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A thread to show our appreciation for the only bad goy out there being attacked by all fronts for telling the true.


i hope to see him dying with his guts hanging out, he's just another zoomerfaggy nazi eceleb manchild blaming DAJOOS for everything.


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Are you typing this from inside one of dup's cargo planes?


Is nuzaching a sport?


Based synthetic chud


You can count on one hand how many based guys like him are still on YouTube pointing out the Nose.
See the more, faggot.


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he is low iq tbqh; thinks dragon ball z is better than the original


I like Syntheticman because even though he is an e-celeb hes very transparent about it, and hes never sold out, nor does he have a reason to. To put it simply, its easier to trust a man so brutally honest that he will have long diatribes about his severe hentai addiction.

Hes done something a lot of people have failed to do, he managed to evolve and adapt to the changing internet, all while carrying a time capsule of the anonymous resentment towards the murder of gaming as a hobby.


He has reddit taste


It is until after Frieza dies.


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If they were hot IRL I would knock up the whores.


I would give Kirsche so many children. I'm ready, coach. Send me in.


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Funny how this slut vtuber actually btfo'd Vee on twitter after he tried to be as based as Synth


She is a literal landwhale troon. Congratulations, you've been fooled by his gayvoice.


love how he just mocks her and calls vtubers cringe
I hate them so much


Even worse are the vtuber simps. Do you think the simps the onlyfans sluts are bad? Vtubers simps make them look like well adjusted people in comparison.


>Do you think the simps the onlyfans sluts are bad?
They're like gambling addicts, some of those guys end up in the poor house from ewhore simping. It's sick.


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A fool deserves to be separated from his money. The worst thing is their behavior towards those who don't idolize their vtuber whore. For example, this troon bitch with a nigger fetish is being defended by his simps on twitter. "Her" fans are even flagging anyone making jokes about "her", including the channel that posts these Synthetic Man clips.


mark mann donates to vtubers regularly


Another reason to despise Cakekike and vtubers.


Why do they always hide behind a 3d puppet?
Calling all ironic-pedophile /v/irgins: Why are you blowing your welfare checks with the hopes of the whore noticing your pathetic existence



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>Why are you blowing your welfare checks with the hopes of the whore noticing your pathetic existence
they are retard manbabies


Yep, another win to Synthchads another L to Mark and Koi.


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NTR Cuckolds and Buck Breaking Chads have united to save Japan against Ubisoft.


Shit like this makes me sad, Mishima Weeps a bit in his grave every time he sees such an intense nip cuck. There really ain't nothing gay about breaking in a buck, just something that needs to be done.


How did the Japanese receive Afro Samurai? This isn't the first time this has been done.


Half wanted him to fuck their wife in the ass and the other ass wanted to fuck him in the ass.


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These levels of pathetic are no rival compared to 8chan's Mark/v/ before the exodus, they kept the threads of some sperg roleplaying as the moving gray dildo from a forgotten Nintendo game. Did anyone archive that shit? I'm digging some nostalgic cringe and to remind everyone why /v/irgins keep taking L's up the ass even from reddit.


>before the exodus, they kept the threads of some sperg roleplaying as the moving gray dildo from a forgotten Nintendo game
Holy shit this is deepest lore. Even I don't know this. I hope its archived.


He got angry and fucked off after based /v/irgins started calling him a ZOGbot for joining thr army.


Damn this guy is so based… He's an ugly basement dwelling incel AND his own mother hates him??? And he jerks off to futanari NTR porn??? And he destroyed his entire life to make a fraction of what other grifters make??? B-b-based!!!


Sir, you won the internet. Take my Reddit gold!


Synthetic Man won, seethe


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Also, why do retarded anons keep using the Big Bavarian Cock naming scheme, much like incel and racism it was made up by kikes.


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delete this IMMEDIATELY


Seethe nazi! The Jews and BBCs are great, stop hating them!


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>deepest lore. Even I don't know this.
Really? He kept shitting his out autistic threads that went nowhere from time to time even managed to stay on the first page, that's how retarded those pedophile /v/irgin moderator faggots are. You couldn't trash on Nintendo or Sony but it was awwright to go full on autistic without getting sanctioned, yet these fucktards wondered why /vg/ was conceived.

He got outed for jerking off to interracial porn, still many /v/irgins were anal sore because (you) bullies kept on harassing the windowlicker and couldn't babysit his sorry ass outside of the webs.


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What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside
What does it matter it if the balls are on the inside or the outside


Based Synyhetic Futaman


I love the autistic clip where he claims futashit isn't troonshit but a reflection of superior beings/eugenics. One of the most autistic tangents I've ever seen a jewtuber make in the last couple of years.

At least syntheticman knows porn has rotted his brain and hes said several times he wishes he could wipe it from the earth.


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Based SynthChad making the koitards and trannypolfags cry.


Are /trannypol/troons ever not crying though?


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What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside. What does it matter if the balls are on the inside or the outside? You think futas don't cum? It just looks weird if the balls are on the inside.


Anthony Cumia right there.


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yep, based Synth being the only holy crusader bring justice to the vidya anons and making foxdickfarms, grifters, normalfags and troons seethe.


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Yeah its those kiwi farmers, maybe even that rascal J*shua C*nn*r M**n himself!!!! He's at it again!!! Hey Null, the futa balls go on the outside ya dummy!


>its about ethics in futanari eugenics


>He got outed for jerking off to interracial porn

This reminded me of a small story.

Back in the day I used to go to /v/ to observe one thread about a particular series of games, and the /v/iggers were mad because some cucked jap was being payed by a bunch of western trannies to make interracial porn of their favorite characters. Actually a good reason to be mad, but it was ironic because I often recognized their posting styles in gamergay threads and other meta threads and they wouldn't bat an eye when acidblacked posted his waifus getting fucked by niggers.


Based Ataturk chad making leftists faggots seethe.


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Now I understand why he attracts so much hate, not only does he have the COURAGE to expose the truth about JQ, but he's also obviously quite loved in a natural way, look at those numbers, more live-views than channels with 1 million subscribers or doing lame vidya related videos for over one decade.

He arouses envy in the weak and admiration among the strong.

You converted me into a Synthchud, thanks, /ch3/, good to see we still have based oldfags around here instead of just redditors and kiwifarms trannies.


Why do people care so much about other people's takes to the extent that they follow them? The only gamer channels I care about are the ones that come up when I search for news, sales, and tutorials.


>The only gamer channels I care about are the ones that come up when I search for news
Those are the shittest ones, anon. Watching tutorials is totally fine, but gaming news? Ouch!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's the fastest way to get the latest breaking news and leaks.


I like him for the same reason I like gahoole (and mormon shaggy, to a lesser extent)
it takes a lot of courage to be honest about things online especially as a person with right wing political views
there are very few truly honest people out there


lol Straighthoole he is one of the biggest guys i have ever seen he and his chad buddies are a bunch of honest men and gigolos.





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He's crying about toxic masculinity.

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