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Looks like slav kinoludo is back on the menu boys!
Looks better than STOINKER POO


I wonder how well the spooky shit will mix with the play loop. Because it looks like it could be a decent Tarkov clone otherwise.


Looking like half life 2 and that is a good thing.


>In a fictional country located in East Europe, a dictator runs the country for many years. Ruler is really paranoid, he did a lot of sweeps and killed people, who were against him. In order to control ordinary people, people were chipped in the neck to track them. All people got the same clothes with a certain number and it all was controlled by the government. But it wasn't enough for the lord, he built a Big Research Centre to strenghten his assassins, but all the dirty work were on prisoners. Country had a lot of prisoners, because a lot of them fought and tried to break dictatorship, somebody got executed, somebody were thrown in jail and expoited as slaves.

Guessing you basically kill a Stalin analogue in this game, and thats also not a bad thing.


File: 1722471651850.jpg (135.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Skibidi Toilet by Michael ….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


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Only zoomoids hate Skibasedi Toilet


Bay will rape it.


File: 1722745965743.jpg (51.53 KB, 686x386, 343:193, It's over for skibidi toil….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

If anyone who bothered to watch the videos: It's telling a narrative, almost the history of a race war of humans vs anthropomorphic devices related to entertainment akin to the daily slav wars the Georgian creator witnessed.

In a Pedowood style where he inserts some whore who gave him a blowjob recently and the plot would show her being the protagonist killing everyone while shouting "GURL POWR"? Now you know why Valve never showed interest in making a Half-Life movie.


Yeah and its actually kinda based, total toilet death.


File: 1722834234328.jpg (1.38 MB, 682x3477, 682:3477, Muhammad Scout, steam.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Notice that "skibidi" rhymes with (((bibi)))


I'm with dave on this, let's bring back modesty


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It's out, it's 10 bucks and it's ludo
Good shit

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