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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have you been keeping up with the best game reviewer on youtube?

Were you aware there is a man now continuing on the tradition of Channel Awesome?

You are now aware.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Liquid Linkara


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I can't watch YouTube anymore without signing in, even these embedded videos. I guess they are punishing us for Dup's victory.


Log in goy


Glad someone is still being an angry critic.


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2025 will be the year of PowerGamer310


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O N W H A R D Z M I E N F U H R E R Z >%^>


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Current meme rotation is getting a little stale, PowerGamer is already of my new favorite /tv/ characters


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>Have you been keeping up with the best game reviewer on youtube?
Yes I have. His name's Synthetic Man.


He's an incel nazi living with his mother, kys.


>>10123 Boring grifter who jerks off to futa


seethink kike


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Sorry but this fucking white nigger couldn't lace our savior White PowerGamer310's laces. Get this bitch ass the fuck out of here


File: 1735936461923.mp4 (746.42 KB, 720x820, 36:41, syntheticmanpov.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Synthetic Futalover jobs hard to Power Gamer


synthetic man is low iq but I still find him entertaining


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Possible banner??


File: 1735946169821.mp4 (8.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maximumkino.mp4) ImgOps iqdb



Based Synthchad making fat cucks, furfags and trannies seethe.


Absolute kino


>Jobless incel hated by his own mother
>Content is just warmed over 4chan posts with zero original insights

Wow quite the "chad" you have there…


Good enough for you to seethe about him in a rather gay and psychotic way.


Yep, I think Ramon and Balv won.


based Synthcel, Koi and other failed "gaymers" streamers wish they were as brave and good as him.


Isn't he the guy that brought up futa porn and genocide in a review of a Nintendo children's game though? I think that is more "gay and psychotic" than the people mentioning that he did that…


Sounds based and redpilled, your post sounds like reddit.


It's amazing how he has the balls to say what he says online and still face legions of redditards and troons.

The only eceleb who deserves some respect.





He is just like Hitler, Jesus or Armond White, they hate him for telling the true.


Wrong, but thanks for pointing out that we hit a nerve.


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I wouldn't say she hates him, but she's tragically bluepilled and doesn't like his political takes.
Anyway, he's livestreaming right now, so go check him out if you're interested.


>>10156 Do you not know how to to use OBS you fuckin sub marnite?


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also made this


File: 1736062850249.jpg (55.04 KB, 700x900, 7:9, youmu thumbs up.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

based as fuck!




Add it!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's this episode
One of his best






YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
He needs some fan art so he can have a proper Doug reviews wall


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Also he should co host the /tv/ awards


Its like hes set still in time, incredible.


it's kino


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
New Video


This dude is literally like if Linkara and Doug melded into a single being.

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