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They always defend the undefendable and cry to their government out of butthurt, they can't argue for shit whenever it comes to their harsh reality.


It was inevitable.

Dear God mariachi is ear splitting.


That girl on the right side, sitting down, and recording with her phone is very pretty. would impregnate.


You could get a welding gun and start selling armored vehicles. When "socialism" tries to kick down the door use them for making it difficult.


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Well shit on a sidewalk has more use than a mexican.

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Trumps biggest accomplishments:

Banned bump stocks
Operation warpspeed
Son in law creampies his daughter with mossad cum everynight
"Take the guns first, due process second"
Wants to sentence Edward Snowden to death
Shabbos goy who pardoned Israeli spies on his last day
Pardoned nigger rappers
Left his Jan 6 supporters to die in solitary confinement
Kraken never released
Never locked her up
Wall never built
Spent $10 trillion
Sucks Klaus schwab and jews cocks daily
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Dup just loves Israel.


our entire government is a ZOG.. I hate republicans more because they pretend to be different than democrats.


Lulz. Saved.


Understandable, but I can't bring myself to not hate the eeking jigaboo party more.


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ywn be liberal enough for these people

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Daily reminder that the Kamal, as a woman, is not legally eligible to serve as President of the United States. She shouldn't even be the Vice President.

That's not me being backward or misogynist or whatever label you want to apply to me, it's basic Constitutional Law. Don't like it, conduct a seance and argue with the Founding Fathers.


fuck off back to 4chan and reddit faggot


the constitution actually says she isn't even qualified to be a citizen


The 14th Amendment changed that. What it didn't do is change the requirements for POTUS/VPOTUS.

I have no doubt that modern Americans would agree to a woman President, but like anything else, you need to pass a constitutional amendment revising Article 2 instead of ignoring the constitution and making shit up as you go along.


Go tell someone who gives a fuck, nerd.


Interesting. I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!

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Nigger rapists get 180 days of probation. Saying mean things to cops, be white, get 24 months in prison.

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>British police, stern, stern but unfair


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You didn't send that anywhere.


Ok fag


[email protected].

Kys now please thanks!


(((really makes you think)))

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Two more months?

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Be chinabug
>die from dirty water
>mass kills their own children
>ran by eunuchs
>no muscle
>3rd world country
>eats fetus soup
>literal rape baby mongoloid
>zero continual history
>zero inventions
>only copy crudely by stealing from Americans
>have zero heritage
>never had a civilization until Europeans gave them civilization along with every advancement
>ancestors were brown mongoloids that over populated Yamnaya Europeans
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Let's all ignore the (((puppet-master)))


tvchan is an amerimutt glownigger site and Gayhole's a gay pedophile faggot who got caught by glowniggers with CP on his hard drive. Kill yourselves langley dei hires.


Kek, when they saw Gahoole, they said, "Hey, we can use this guy."


>literal CIA propaganda
kill yourself Gayhole.


They definitely saw his autistic fit with Mark the Mannchild and realized he's not any different from the typical redditor who thinks he's the new Andy Kaufman in his nonexistent world filled with minorities.

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>please don't abstain from voting
glownigger thread


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>child porn links
Come on man, not the time right now, flaggots still play dumb wether or not pedophilia is being normalized.


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Mama Kamala has chosen her VP. If you don't vote for Kamala then you ain't black.


So, the choice is between a Vance (Dance) and a Walz (Waltz).


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It's always their turn.

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Hey pindos, I can't remember how many times your la-tranny burger brains have called me a snow nigger, but it looks like your economy is fucked and I'm gonna tear you up like a fish, you like jerkfish for your beer? I do.

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ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!

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Wrong muttboy, check the news


What would be funny is if you download the archive and all the pictures are just a calendar with two weeks highlighted on it


caring about aliens is just as important as caring about what kikes do, cause nobody does shit anyway.


A chinkmutt calling a European mutt oh the irony and retardation can not be fixed just glad you won't have children chinkmutt you insects are a infection.

>Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria all create oxygen


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You know we can tell you are a some bugchink abomination right.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maduro is done. This is how you properly revolt when communists steal your election.

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Do you mean like Ted Cruise?
I remember the earlobe meme.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's so bullshit he didn't (((replace))) Harry Shearer the adolescent stuck in a 70 year old body when he announced when he was going to quit the Simpsons because he was burned out and wanted to save some integrity. So much for these liberals who want social changes every fucking second.

He even admitted his party are the modern jews who cry over da' fascists and gaslight the fact they're supported by street criminals, (((they))) may erase Weimar Republic from history books but (((they))) certainly conceived its distant relatives in South America.


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The gentile are just seething that he won fair and square for over 25 years, same with every SodoAmerican president whose party is old enough to be in a nursing home.



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