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File: 1693971890851.jpg (502.57 KB, 1214x933, 1214:933, New Vegas.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.3625[View All]

this is simply the best game ever. I just wanted to reiterate that.
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Who owns Obsidian?


No one is fan boying for Obsidian either.
I'll say it again, I brought up Doom for a reason, they did the same thing to it at the same time.
It's all ultimately just another form of advertizing.


Hey look, another moment where a soyboy don't understand Fallout!


>coomerfaggot is behind all the garbage posts against FNV
imagine my surprise


He's not even really posting against New Vegas he's just being purposely obtuse.


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I like New Vegas I just don't like Fallout purists who act like New Vegas is some deep cut when it sold more than Fallout 3. Or that the Bethesda games are unplayable garbage, when they are average at worst.


I agree with you completely,I enjoyed a lot of my time with Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game all together, I just don't get why you think Microsoft or any other corporation wouldn't do some dumb shit like that.


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I mean shit man, if drumming up fake rivalries and turning people against eachother for the sake of getting a dollar isn't a key part of modern advertisement then what is?


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Fallout 3 is ok for a rushed out first time Fallout in 3D.
For the time it's actually amazing what they accomplished in so little time in 2 years despite all the reused assets from Oblivion.

Fallout 4 is fucking dogshit and if you enjoy it you need to be lobotomized, straight up.


It was fun to play on playstation while staying at a friends house for a few days, but was fucking miserable on pc and modding it didn't help at all, I was just trying to not be overly harsh on it.


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>It was fun to play on playstation while staying at a friends house for a few days, but was fucking miserable on pc
Are you retarded? Anything is fun with friends, fucking watching paint dry is fun with friends.


They weren't even there when I played it, it was just a chill time killing shit in power armor without any substance.


Fallout 3 is still good all things considered because you still had white guys working on it right before the Obama effect hit. There is nothing preachy about it.
Fallout 4 is bad. It's not Starfield tier but the artwork is a step back to Oblivion.
Skyrim is the last good Bethesda game.


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>Skyrim is the last good Bethesda game.


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What's the difference from playing it on PC where you can replace abominations like these?


The difference is that if you have a pc available to mod that shit out then you have way better shit to play by default were as a cucksle does not.


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Good point


Morrowind is too archaic to enjoy now and we can't trust devs to not fuck up a remake. It's gone.


What about QoL mods or speed mods


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What about QoS mods?


Ramon faggot confirmed as Jewzach. Get kike'd, kike.


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>Morrowind is too archaic to enjoy now


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Fuckoff Louie


I'm pushing 40. It's dated, stale shit.


This is OC?


Dated is not a real criticism.


Saying something is not criticism is not a real argument.


It's a real fact.


The game being dated is a real fact. There is a factual release date, and it is from many years ago.


>old bad
>nu good


Pretty much all of Bethesda's games were dated even at launch. That's beside the point of why people like them. Morrowind came out after Halo, and Shenmue, and it pretty much looks like a suped up N64 game. No voice acting, very stiff clunky animations on everything. That's just how Bethesda is.


Right but you're talking about a game over 20 years old.


Everything was released on a certain date. A game could be released today and it would be dated to 2024. What the hell does the date have to do with tbe quality?


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Because the game was good when it released. Saying it's shit wouldn't be true because at one point it was an impressive game and a lot of the things bad about it are just old school design and graphics, not the world and story. Put it up against Cyberpunk 2077 and it looks like shit, but that is hardly fair right? So it's more accurate to say it's dated or archaic than saying it's shit


And it's always been dated. Whatever works about it, works regardless.


this is the usual hot take among redditors and pajeets all across youtube


I'm, playing Fallout 4 for the first time, and I just immediately give so little of a shit.
>gotta find my son who I knew for all of two minutes
>gotta help this boring cardboard niggers, who can't shoot a few raiders on their own, or construct liveable structures out of the streets filled with empty houses all around them.
Al the same time I booted up Fallout 1 again for the first time in about ten years, and that's immediately way more engaging. Travelling the desert actually feels perilous. Every bit of loot I find feels like it matters. I'm glad to have a companion, because I need them to survive combat encounters. I actually find myself sitting there, debating whether I should wipe out a town just to harvest the loot and experience, and that's great.


>and that's immediately way more engaging
And then you quickly remember that the game is a shallow bug-infested turd with only four dungeons and can be beaten in 15 minutes.


Who cares about dungeons in RPGs? The fun is always in visiting settlements, talking to people, making decisions, and weaving your own narrative.


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>I'm pushing 40. It's dated, stale shit.
I'm 26 and playing System Shock, I think you're just a bitch lol.

Every map in Fallout 1 is a dungeon once you get Reinforced Power Armor you little pleb.


i was born in the wrong generation!!! i love 70s psychedelic rock and pink floyd and nirvana and led zeppelin!!! Just let me my Nirvana album and let me in that time machine and we're off! all these kids my age listen to wrapping or techno (sounds like someone farting in a bath tub honestly) and wrapping is just talking about drugs, women, cars and money!!! it's actual cancer. Sacrifice Justin Bieber and bring Kurt Cobain back. Fuck my generation. I'm only 15 and I listen to 70s rock.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Nah, I was born just in time to have all of that for free and instantaneously via the internet and to call some old fart from the other side of the world a nigger.
Feels good to be king!




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Nah, it's voluntary


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>Nah, it's voluntary


Holy fuck imagine samefagderailing for bugthesda.


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>Muh off topic
>Everyone but me is a kike
You do this in every thread, have some fun you sad sack of shit.


>Calling myself an incel and then posting a reaction image is fun in current year.
You drank too much jewish cum.


What do you expect, they crawl to tvchan expecting it to be a hugbox for them and for everyone to baby them, then get mad and piss themselves when they realize people here have a range of opinions and won't automatically coddle them for being a loser just because they have "based" opinions


Case in point


How is your hypothetical strawman character wrong?

t. doesn't even like boomer music



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