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File: 1683568985602.jpg (79.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fallout-3-goty-button-1641….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.1399[View All]

I want to go back and play fallout 3 again
>buy GOTY Edition off steam
>game crashes the moment I hit play
>look up wtf is wrong
>steam version is broken because of Anniversary update
>download an ass load of patches
>game crashes
>fuck steam move to GOG
>Buy GOTY Edition again
>game crashes
>do even more tomfuckery to get it to work
>I'm finally able to play
>realize I just spent 20$ on a game from 2009
fuck Bethesda
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Actually playing oc Fallout. Having way more fun playing it instead of playing Oblivion full of mods.


First two Fallouts are top tier, New Vegas gets close but still can't beat them.
1>2 though.


the fedora lords never changed you subhuman retard
the only difference the average fedora lord following is much bigger


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No, he's right. People like The Amazing Atheist are seen as "cringe" now, and that whole thing became considered gauche years ago.Fags started going 180 degrees and joining the Yeshua fan club, particularly the high church forms of Christianity. The fedora meme itself is like ten years old now.


Being an e-christian is the new fedora, lot's of zoomers and failed millenials larping as Saints for internet cloud.


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>People like The Amazing Atheist are seen as "cringe" now
That guy always fucking sucked since forever, too bad the videos where he shoved kitchen props up his ass got lost, yet despite that he remained a member of Channel Awesome until he got bored and dissolve their partnership. No wonder why he got troll's remorse so nobody can point out his article in Encyclopedia Dramatica.


You're right, but he had a sizeable fanbase at one point.


>AA was on channel awesome

Was he really? I never heard of that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Out of the horse's mouth, same thing with Larry Bundle, both had Channel Awesome as their syndicate or something like that.


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This video used to be out there. Fat faggot filmed himself scalding his micropenis.


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Now the fucktard created a bitchute account and everyone is recognizing him from his porn videos, neutral spaces are so bigoted.


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>the fedora lords never changed you subhuman retard
They absolutely did, Amazing Atheist is a breadtuber now who regrets all his edgy content. Same thing happened en masse with reddit which used to be a boys club site with lots of controversial boards and it's now basically tumblr. A good comparison is to look at old atheist heroes like Dawkins, Harris etc. their views are now completely unrecognizable from the modern fedora. Troll's remorse on a internet wide scale


The major figures changed, but think about what the fedora actually represented in 2011. It wasn't just about atheism or even just being cringey. It was a symbol for the kind pretentious pseudo-intellectualism that caused people to say shit like "m'lady" and "my good sir" because they thought it made them look smart. These types still exist. Today, same as back then, these types are predominantly found in places where left wing atheists congregate, such as reddit. The biggest differences between then and now are that they don't actually wear fedoras anymore, and now they care more about left wing politics than atheism. Other than that, the fedora crowd is the same as it always was.


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Guru Larry commented on this recently. The tl;dr is that no one from Channel Awesome liked TJ and vice versa.


Amazing Atheist doesn't fit TGWTG at all, I am surprised he even got in. Say what you want about Latza he wouldn't have been out of place in the Channel Awesome line-up, TJ sticks out like a sore thumb


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Ppl are arguing about the Amazing Atheist


>people are whores for money
wudda ya know?
I hope Amazing Atheist gets fucked in the ass by a nigger.


Hey Louie!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't most-if not all- of the people on Channel Awesome turn into hyper liberal cucks?


I enjoyed TheDistressedWatcher more than anyone else on that site. Was disappointed when he retired.


Obscurus Lupa was actually a minor Alt-Right e-celeb for a time.


Morrowfags and Morrowind deserve to be dragged on the streets and be ridiculed like a whore. You are disingenuous as fuck.
People like Skyblivion not because it has "muh better animations", but because traversing is not a chore that wastes your time.
You conveniently forget that Oblivion and Skyrim have a fucking horse and fast travel, which makes them a more convenient experience than Morrowind when it comes to exploring.
Fuck that constant auto traveling shit.
And no, not everyone will want to break the game with magic, and fly with 1000skoomas up their asses to the other side of the map. If you want to endlessly walk from one place to another, then shut down your computer and go outside. It will do you good, since the only exercise you get is by watching your Nerevarine autowalking(and occasionally stuck to invisible walls) for hours.


Amen. I hate /v/irgins. You will find better videogame opinions on Reddit.

Skyrim and Oblivion are objectively far better than Morrowind. Morrowind blows.


skill issue


>i'm too retarded to know what the silt striders are there for
good for you buddy


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>You conveniently forget that Oblivion and Skyrim have a fucking horse and fast travel, which makes them a more convenient experience than Morrowind when it comes to exploring.
Skyrim went too far. For 300 gold you can teleport to every corner of the map, literally as soon as the tutorial ends. Including Winterhold and Markarth which are supposed to be in the far far reaches of Skyrim. There is convenience and then there is sabotaging all sense of adventure 2 hours into your game


How do you mfs play Skyrim? Is it like
>okay I will stop playing other games to fully immerse myself into this world of a big game
Because I find that once you stop playing Skyrim and come back to it sometime later, you'll forget all the mods you've installed and the grand story of your adventure and shit. Skyrim is on my bucket list of games to play, that game is nice.


kys you little faggot


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>okay I will stop playing other games to fully immerse myself into this world of a big game
Yeah this but it just happens naturally. Witcher 3 was around 150 hours for me but I didn't even think about picking up another game because I was enjoying it the whole time. WRPGs are like crack to me though, even mediocre ones


Skryim is a little odd because there's a honeymoon period where it feels very good, but as the hours pile up cracks start forming in the world and you lose immersion/interest
Morrowind is better because it doesn't suffer from this


>i'm a low iq nigger and can't admit it
good for you buddy


>as the hours pile up cracks start forming in the world and you lose immersion/interest
Because of mods? I figured that by this point, the most well-known mod creators would've had a global agreement on how each of their mods work with one another. I've seen mods on Nexus having compatibility with other mods, which is nice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
no, the game itself is infamously buggy and unfinished


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What is going on, my latinx sister in Christ?


>doubles down on "buddy"
You are a faggot.


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yeah buddy


Yeah, you're definitely an incel.


Buddy, why are you latinx incels always soooo butthurt? You guys are like hapas, but brown.


>ur lantix
>ur nuzach
>ur brown eyed
None of the above. Go watch Ramon's dick, buddy.


not only do you lie more than a jewish woman, but you're as obsessed with nigger dicks as one.


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>ur Jewish
>ur latinx
>ur mexcrement
You're a gay nigger lover, buddy lol.
Go watch Ramon.


wasnt the guy in pic a confirmed jew?


Seethe more about it, subhuman latrinx, you are my personal lolcow, your only reason to exist is to be my personal punch bag.


>n-n-no! UR my lolcow
You still haven't doxed me.
4 years and NOTHING.


based /cow/chad


It's just foxdick fags over there. You are a virgin.


NuZach seething hard


Why pajeets and latrinos love Bethesda "Fallout"? Most of modern Todd defenders are literally pajeets.
Aryan anon showing to subhuman spics their rightful place. Based.


Emojitroon here, my first game was Fallout 3, I played as the woman.

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