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Jesus Christ they raped the shit out of this corpse.


File: 1717140471015.png (322.01 KB, 724x720, 181:180, 1691516716679.png) ImgOps iqdb

Silent hill movie from the collector was better.


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It's kike'd by Sweet Baby Nigger Inc.


File: 1717167051167.png (1.01 MB, 2184x992, 273:124, 1717161045990948.png) ImgOps iqdb

Not my problem
I don't play it


>they expect people to keep paying good money for games with ugly women
People need to stop buying the games to punish them until they change their tune.


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>Fixed the manjaw and Eddie Hall neck
>Fixed the wide shoulders and narrow hips
>Fixed the midlife crisis troonout outfit

Thanks Basedber Team for fixing this woke game


Christina and Britney are both troons.


File: 1717197418539.png (1.8 MB, 1280x1272, 160:159, 1717116579737215.png) ImgOps iqdb

Ai does a better job.


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if birtney was a troon I'm gay


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Hey guys I'm from a better timeline just zapping in quick to laugh at you faggots. Here's something from the superior game. Later!


silent hill 2 was always overrated


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File: 1717436519038-1.png (1.08 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, angelaremake.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Looks like Takayoshi Sato's original sketches
>Looks like the young woman she is supposed to be, not in her forties
But it's bad because… because it just is okay???


It's woke feminist slop. Kys /troonpol/.


File: 1717448853889.png (117.88 KB, 233x600, 233:600, angela.png) ImgOps iqdb

I can't believe Sweetbaby went back in time and forced Takayoshi Sato to draw these WOKE designs, it's so fucking OVER bros


>i'm faceblind, checkmate chuds!


>I can't believe
Believe it, troon.

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