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Just wanted to pass along information that Target is running a sale, with top first-party Switch games marked down to $35, and B2G1 on select PlayStation and Xbox titles.


Do modern people buy physical games anymore?


I try to whenever it's possible. They make a good gift, and you can resell them when you're done with them, if that's your thing.


This post is probably a bot imitating my stylometry. Just so everyone knows.


Aliexpress regularly has first party Switch games for $30 or less as well, they're not quite the premium things they used to be.
I don't buy games anymore at all but if I did I would exclusively buy physical ones


They don't sadly.


I switched to PC a long time ago and physical copies for PC games don't seem to be common anymore. Thanks Steam, you fucking jew rats. Not that modern gaymes that are actually worth owning aren't almost as rare as physical PC games these days. I just pirate everything that interests me anyway.


I was never much of a PC gamer, I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years just to keep up with the latest games. Consoles have had plenty of great games.


>I was never much of a PC gamer, I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years just to keep up with the latest games
There's no reason to do this anymore when there's not much out there worth upgrading for.


>I didn't like the idea of having to buy upgrades for my computer every couple of years
Isn't the life cycle of a console generally 4-5 years?


They're still on Xbox 720 from like 10 years ago iirc

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