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File: 1715498608123.jpg (833.18 KB, 2124x3352, 531:838, Y17qMMp - Imgur.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


This is a game I really want to like and get into but after maybe 1 hour I get bored instantly. Maybe sandbox games are not for me. But something about this game beckons me to push on and let myself loose into it. I know buyfags are retarded, but is it worth actually buying the game on Steam or just better pirate it as usual. Would Fitgirl repacks be the best fit?


>is it worth actually buying the game on Steam or just better pirate it as usual
You already know the answer.


File: 1715551203691.png (380.4 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Terraria pirates.png) ImgOps iqdb

I mostly play Terraria like it's a fucked up arcade game, trying to beat in one-life-one-world marathon challenges, failing over and over, hoping for the one day where I'll finally succeed. It's hard for me to enjoy it with other people because I play it at such a higher level than my friends.

I'm not sure why you willingly buy the game with DRM when DRM-free options exist, but obviously this is the sort of game you might want to try out a fair bit to see if you really like it before wasting money on it. Also I wouldn't categorize it as a sandbox game since it has some pretty obvious goals and tests the player's skill.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The only video you need.


How is that a question? Do you think buying it is going to make you suddenly enjoy it over pirating it?
Either way Terraria hasn't been fun since the Moon Lord update it got way too bloated and comically unbalanced to the point the only melee weapons that are worth a shot are basically just ranged weapons with the melee label slapped onto them.


Actually the last major update did such a gigantic rebalance that this isn't really true anymore. In fact in my one-life master mode attempts I usually find myself gravitating towards melee weapons. The Night's Edge is actually great now, as are many other melee weapons that don't spit projectiles.

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