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Turn that knob to Channel 3!
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I saw it on 4chan /v/


File: 1718941114846.jpg (26.36 KB, 286x293, 286:293, deal with oculus rift edit….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>completely description-free external link to a notorious corporate datamining service
Didn't click, OP.


Is Zelda finally kino???


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Kino outside of the games.


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!



an ancient classic. I remember watching the ben videos and coming across this one organically - pretty fucking hilarious given all the others are played straight




Why indeed, it's that BEN Drowned April Fools video, I recommend it for a good laugh.

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