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File: 1731599302653.mp4 (10.15 MB, 720x1264, 45:79, DW2KnnR9-6wuJwLa.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


I'm ready to die for Israel, how about you dupers?
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Ramon won.


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Buncha nigger loving GOPyim


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Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth
t. dup


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Which republican was the one saying that jews came from Mars gaining disapproval from both parties?

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Chris Benoit
This one I wasn't completely sold on, but he was adamant about it. The number 23 is all over Benoit's history and death, but I guess they were connected because Carrey played Kaufman (who did a foray in professional wrestling).

Anyhow, here is the archived notes of a man speaking about it:


Also, he claims JC unalived Benoit in June 2007 because that date was also when Me, Myself, and Irene came out (June 23rd). That movie came out seven years exactly before to the day Benoit's son was killed.

Now most of you should already know about the connections between Carrey and the number 23. It seems to almost dictate his life.. A lot of his films come out on the 23rd and he even got married on the 23rd before, can't forget about the movie too (which almost mimics all of this happening). Anyhow, the sicker truth should all of this be real is that he likely did not act alone… and like I said before, my friend started getting random texts and voicemails from blank numbers saying "You Are Going To Die", thus my reluctance. Since you can still find footprints of his research however, along with what now appears to be subplebbit devoted to this, I figured why not share it here on /x/.

Even for a LARP, it makes a pretty good one, eh?

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The reddit post was deleted.


fuck off faggot


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Comet Ping Pong server hacked by 'Ghostillion', PDFILES found in zip files behind password-protected page

Interview transcript with the hacker who broke into Comet Ping Pong's server and found pdfiles - international network


Who cares? Dup didn't do anything about it during his first term. Jew Biden engages in baby vore play on TV. Nothing happens to these people because pigs serve them.


It's just a confirmation.
Remember the " pizzagate is debunked trend " on youtube ?


I think the best thing we got out of Pizzagate was the reopening of the Epstein investigation, I think it sort of acted as the impetus for that, even though it turned out to be a dead end, with Epstein getting knocked off before he could talk.


He's still alive and killed John McAfee.


Just for show. Epstein's client list won't see the light of day until everyone on it is dead.

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Zionist kike admin round two lol MIGA


kek, MIGA!

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it's the jews " meme ?
You don't think women are not the problem anymore ?
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What makes you think it isn't both? Women are unbelievably easy to manipulate if you have the resources. All you have to do is make something look like it's popular consensus and women follow the herd without question. And since kikes control the mass media it's simple for them to manipulate 99.9% of women into believing anything they want. Like >>151897 said: Women are useful retards.


Are you seriously still trying to push this shit? The problem is not an either or situation like the others have said. Everything began when kikes and kike adjacents manipulated women to ruin the nuclear family and it all went downhill from there, but that doesn't mean women will just stop being eternal gaslighters if there are no kikes. Reminder that even the kikes themselves wrote tons of shit portraying women as manipulators, including in several books of the bible. They even specifically used a stereotypical prostitute of their time as a symbol for the devil. Their spiritual descendants aka Muslims specifically created religious rules to btfo their own women. These were all shrewd, duplicitous assholes we're talking about and even they whined about how women are almost inherently problematic. If anything, they sought to control today's women precisely because they know how dangerous women can be to their own society when given even the tiniest bit of power.


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checked and correct
avoid the foid


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>Everything began when kikes and kike adjacents manipulated women to ruin the nuclear family and it all went downhill from there


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This is America's new Attorney General. Ladies, I am scared.
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KEKEK geez you mf I wish I could upvoot you rn.


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He almost got btfo, however he's not Roman Polanski.

Downvote him instead, we won't let Max Gayne be the other Pepe the Frog spreading hatred and other retarded hippie buzzwords


He stepped down from the nomination. We did it, sweeties! First dup btfo in his new reign of terror.


All cause he dated a 17 year old.


It's just more false allegations from lawfare kikes. The House Ethics Committee is equally split, unlike other committees, that's the only reason this shit got this far. He withdrew because he didn't want to become a distraction for the incoming Dup administration.

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In short, the 4B movement is a vow to swear off men. It is called the 4B movement because in Korean, the four tenets each begin with bi, which means no, according to a paper published by two South Korean researchers at Yonsei University's Institute of Humanities.

The movement specifically calls for the refusal of dating men (biyeonae), sexual relationships with men (bisekseu), heterosexual marriage (bihon), and childbirth (bichulsan) in response to what South Korean women see as a patriarchal and misogynistic culture. The movement is also known as the "4 Nos."

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Can they modify the niggers and kike to stop them acting like subhumans?


All this is going to do is show how little we actually know about genetics. People think this will end stuff like autism but the only solution they provide is invasive procedures that jeopardizes otherwise viable pregnancies, but instead of curing autism and other diseases they just change eye color with a high failure rate or something superficial and stupid. Or they kill perfectly healthy babies as the other solution.
They pretend genetics is so cut and dry but refuse to acknowledge when someone with genetic flags doesn't have the problem they assumed they would have.

Oh you have this sequence on this gene that means youre gonna have xyz syndrome. Because everyone with xzy syndrome has this sequence on that gene. Ofc there are people without xyz syndrome with those mutations too but lets forget about that.

Id be happy with something like this becoming mainstream so the fraud would get attention but I know theyll just sweep it under the rug after everything goes wrong like everything else instead of exposing all the pseudoscience and junk science its based on.


It's all an excuse to sterilize troublesome goyim. Even when things go horribly wrong it'll get memory holed by the media just like all the vaxtards having heart attacks for seemingly no reason.


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>they're gonna suddenly become benevolent and use shots to upgrade our genetics


They need a new America as the old one is dying fast, preferably one that can also serve as a buffer against the chinkoids. Japan is rapidly becoming irrelevant thus their only real choice is SK on that front. This latter angle is why you also see the global Jewry recruiting so many poonigger shills.

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I have finally become based!
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I guess you're too much of a newfag to know how imageboards work.


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Oh please (((Wisenheimer))), tell everyone how this piece of shit place ended up in life support? Why the fuck they can't rewritte this site and updating to the standards of 8ch.moelester? Even fucking Alogs got the better reply system.
Quite hilarious how you skipped a good chunk of my previous post and just focus on:
<The fucking newfag is not autistic enough for my standards
While ignoring the fucktards who can't properly hover their mouse pointer and click on the number of post or the gigantic dipshit who accidentally manages to copy and paste the whole thread with play icons.


File: 1732115516756.mp4 (15.2 MB, 1176x720, 49:30, Before the Law.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>the site to accept mp4 files
What are you even talking about?


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cuckchan newfaggot, suck my fucking nuts


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