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File: 1714210708106.jpg (60.63 KB, 512x592, 32:37, 1714071365381.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



File: 1714216355181.jpg (47.1 KB, 368x368, 1:1, consider the following.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Who actually plays this crap?


Retards, children and retarded children.


It really is uninteresting. Epic is trying to make Fortnite into a games platform instead of just one game but none of the games are any good.
So far there's:
Fortnite (no building)
A licensed Kart racing game tie-in with Rocket League
Festival (guitar hero clone)
Lego survival crafting game
User-created custom game modes such as a holocaust museum
I think half of the userbase just plays the custom games, kids like that kind of thing.


Lego fortnite looks kind of fun (I will never play it though)


File: 1714332070176.png (343.29 KB, 579x404, 579:404, pedo_beard.png) ImgOps iqdb


>blue hair
>pink beard
>looks like every soybeard on twitter
How many red flags do you need? The single moms that allowed their children near that deserve to be in prison along with him.


File: 1714347265454.png (141.21 KB, 360x207, 40:23, Fortnite update that never….png) ImgOps iqdb

Fortnite is the new Minecraft for a good reason.


How can anyone look at this guy and not get a chill up their spine?
His eyes alone set off alarm bells.


>a chill up their spine
Well, not being sexually attracted to men helps.


>How can anyone look at this guy and not get a chill up their spine?
Not being a woman or a child, all is face tells me is:
>Punch me I'm a fucking faggot

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