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Nigger laundering scheme.


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Mafia does racketeering, it's a crime. NuCommunists do racketeering, nobody bats an eye.


SBI is Canadian.


why does IGN do the bidding of the sweetbaby incels


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IGN does and says whatever the Ziff Davis tells them to do.
And that's usually defend anything big Publishers say and do.


They are the mafia, you idiot. Where do you think the money for the revolutions came from?


I can't believe how huge Ziff Davis has become in the last several years that I didn't give a shit about games media. It seems like they've swallowed up half the games media industry at this point.


Because they're just different heads of the hydra.


Every single developer, media outlet, and publisher in gaming is now as of 2024, 10 years after Gamergate, 12 years after the Femshep controversy, and 16 years after Obama - everything is utterly, remorselessly infested with liberal/leftist social justice vermin. The whole thing is kike'd.


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you want a funny trip down memory lane?
Leading up to Mass Effect 3, the liberal/leftist sjw vermin that would cause Gamergate were whining about how there was no female femshep. So Bioware did a vote and the blonde haired, blue eyed femshep was selected, which caused said sjws to seethe again.


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It's funny because blonde looks better than the dye job red that we got, in fact all the other options did. Not that it matters since default maleshep is the only way to play.

>b-but Jennifer Hale has the better VO



That's because most of these old magazines are in the shitter since they didn't adapt and digital kicked their ass.


Not even talking about magazines, dunno why that was the first thing on your mind. Ziff Davis seems to have bought out a shitload of video game websites over the past several years.


Ecelebs are shilling this gook game
Trannies are all over the internet including imageboards attacking this gook game
Welcome to internet 2024


If troons don't like it then it at least deserves a look. Maybe it'll be shit that's not even worth pirating, but at least I'm not gong to dismiss it outright.


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Don't fall for the "Gamergate 2" meme.

People want to play Wukong because it's a impressive looking next gen action game with no corny Marvel humor or progressive flag waving. All of the online discussions are secondary to that. Games journalists are trying to push the idea that everything that is happening in gaming is just online flame wars, because they can't cope with the reality that the woke era of games is ending.


Just do the opposite of trannies and their allies, and you will be ok.


technically, canadia IS in the americas so they ARE american. nobody in the americas would call a leaf an american though.

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