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 No.146637[View All]

Better vote harder in 2028.
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>but let's not have illusions that Iran are choir boys.

They have a serious problem with tranny surgery, what their government did to the Shah, who was based was bad, but overall they are against the jewish genocide of innocent people, and it happens to be that them refusing to bow to the kikes is good for anyone in the west who is under the unfair grip of jewish rule.

Oh and I know that the people of gaza are mostly brown mudslimes who hate white people but I don't carez whatever sooner frees my people is a positive.


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>but overall they are against the jewish genocide of innocent people
Why should anyone give a shit about the Palestinians themselves? What concerns me is the Israelis' shamelessly entitled attitudes, posturing as victims, and how they bitch about how savage the Palestinians are while seemingly being fine with shipping them to the West. Fuck them. Their attacks have also destroyed ancient historical sites. The Israelis love larping as modern Westerners, but they're not as different from the dune coons as they like to think. Hell, it's increasingly the ultra-Orthodox sheenies who are popping out kids.



>Why should anyone give a shit about the Palestinians themselves? What concerns me is the Israelis' shamelessly entitled attitudes, posturing as victims, and how they bitch about how savage the Palestinians are while seemingly being fine with shipping them to the West. Fuck them.

I agree, I just support pro-palestine shit in any subversive way to undermine the kikes and to decrease the chances of them being shipped here as a new bioweapon.



Damn, so this is the final course of what of what adopting christvuvkety has done, thanks an lot Constantine.


Nobody cares, kys.


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Dup is going to lose by a landslide. He will lose Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina, every swing state.
It's over.


>i'm a man
lol no


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It's clear that they are getting extremely desperate, now that they are attacking Jill Stein of all people.


Nah, americans are like that


>Israel will not attack Syria
Israel has bombed syrian bases with russians inside for years now, nothing will change other than Russia just ignoring their calls for ammo sales


wow. cope so hard faggot.


I believe the anon you're replying to was being sarcastic. Given his response was to an ineffective Harris ad.


Dup is performing better in swing state polls than he did in 2016 and 2020. It's too big to rig this time. Nobody is gonna believe that everyone is still a Chicken Little mail-in voter with the pandemic being over this time.


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Get ready for the Dup redemption arc, shitlibs.


I'm not being sarcastic, Trump is fucked. We had these same polls for the 2022 midterms. There was endless talk about a "red wave." Guess what? The GOP barely squeaked out like 5 seats and they ended up losing three of then later on because of retards like that gay moron George Santos.
It's going to be like 2008. Kamaladup is going to crush Dup because of the abortion issue. Were it not for that Dup would win but the abortion issue ruined everything.


>the abortion issue ruined everything.
You'd be surprised how little people care about the right to kill babies compared to other issues. It's all (((media))) hype.


American women in particular are obsessed with killing their kids.


American women, and especially American white women view having a child as the absolue worst possible thing that can happen to them in life.


>fetuses are babies


democrat voters being pro palestine has assured a 2024 trump victory. stfu faggot.


They are gonna become babies. I'm not even 100 percent anti-abortion personally but for the sake of stopping women from being total whores, it should be shoahed along with contraceptives of all types.


Matthew 27:37
Verse Concepts

And above His head they put up the charge against Him which read, "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS."

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Messianic-Titles,-King-Of-The-Jews


Mark 15:32
Verse Concepts

Let this Christ, the King of Israel, now come down from the cross, so that we may see and believe!" Those who were crucified with Him were also insulting Him.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Messianic-Titles,-King-Of-The-Jews

jesus knew the kikes would crucify him, he knew they were the biggest sinners which is why he preached to them first, then the gentiles. Then it was the gentiles who created the church and Christianity.

meanwhile trump sucks so much jew cock he can't even see straight


You will see come November. I'm calling it now. 2008 landslide for Kamalaup.


no the kikes want trump to win, the democrats want to replace netanyahu, but netanyahu hates white people so much he still doesn't trust trump. The democrats can't have a war in israel because the MIGA base and democrat americans won't go. If trump wins they have a chance of sending goys to die for israel.


notice all the celebs including elon didn't endorse trump until after the war in israel and the democrats turning on israel. It's all about israel, it always has been.


Trump sucks jewish cock so much MAGAtards will gleefully die for israel, even though some of them seem to be anti jew, anti israel, most of them are OD'ing on israeli cum.


There won't be boots on the ground in Iran. America couldn't occupy Iraq and Afghanistan properly, and you think American could handle Iran? The most likely outcome is Israel bombs Iran, and/or knocks off the Ayatollah, Iran strikes back impotently before Israel and its allies put Iran in its place. Then, everything goes back to normal with less terrorism.


You nazis are cringe and gay. There's nothing wrong with sucking a Jewish penis from time to time.


listen kike you can keep spamming your cringe anti goy spam but it's not working. You're the one seething anytime someone mentions the jews, and we will continue to call out the jews so I will see you next time someone calls out the jews.


I only love BBC and asian pussy.


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Pokefags and Whitefags BTFO!


<Hey Mr. Trump is deporting all the illegals gonna be like catching Pokemon


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OK, mijo, chose wisely, si?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who must go?


It's over for dup…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trump literally won't do shit lmfao. that is the only white pill from all of this. he'll say anything to get elected. Holy fuck didn't realize how based jimmy dore how the fuck is he still on jewtube?


There's only so much he can do, especially when he is stymied at every turn by the media and lawfare, but based on his first term, he has a record of following through on his agenda.


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These are the latest numbers after Kamala's disastrous Fox News interview


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
duploaded the full interview on his youtube lmao


>Oh no, Trump wants to protect the Jewish people from online nazis! That's bad!!!!

I just got one extra reason to vote for him. I don't fucking care about international politics and shit like that. I want to make America great again and if meanwhile we are helping our allies that is a bonus. One nation, one leader and one God.


Israel is clearly our greatest ally!


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Kamalasisters, we got too cocky!




I love how Dup tries to minimize saying her name at his rallies. I've noticed that many times he just calls her "her" or "she". Not using names or titles, opting to just call them a pronoun is a subtle way to rhetorically debase them.


This! So much this!!!!
Asmongold did nothing wrong.
We need to annihilate Iran and Palestine to make the woketards mad.
God bless America and Israel.
Love from India.


>Asmongold did nothing wrong.
The only thing he did wrong was saying Palestinians are bad because they treat homos and such badly, as if that's the main reason they're shit. Them and the Red Sea pedestrians deserve each other.

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