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File: 1736624626221.png (156.84 KB, 1389x694, 1389:694, Screenshot from 2025-01-11….png) ImgOps iqdb


Since the unveiling of the Switch 2 is believed to be imminent, let's discuss what we know thus far:

-8-inch OLED screen
-Magnetic contacts for the controllers, no more "drift"
-Overhaul of Nintendo Switch Online with more intuitive matchmaking
-Backward compatibility, Nintendo accounts will carry over
-256 GB internal storage
-Performance will fall somewhere between Gen8 and Gen9
-Most AAA titles from the current era will be able to be ported
-Microsoft deal will allow COD to return to a Nintendo console and other Microsoft properties like Halo and Flight Simulator
-3D Mario and cross-gen Metroid Prime 4 at launch


Switch 2 is also getting FFVII Remake and Rebirth, probably other Square Enix stuff as well.


File: 1736630020758.png (51.96 KB, 224x323, 224:323, FUCK MY LIFE img.png) ImgOps iqdb

>nintendo still doesn't play with power in 2025


Hopefully this will be the generation Nintendo adds integrated voice chat to its online service.


So (you) can get banned?


I'm tactful enough to know not to shout nigger on a normie platform. I just want to communicate with other players.


understandable but I usually only ever used vc to fuck with people back in the day.


I remember the wild west days very fondly. But we've grown more mature and screaming profanities isn't quite as amusing as it used to be. I can live with tempering my speech in online gaming, it's better than the deaf mute matchmaking they have now. You feel more like you're part of a community when you can actually converse with other players.


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>But we've grown more mature and screaming profanities isn't quite as amusing as it used to be
It's always amusing
>I can live with tempering my speech in online gaming
I'd rather not.
>it's better than the deaf mute matchmaking they have now.
I guess nu-games don't have chat anymore
> You feel more like you're part of a community when you can actually converse with other players.
Can't really be part of much of a decent community when you can't actually be a real human bean.

Honestly I don't even have a soytch neither will I ever have one but I can't see the logic in playing multiplayer that isn't cracked and uncensored these days.


>I can't see the logic in playing multiplayer that isn't cracked and uncensored these days
I don't feel the need to talk about da joos when I'm playing vidya.


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>I don't feel the need to talk about da joos when I'm playing vidya.
That's not even what I'm talking about, I've been banned from valve games for teasing players and griefing them in the most minor ways. I didn't even use VC when I did it recently. People have become total pussies.

On top of that, yeah I should also be able to talk about the chosenites whenever I wish.


Fuck you, essayfag! Black dicks are the best thing ever!


>I've been banned from valve games for teasing players and griefing them in the most minor ways. I didn't even use VC when I did it recently.
What the hell did you do?


Just acted extremely annoying and harassed people in minor ways to the point of them raging. I'll leave it to you to think of what I did. It isn't "ban worthy."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this was me


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this as well


I'm good. I'll just emulate my switch games


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No you're not


Why do game pirates always feel this urge to boast about their criminal activities, when it's not relevant to the discussion?

You guys are just like the faggots, cucks, and pedos, who can't keep their mouths shut about degeneracy.


>zoomer hates pirates
<degenerate to not suck off the faceless corpo ruled by jews


><degenerate to not suck off the faceless corpo ruled by jews
Nintendo isn't owned by jews. If you rip off Nintendo, you are literally ripping off the soul of Nippon.


Looking forward to playing COD online on the go.


It is relevant though. I see no need to buy what is probably gonna be the same system with a slight boost in performance when I can play the same games in better quality on something I already own


You're probably gonna need to upgrade your PC to emulate Switch 2, so either way, you end up paying.


Doubt it. PS4 is getting emulated right now and the requirements aren't that bad.


What are you /v/eddit from 2017 in a time capsule.


Anything newer than 2013 with AVX should be fine. We're talking about mobile games rendered at 540p(according to their patents) and upscalled up to 4k with fake frames inserted to make it feel smooth. The same game running on an emulator could have textures patched for the desired resolution and run at a higher framerate to not need the upscaling or frame generation. If the emulator does run a DLSS style upscaler you can be sure it'll be much better than the one used in the Switch 2 and each game will have a different one optimized for it.

That's all the Switch 2 is, a stupid AI gimmick added to a slightly improved existing product to take advantage of consumers buying 4k screens. They could have called it the Switch Pro like Sony did with the PS5.


>We're talking about mobile games rendered at 540p
Handheld resolution is game-specific. The Switch 1 can do up to 720p handheld. It's not that big a deal on a small screen.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Agreed on it being game specific but patents related to the Switch 2 were published half a month ago and they give those numbers, while portable it's 540p upscalled to 1080p and when docked 1080p native or upscalled to 4k. This makes sense for lower storage requirements of their game cartridges and helps extend battery life.

As mentioned in this video without hardware being tested it's just speculation but it's also the most accurate information we have as of now. And their competitors are doing the same thing so it's not unreasonable.


Can't find the video of Miymamoto showing the new Nintendo console that was just two Wii's taped together with shit all over it, accurate allegory for the Wii U, would the Switch 2 be same thing? Would the useful retards go awfully quiet?

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