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Looks like slav kinoludo is back on the menu boys!
Looks better than STOINKER POO
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If anyone who bothered to watch the videos: It's telling a narrative, almost the history of a race war of humans vs anthropomorphic devices related to entertainment akin to the daily slav wars the Georgian creator witnessed.

In a Pedowood style where he inserts some whore who gave him a blowjob recently and the plot would show her being the protagonist killing everyone while shouting "GURL POWR"? Now you know why Valve never showed interest in making a Half-Life movie.


Yeah and its actually kinda based, total toilet death.


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Notice that "skibidi" rhymes with (((bibi)))


I'm with dave on this, let's bring back modesty


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It's out, it's 10 bucks and it's ludo
Good shit

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>It's been a good near 20 year run, but for various reasons it's time to wind things down. The site achieved almost everything it set out to do, and far exceeded it. We joined hacking and translation communities together for the first time ever. We outlasted and eclipsed ROM hacking sites that came before us. We brought ROM hacking from niche and fragmented to global and centralized. We assembled the largest force of ROM hackers on the planet. We brought learning resources and accessibility to a much wider range of people. We made major progress legitimizing and pulling ROM hacking from underground dark web type material to something much more accepted by the mainstream. We paved a much easier path for all of those that will come after us. No doubt, this site changed ROM hacking forever. It will leave behind the legacy of those accomplishments to remember.

>Things sure have changed since the beginning days. I miss the times when I was able to interact with a smaller group of supportive people to collaborate with rather than the entire world. Having gone from an unknown fledgling site to an infinitely growing and globally known one made sustainability very challenging. The site became so busy with 24/7 use, endless queues, and an endless inbox. It's a very different world than it was in 2005. Copyright pressures increased dramatically with takedowns and legal burden. The site shifted from serving mostly contributing humans to bots and overzealous people abusing resources. They drowned everybody else out. The need for the site has lessened over time. There are now many options for community discussions, open source projects, and file storage across the Internet. For a while, I was looking to find a successor within the circles of site supporters. I asked several potential people, but the stars did not align.

>I was finally looking to wind things down at the end of last year. I wanted to provide the site database and file archive to the general public. At that time, an internal group suddenly emerged with an offer to help continue the site. I questioned their intentions, but I thought it could prove to be a more community friendly path forward. However, it turned out to be the opposite. We had a rocky phase 1, moving the downloads into their possession. When I went to startup phase 2, I discovered a most dishonest and hate filled group. I learned that I had been d
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endless kikery.



>Even now a year later people are reluctant to use RHDO, either because of that incident or because I (Aka Spike) run cdromance, a site that hosts pre-patched romhacks and that's the worst thing you can do.
To be fair, this dummy is really painting a target on his back by doing this.


>Then there's the 'oh you poor baby I'm so sorry you had to go through that' going on in the replies.
Remember that these are forum users who probably never went anywhere near an imageboard. What seems saccharine to our jaded hearts is a heartfelt expression of thanks and sorrow for them.


Even if the replies are genuine, I'm still smelling bullshit.
>I discovered a most dishonest and hate filled group. I learned that I had been dehumanized for a very long time.
This specifically. It sounds like something some tri-gendered twitter tranny would write about the gamergates before linking a gofundme for their mental anguish.

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Nintendo has revealed the Nintendo Virtual Boy Pro, a new hardware accessory compatible with Nintendo Switch consoles that looks like one of its wildest projects yet.

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Nintendo is already a bloated joke, how many gimmicky turds they've been shitting out that were worthy of being April's first pranks?
>Mario Kart VR
>The DLC for both Super Smash and Mario Kart
>Bing Bing 3d All Stars
>Cease & desist warnings
>Treehouse translators


this is preprogramming for the switch 2, which will have a heavy AR focus gimmick


And they HIRED DEI supervisors to butcher their games so they can be as political correct possible, not an April's fools prank mind you.


That's smart on their part to add in a worthless AR gimmick to deal with people that play their games on other hardware. More and more cheap ARM and x86 tablets are going to come out that will be more than powerful enough to play their games through emulation. 4 cents worth of an ASIC to do AR can potentially cut down enormously on piracy and require every game have it patched out if that's even feasible.

Add in tie ins for scanning associated products or at their theme parks and this could be a significant advantage for them.


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Another thing that isn't an April Fool's prank is that Mario & Sonic Olympics shovelware franchise got shitcanned in favor of NFT's.

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You have 60 seconds to prove you actually play video games.
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That doesn't prove anything, Steam sells shit that aren't even games now.


I like making and playing minecraft modpacks in the same vain as the classical era of minecraft mods.

I really enjoy classic ID software shooters, I like the look and feel of quake and its fast paced gameplay, but I suck cock at rocket-jumping

I like to be the necro in D2 because of how cool the army of skeletons and revives are, even if its a pretty cheap build that involves very micro-mananging gameplay.


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At least it's something.


Based anon who also plays Unreal 99


IIRC rocket jumping isn't necessary to complete Quake or any of the expansion packs. It's just a mechanic for players to fuck around with.

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 No.3625[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

this is simply the best game ever. I just wanted to reiterate that.
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>they had to add a mechanic from 20 years ago into their sequel just so that it doesn't get immediately bodied by a free chinese gacha game
things are not looking good for the big N


>go back to watching Iron Man 2 for the 90th time
absolutely savage


Genshit impact won
Yeah Mike is the true oldschool baddass gamer.


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>Genshit impact
Nintendo got dethroned, but Sonicfags were deeply affected during the GOTY in which Tencent cucked SEGA in "Best Music" genre. They're just dropping their pants and let the CCP rape their expectations.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.1399[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I want to go back and play fallout 3 again
>buy GOTY Edition off steam
>game crashes the moment I hit play
>look up wtf is wrong
>steam version is broken because of Anniversary update
>download an ass load of patches
>game crashes
>fuck steam move to GOG
>Buy GOTY Edition again
>game crashes
>do even more tomfuckery to get it to work
>I'm finally able to play
>realize I just spent 20$ on a game from 2009
fuck Bethesda
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based /cow/chad


It's just foxdick fags over there. You are a virgin.


NuZach seething hard


Why pajeets and latrinos love Bethesda "Fallout"? Most of modern Todd defenders are literally pajeets.
Aryan anon showing to subhuman spics their rightful place. Based.


Emojitroon here, my first game was Fallout 3, I played as the woman.

[Last 50 Posts]
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I saw it on 4chan /v/
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Kino outside of the games.


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!



an ancient classic. I remember watching the ben videos and coming across this one organically - pretty fucking hilarious given all the others are played straight




Why indeed, it's that BEN Drowned April Fools video, I recommend it for a good laugh.

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Just wanted to pass along information that Target is running a sale, with top first-party Switch games marked down to $35, and B2G1 on select PlayStation and Xbox titles.
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I switched to PC a long time ago and physical copies for PC games don't seem to be common anymore. Thanks Steam, you fucking jew rats. Not that modern gaymes that are actually worth owning aren't almost as rare as physical PC games these days. I just pirate everything that interests me anyway.


I was never much of a PC gamer, I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years just to keep up with the latest games. Consoles have had plenty of great games.


>I was never much of a PC gamer, I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years just to keep up with the latest games
There's no reason to do this anymore when there's not much out there worth upgrading for.


>I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years
Isn't the life cycle of a console generally 4-5 years?


They're still on Xbox 720 from like 10 years ago iirc

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Does anyone want to play GoldenEye on Switch? We can set something up here. My friend code is SW-0750-5115-4046.
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It's part of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, sub is $50 annually. All the classic games with multiplayer are now online-capable, right down to NES games.


I think I paid for taht thing once and canceled it fast because I never used it.


For me, it's worth it, because you won't get better N64 emulation. I only wish they had more titles and better online communication and matchmaking. As it stands, you can't even message people you've friended. All the communication has to happen off the platform.


>Most of the opponents are AI to give the illusion that everyone is doing it.
Same goes for mobile games in general.


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!


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