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Only based and redpilled games.


Dup gets btfo in basically every modern libtard game possible, which is all modern video games since (((bioshock))).



Yep, that is a true classic video.


File: 1728628757931.mp4 (1.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The real reason why the pr….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

The producer of Night in the Woods committed suicide because somehow he kicked the hornets' nest that was Brianna Wu.


File: 1728741905914.png (509.28 KB, 512x508, 128:127, Mega Man Battle Network 2 ….png) ImgOps iqdb

If you're looking for a red-pilled game look no further. Check this out:

You take a plane from your home country (which is a stand-in for Japan) to a Western Country which is a stand-in for what seems like a mix of France, the UK, and New York. It's ""diverse,"" with people of all races, probably 50% brown, in a European style setting.

You get robbed immediately.

You take a cab to a central park area wihere there's trash all over the place, grass is overgrown and patchy, weeds sprouting out of the cracks in the sidewalk. Some little black kid gives you directions. Ahead is a giant castle, where a snobby eyeglasses guy tells you that his country is superior to all others. You turn back and take another path into a city area, and eventually enter a back alley, where an Native American Indian chieftan guy is the leader of a street gang. If you interact with any of the doors to the shithouse apartment buildings in this area, you get rocks thrown at you.

For a 2002 game, these devs were ahead of their time.


Kek that is pretty based sounding.
That creature wu isn't human


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>Brian Wu
Jack Thompson's trannyfied son who sought for revenge.


Wtf this slop game was made many years ago.


Isn't Briana Wu a "conservative" tranny now?


File: 1729130013831.png (262.14 KB, 380x291, 380:291, JennerCereal.png) ImgOps iqdb

That was Jenner "the granny killer"


I remember hearing something about that while ago. I just figured his mentally ill leftoid pedophile grift wasn't working out anymore and was going to try the 'le based MIGA troon' angle to see if it made him any more shekels, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

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