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File: 1716559826227.jpg (140.9 KB, 985x985, 1:1, 20240524_090935.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


If you play that faggot ass Senua cunt game, kys.


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I knew something was wrong with this game when I saw how impressive the graphics were but Microsoft still buried it. If Microsoft had a movie game to rival Sony they'd be pushing it hard but they knew Hellblade 2 was a dud


Until you posted that I had no idea what this thread was about, thought that this game was coming out way later this year.

And correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that 2024 is the year when a major first party title doesn't get a physical release.


>doesn't get a physical release
Of course. Refill your popcorn. There is more kikery to come!


I don't think Microsoft considers it a major release and there was such little interest there won't be any outrage over no disc version.


>Ninja Theory
rofl these hacks are still around?


not for long!


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Neckbeard women


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>And correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that 2024 is the year when a major first party title doesn't get a physical release.
Starfield had a disc release but the game wasn't even playable off disc. As soon as you finished installing the game from the disc and booted up Starfield, you had to go to the Microsoft Store and download 55GB. Microsoft could have shipped Starfield on multiple discs but chose not to.

Hi-Fi Rush and Age of Empires II Definitive Edition didn't get Xbox physical releases last year. Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5 aren't playable off disc. IIRC, Microsoft Flight Simulator doesn't even boot up from the disc unless you are connected online to Xbox Live.


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Does anyone got the videoclips of college students reacting to the Korean waifubait game? It was all:
>Not realistic enough


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Have they ever put out a good game? I remember there being hype around Heavenly Blade? Was that what it was called? But I thought the demo was boring as fuck so I never bothered with the full release. Other then that I only know about the numake of DMC.


>short seven-hour runtime
Isn't Hellblade 2 more around 5 hours? Even then, that's pretty bad if almost 90% of players didn't bother to stick around that long.


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>Is that a women without makeup??? I'm going insane!!1!!
Why are weebtards like this…


>Isn't Hellblade 2 more around 5 hours?
The 7 hours is probably a generous estimate for the type of paint drinking retards that would buy this sort of shit.


>game looked interesting from the trailer
>MC is le everywoman lady that you can see at least 5 clones of in the Walmart across the street
Now I understand those autists who refuse to play action games with a female protagonist, they always knew tolerating it would lead to this kind of redditry. The game can't even rely on the "I'm not gay, I like looking at the ass of my in-game avatar" crowd to defend it because Senua is just butt ugly.


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The actress is hot and they didn't butcher the model. 4channitors just have no taste. It's all cuckime girls, furry and furry adjacent, shit they don't even like real women. They cum in their pants to looney tunes but they want to weigh in on what's attractive or realistic. Get real…


Cope, seethe and dilate.

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