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>In separate interviews with Motherboard and Kotaku, the developers at Nightmare Forge Games, who declined to reveal their identities "for the sake of maintaining privacy," claimed that the references to "88" - a common Neo-Nazi dogwhistle - were unintentional. The developers also responded to claims of asset flipping and AI-generated voices, which have been in the news recently amid controversies like The Day Before.

>"Our game is set in the 1980s, with the year 1988 being chosen simply for its symmetrical design in our game's artwork," a developer spokesperson told Kotaku. "Therefore, the 88 strictly represents the year 1988; no additional connotations are intended. We are in the process of revising this artwork to clarify the abbreviation, as shown in the image below. Should there still be concerns, we're open to changing the game's name."
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These people must have a real hard time in life. 14 is apparently a Nazi dogwhistle too and that one's low enough to come up pretty often. Maybe that's why they're all pedophiles. As soon as someone turns 14 they become a Nazi and the soys don't want to be with a Nazi.


Is it worth mentioning the other rat game where a gangster rat is killing his fellow rat kind in a Fleischer styled cartoon?


Everyone is a pedo, it's just jews who get away with it more often than not because they control the government.


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Gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart I must inform you that the creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has been targeted by Soyjack.part. Because of this targeting, she has departed the internet and taken her games with her. Coffin will continue to be developed by her in the background under a different developer, but that's it. Her VN's were also taken down on her personal site. This is a dark day. The retards have gone too far.
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These are gold. Hilarious.


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So, I only like pussy, am I immune to faggotry?


Pussy was a fucking FBI snitch, he had to be put down because the government wanted a piece of that blackmail dope.


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>Game has a dance sequence


>Game is a fucking musical you'd see at Disneyland


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I was expecting this.


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>Every boss and miniboss is memorable and challenging without being bullshit
>Every area is meticulously designed and beautiful to look at
>Combat blends stealth, parries, counters, dodges, jumps, tools, skills etc. seamlessly
>Posture system makes every fight intense and forces you to make risky plays

FROM improved the formula massively and then threw out everything but jumping and stealth for Elden Ring, what a shame
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>I don't even know why they hired him.


Nah, the lore is worse, even more more vague.
Way more variety of builds though.


Moar Liek George Hard R Martin amirite


naraka is far better


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>Naraka: Bladepoint is a free-to-play action battle royale game developed by 24 Entertainment and published by NetEase

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Video games
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King, a true /cow/boy.


What's to forgive? GTA V and Red Dead 2 were great, they just take fucking forever to come out


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Fuckkof R*


Give It to us somehow, even the trans 500 kino


GTA 5 left a lot to be desired compared to the 4th one and the Online mode getting exclusive updates was a huge middle finger to anyone who believed their sweet little lie of Story mode getting DLC for its respective characters and shitcanning a new franchise in favor of more bullshit missions. As for RDR2, it really felt like you're doing the chores, its online mode should've not be conceived.
Also the Trilogy remake, I don't care if some third-party got their hands on it while excluding the "OG's who were ur fwiends", but why the fuck they thought that was a good idea? I know they wanted to btfo the pirates by coming out with something better than torrents (renderware engine is owned by EA), but holy shit I'd rather support the HIRE THIS MAN folks who just dumped the models into Unreal Engine.

Take2 and their lackeys are insulting their costumers right in their social media feed, that's what I meant with:
>All is forgiven
God forbid if Cuckstar are sending their useful retards everywhere defending their upcoming dud, Saints Row did it first.

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I'll start with Guilty Gear
>Super fast fighting game where every character is unique set in a tragic dark dystopian future with European influence
>Turned into casualized capeshit for trannies where every character plays the same
It hurts bros…
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It's only strange if you haven't cut your dick off yet.


>Idk wtf people are smoking, Claire is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing.
She looks like an octoroon right there.


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If they are so ugly why aren't you out banging models? Should be pretty easy? Are you all shrimpdicks or what?

>Nips complained to the point Capcom started redoing all their digital 3D models.

Who cares, probably trannime fans who can't even tell westerners apart. There's a reason Capcom is appealing to the west and not an island of mobile playing weebs


It has nothing to do with how we look, personally. We are consumers demanding higher-quality waifus in our media. These are not real women we are dating, so our appearance is irrelevant.



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Recommend me a game for this special kind of autism.
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Anon are you okay?


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Recommend me something for my survival autism. Is the RE4 remake worth it or no?


How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition

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Use this thread for sharing information on game deals for the holiday shopping season.
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I picked up a bunch of old Star Wars games on GOG. The franchise might be soy but old developers loved the setting enough to make some really amazing games in it.


CRYMACHINA just went on sale.


Epic games does some christmas free game giveaways
Fallout 3 was yesterday's, today it's some other bethesda game I know nothing about.
Tomorrow, it will be something pretty big, last year it was death stranding


It's Outer Worlds


>Death Stranding
>Outer Worlds
The coasting on previous success double pack

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What joystick did you have for your first PC DOS games?
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I don't remember. It was black and definitely had at least one red button, so I think it might have been this. I used to play Combat Tanks and Comet Busters! with it.


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Looks badass.
Holy shit I think I played this too! HOLY SHIT
I'd forgotten all about this.


Yeah, I actually had to track down the names of those games not that long ago. I actually don't even remember Combat Tanks being all that fun but still played it anyway. I remembered the bloody bodies of the infantrymen when you kill them.


I looked some up in recent years too. There were so many good dos games.
Imagine watching pro gamers play combat tanks tournaments hahaha
Untapped resource
I'm going to have to try it again. I don't remember the infantrymen at all.

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How did we go from this…..
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>So we took this gorgeous woman and made her ugly because canonically, white women were uglier back then which is why the jews don't actually hate them. Nor have they plotted against them. If you'll kindly remember the 6 gorillian jews that died, it's proof that they're the real victims.
That's what I hear when I see that image.


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>are those jews in the room with us right now?
unironically yes, you're at the very least a jew adjacent faggot lmao


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