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Are fairy tales and European stories grooming young girls to have sex with men?????
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how does this disproves christianity?


Here is your (you)


It's just an image thought to depict Yahweh and his consort, Asherah.


It's funny how she went from being consort of Yahweh to being dea non grata whose images the Israelites were commanded to tear down. I remember having a dream about Asherah poles several years ago.


Read Snow Crash

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Post em

>Trump: In 2016, we had h20

>biden: number 1…….number 1…….
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I thought I recalled trump insisting dems wanted late term abortion, and joe saying something to the effect of "roe v wade allows for that" after already saying "I'm for roe v wade"

sure sounded like he backed late term abortion


Trump's performance was mostly forgettable but Biden's visible mental decay in real time salvaged it.


sentencing postponed until Sept. 8th. looks like they want him to secure the nomination before they toss him in prison.


you sound like a drop out so you're opinion is non-valid


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So, our choices will be between a political prisoner, and a guy who should be in prison but isn't, but he has Stage IV Alzheimer's.

What will the American Sheeple decide?

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JK Rowling is daring police in her native Scotland to arrest her for misgendering transgender people after a new woke hate crime law took effect Monday.

"Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal," she wrote on X.

"I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment."

"The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls' single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women's jobs, honors and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men and the reality of immutability of biological sex," she continued.

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Some zoomers hate him for not being progressive enough, but nope. Gen x love him, most of them have him as their favorite writer.
His most recent romance "Holly" was all about unvaxxed people being evil and Trump supporters being serial killers.
He guy is a pedo, let's be honest.

He always had this obsession with children and also with making characters who were pedos, and most of the time the pedo characters were made on purpose not to be the worst of the bunch. In "Needeful Things" the little mostly white town had at least three pedos living it. He dives into this, making it obvious to the pedo characters that they know smaller towns are best for guys like them and whenever some secret pedo party happens in a big city they can just go there.
In "IT" there is the famous child gangbag in the sewers.
He always created self-insert characters of him dating beautiful women in the books, because in real life he married a legitimate 2/10.
I don't doubt that he has already used his power and money to do nefarious deeds and this has always been hushed up. I honestly hope that before or after he dies something will leak out.


Stephen King is a fucking weirdo. Anyone who has read more than one of his books will agree. His voice JUMPS through the page at some points and just takes you completely out of the story.

I remember in Desperation he had this washed up old writer character, who was an bitter addict and hated everyone around him for the most petty of reasons. Naturally, the writer is the one who saves the world at the end by sacrificing himself, and I got the strong impression that this guy was a self-insert for how King views himself. Real fucking weird stuff.


The movies are better than whatever he barfed at his typewriter.


He's rated exactly as he deserves to be. Maybe underrated if anything. The popular idea of Stephen King is that he's a bad or hokey writer, whose nonsense people find entertaining. Everyone thinks Stanley Kubrick made the Shining better, and that King is kind of a boob for hating his movie. Who, these days, is painting King as some kind of infallibly great artist? Anyway, kys Ramonigger.


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Common problem for white American conservatives


Anyone have that webm where dup says he is ok with her daughter being with a nigger?



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> Most American white men are trained to be fags. For this reason it is no wonder their faces are weak and blank … The average ofay [white person] thinks of the black man as potentially raping every white lady in sight. Which is true, in the sense that the black man should want to rob the white man of everything he has. But for most whites the guilt of the robbery is the guilt of rape. That is, they know in their deepest hearts that they should be robbed, and the white woman understands that only in the rape sequence is she likely to get cleanly, viciously popped.
> Smile jew. Dance, jew. Tell me you love me, jew. I got something for you … I got the extermination blues, jewboys. I got the hitler syndrome figured … So come for the rent, jewboys … one day, jewboys, we all, even my wig wearing mother gonna put it on you all at once

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Who is this?
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A jewish pig. I would rather to fuck a hapa pig instead.


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mentally ill schizo faggot what else is new


He is a cop and a christian, so I don't see anything wrong, he is based. Keep seething woketards lol.


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blue pill, black pill, red pill still is a jewish leftist shill
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This makes larpagans seethe lol


Have you taken the brown pill yet mateys? It's a tough pill to swallow!


What is the brown pill about???


It was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill.


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 No.141869[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You lads ready for the draft?
Your banker country needs you in these turbulent times!
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>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
The kikes are going to do a false flag and blame the russians.
What is the false flag you ask? Pewdie pie is going to die in a Russian Missile attack.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
They will be enlisting out of necessity because they can't afford the cost of living.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
Tell them there's free edible ass in enemy territory


I believe they'd be more useful to kikes slaving away in dystopian gigafactories than getting droned by Russians or having their faces melted off by Chinese lasers.
The real war is dissolving the middle class so toiling in Foxconn-like factory dorms becomes destiny for the masses.


The kikes want non-white slaves, so they will do their out most best to send the whites to war, even if it means creating a social-credit score like in China.

[Last 50 Posts]
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>I Was an Alt Right Brainwashed Guy During High School But College Changed Me!!!
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Amerimutts have no morals and believe in nothing, so flipflopping on politics is okay for them.


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As opposed to who you shitskin beaner because most of the world is brown subhumans that have zero morals and soul less chinks.


are you calling him nuzach? Cool strategy.


Americans may be hypocritical, but they don't lack morals.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pathetic. Not only is he endorsing drowning what's left of America in Turd Worlders, but he's also strengthening the corrupt college system.
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How bad are pajeets in tech (software eng as an example)?


That's hardly the most retarded thing you could've picked from his post



Retards and snitches.


Like how bad are their coding?

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