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What happened to GG?
>Bridgette trooning out
>Elphelt x Nagoriyuki
>can't look up skirts

Strive adds censorship
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They do and they are okay with it but its part of left-wing nature to lie/subvert.


He got away with raping children and destroying their lives. He's literally what all trannys aspire to be.


I've got the trial on of some gay groid who murdered a trannygroid in Mississippi, and right now, they're literally talking about how this tranny, who was involved in the "LGBTQ community" at the college, was in an intern program with CPS. They always try to worm their way in around children, when really they have no business being around someone else's children with their sick perversion.


>They always try to worm their way in around children
Almost like there's a pattern of troons trying to normalize their degeneracy to children. Remember the drag queen story hour? Where the one of the trannys reading to children was a convicted child rapist? Or how the jewish organizer was arrested with CP?


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It's okay when the faggot with literal celibate genitalia is creeping around children.

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Can we all just admit valve won?
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yep im thinking mark won.


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No idea, from a slag thread on KC.


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You can win anything by just letting the game play itself, like the many Bing Bing Wahoo games that /v/irgins tend to shill for free.


yep, im thinking mark won!


Everyone is a winner with welfare.

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Remember when twitch was strictly gaming and all the whores had to pretend to be interested in games for years. The second they didn't have to pretend anymore 99% of them completely dropped it.
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All women are queens and can do whatever they want

Shrimp dicks don't reply


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Twitch was always fucking dogshit


the vinesauce guys have slowly been more and more gimped in the decade since they moved to twitch
they used to be pretty much just be /v/irgins that streamed


They were always redditcore


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We need to go back!
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Well you know when you are playing a game and you just cringe a bit because you are reminded of germans? Well they took that out thankfully


It definitely sounds like you're playing a censored version.


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<ywn shoot niggers and kikes while listening to Green Day


It's just cringe because the satanic imagery and violence is completely intact. I get that Europe has some dumb laws around this stuff, but when did they start giving everyone the watered down European version?


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That fucking game was using an engine for the Sega Saturn


gimmie some all time Eroge Gamu
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seethe ramon coon


So what was the outcome of the porn with humor game, what was its title? The one that was created by SFM autists and a retarded twitch streamer got upset because they borrowed his alias.


>he's seeing ramon where there is no ramon

Nobody even brings up ramon but you, anon


What type of eroge does anon like? Eroge is a lot more rewarding than normal degenerate hentai/porn cause it can retrain your brain to wait for a dope hit.

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Holy shit if it's real

>According to a content creator on Youtube known as ENDYMIONtv, he has commented on the reason why Sony wants to buy Kadokawa Corporation. From what he says in the video, the Japanese division of Sony is not very happy with what is being done in the American division of Sony and the results of its projects, since from what he says Concord was what made a strong dispute break out between the Japanese division of Sony against the American division, from Japan they were already warning the Americans that Concord would be a failure and a waste of money, to which Sony America did not pay attention, since from what he says in the video the thing was already heated between both divisions for Days Gone 2 and for changes in the sequel of Ghost of Tsushima.

Sony Japan wanted a sequel to Days Gone, as it was a success and the Playstation gaming community really liked Bend Studio's work, as the sequel was in development, but Sony's American division cancelled the sequel due to Metacritic scores and reviews from the press, where users did rate Bend Studio's work highly, but it seems that Sony America only cares about the opinion of the press, leaving aside the Playstation gaming community, and all of that was not liked by Sony's Japanese division, as they did want Days Gone 2 to be developed.

>As he mentioned in another video on his channel, the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima had Jin Sakai as the protagonist, where Jin would face a final threat from the Mongols to defend Tsushima, but Sony's American division changed everything to call it Ghost of Yotei, and put a woman as the protagonist, but the idea was that Jin Sakai would be the protagonist and it would be called Ghost of Tsushima 2, but everything was changed by Sony America, and from what they say this did not please Sony's division in Japan at all.

Between Concord's poor sales, the poor results in game sales and the bad decisions by Sony America, Sony's Japanese division would buy Kadokawa Corporation to bring out great games in Japan and return the confidence of its players with great titles developed by the branch of Sony's Japanese division.


>give control over the company to californian communists
>in a completely shocking outcome the communists aren't great at running a business and waste billions on pet projects that don't see a return on investment
Even if the nips get control back, they're still the same retards that gave up control to spoiled trust fund communist babies in the first place.


yeah not sure why they made this mistake in the first place


Not sure what world you live in where "Days Gone" and "Ghost of Tsushima" is a great victory over "Concord." You couldn't pay me to play any of this Sony slop.


>According to a content creator on Youtube known as ENDYMIONtv
More looney tunes shit for retards, Japan hated and had so little faith in Concord so much they let it drain resources for 8 years and never shelved it. And Herman Hulst can just cancel and sign off on whatever he wants even though he answers to Totoki… These algorithm sloptubers will really say anything to avoid getting a real job

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>Does nothing
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>When you're not liberal enough


>refunds are not a method for trying out games
That's what piracy is for. Also, for actually owning the games.


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Valve's wagecucks tend to get really retarded:
>Made a chink version of Steam just to compete with Tencent
<Gets permabanned because of outsiders posting Tiananmen 1989
>Backs up Kumdump Harris' campaing
<Gets threatened by a short tempered kike at congress
No wonder why their forums are filled to the top with redditors, serves them right.


Speaking of steam, is there any way I could sell an account of mine, anons? It's nothing much, I didn't spend a lot. Can't believe I even made one in the first place, should have kept playing cracked games. What a waste of time and money. Not to mention the peak nigger cattle behavior I found out about an average gamer, no wonder why kikes run the entire world. It's literally non-sentient subhumans, who only care about their dopamine hit. I regret even attempting to find friends there. yes, I was this retarded


I can totally relate trying to fit in with the cool kids only to realize they're just a bunch of weeping sorry faggots sticking out their tongues for whatever their liberal overlords regurgitate. About your account: I'm sure it's not worth risking your personal information, after all you admitted it's not that great and it's a saturated market out there, most likely hackers would use it just to spam child porn and ruin online matches.

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Alright, which one of you did this?
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hahahahahahm but seriously we need to go back to be women-hating gamers, I don't mean it as actually hating women, its stupid to hate women in the retarded sense, because women are naturally like children mentally, but to gatekeep what little is left.


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Considering that strong independent women in fiction is the equivalent of blackface for dykes, I'd say keep the opposite gender as stereotypical in some way or the other.
>Girl character is too fucking useless, only to get whored
>Girl character is overpowered, she gets whored too and gets submissive over men.




Working is a good show.


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post em
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Erotical night still works on websites, idk about the other shit


A stand alone flash projector?


I'm pretty certain there's an official flash player program you can download directly from adobe for linux.
Some sites like neopets use a tool to convert most of their games over to HTML5 so they run in the browser, but the ports are a lot worse.
The artix games are just downloads bundled with flash players now.



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>niggers you cheap motherfucka

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