencent currently owns all distribution rights for nintendo switch software and hardware in china


File: 1708300513366.png (1.11 MB, 1092x933, 364:311, Bald Mark.png) ImgOps iqdb

How dare you expose Nintendo like that!


Literally worth a permaban if Markstein were still running the place.


>A banned notice on redtext
>Post deleted
>With a fuckton of replies of anal sore mannchildren
Since they can't downvote, but they totally hate triple A BingWahoo's.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keep seething at Mark Vann Dame as always cucks


File: 1709090496464.jpg (271.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Yoshi kwanza, nintendo.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Who's seething at what? Everyone has their right to shit on corporations, is just that jannies as expected they defend their beloved childhood company for free.

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