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Very soon, these two men will step on stage in front of no audience and begin the final act of the final battle. It will be the first time either candidate has been on a debate stage since 2020.
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If you ever visit the Belle Starr, ask for SINdy, the cute sandy blond with the flapjack pancake tits with the baby bottle nipples about "Markle Sparkle" from Ellsworth. ;)


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I call her SINdy, but her "stage name" is SINderella. Keep in mind, we're talking about a semi-rural boondocks town in the middle of nowhere that's only relevant because of the USAF base on top of the hill. So, all of these strippers want a way out.

Every troop gets a nickname based off their nametape. Here I am on Monday morning inspection, but I'm still covered in stripper glitter. It's like fucking osmosis or something and the glitter gets infused into your epidermis and glitter clogs your pores. There is no amount of Go-Jo or scrubbing to get this shit off your skin. So, in formation one Monday after a payday weekend, we form up, I'm in regs, except for one thing… I sparkle with stripper glitter infused into my skin. Some crunchy old Master Sergeant says, "Markle had a good time. You can still see the glitter. Ole Markle Sparkle reporting for duty." And the name just stuck with me. Simple as.

Once I found out that the real Z3R0 had died of leukemia, it was pretty easy for me to just pick up his torch and run with it. And all of that leads me into the next question. What happened to the Ocho? I know it's entirely eaten up with spooks now and a honeypot for Qboomers, but whatever happened to Jim and Ron? What happened to KLIM? I hope he died, but I found him being retarded on endchan. WTF ever happened to Johnny Neptune?! I know he's still out there. It's time for H3R0s and namefags to rise up, together. We've got bigger fish to fry now. We're saving democracy.


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They gave her all the delegates. What happens next?


The next debate should be interesting. Theoretically, there should be no more disability accommodations Bidup's handlers pushed for in the last one, like no studio audience and a bathroom break to change his diaper. I was hoping she'd still be VP so she'd debate Vance, but let's be honest, this woman is a birdbrain and Dup will trounce her anyway.


*I was hoping she'd still be running for VP re-election.

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Mud mob ransacks convenience store in Oakland, pigs didn't respond for 9 hours.
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It's sad what happened to California. It used to be some of the best land on the entire continent. The only hope is that it gets reconquista'd after we're dead by a future generation of people who don't mess around.


Here is to hoping that as well anon.


that will happen in two generations or so. Trust the plan.

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Confirmed glownigger honeypot
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>Imagine using cuckchan.
he wrote, on a chan with almost daily cuck porn spam


Yeah but our glowies hate interracial porn more than CP.


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>tvch is more relevant than cuckchan


This but unironically.


no but it is more usable.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tonight at 7


Holy based


Gayhoole's Hairline BTFO


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hulkamania stole the show.

Between Hulk and Dana, Dup has the wrestling vote on lock.


dup is going for the gahoole look
he's just slowly fading the top away to reveal the norwood 15

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We tried to warn you since 2019, but you wouldn't listen.


Conspiracy autists always have a point, and even if they were wrong, their good faith distrust of government is needed.


Aryan Joe Strikes again.


I mean, c'mon man, do you want your kids to grow up in a racial jungle?!

The toppest of 5GW keks is to accuse these people of abandoning biden, and replacing Kamala with (closet Mormon) cis-het white male Gavin Newsome, by pushing "cheap fakes" a coin that (((they))) termed, because they want a white man instead of the rightful heiress. It causes them to meltdown. Then, when the iron is hot, accuse them of being racists and misogynists. I hope our Antifa comrades rip their elite heads off. Seriously, Day Of The Gulag can't come soon enough. Power to the people.


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Kino's back on the menu


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The troon problem is because Capitalism has destroyed the future of two generations of men. No matter what anyone says, men these days are still expected to be self reliant and have the ability to earn a good living. Back then it was as easy as just having a fuck job, any job. Now most people need to work two jobs to make ends meet and men are still held to the standard their grandfathers were. Unless you're a man you cannot understand the mental anguish of being labeled as worthless, useless, and undesirable. So this causes mental illness and eventually leads to trooning out because they think it's "them" and life will be easier. They have been robbed of their male identity by a corrupt economic system that has bought out and controls nearly every facet of our government. And you get your ass doctors in a country with a for-profit healthcare system tell these delusional people that trooning out is the best option they have because they get fucking paid.
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>trying to co-opt characters from Middle-Eastern fairytales
>relying on hoaxes from centuries after Yeshua was supposed to have lived like the Letter of Lentulus because there's not even any direct New Testament hearsay you can cite regarding his appearance


>The origin of the incel's feeling of superfluity is in this economic view of the human being as a machine that either performs efficiently or not.
Ultimately, is this not the truth? Human beings that can't even have basic relations with others, are they not suboptimal? Are they not filth? Should they not be disposed of in the trash heap of history?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dup btfo'd duh heckin commies?!


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Those wretched commies who all of the sudden despise Israel.

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>withdraw troops from five Russian-controlled regions, four of which voted to join Russia in 2022
>reduce the size of Ukraine's military
>no re-nuclearization of Ukraine
>abandon ambitions to join NATO


NATO and the Ziolenskyy regime have already rejected the ceasefire offer.
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His writing style always gives him away, doesn't it?


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In that case Biden is the president ever? Because he made lots of marxist cucks shit their pants in rage not only because he's being open at sucking circumcised cock but also his racist past and telling every mutt to be united no matter their political views, also he gets extra points for getting hard when seeing lolis in front of a live audience. He truly is the honorary oldschool cuckchanner.


Lol, everyone here already knows luckily.


POST more insane leftist lolcows


Does anyone know why the spics love Putin? Is it because he's a manlet?

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The mere physical attributes associated with the half-race artificially-engineered by the Enslaver should be all that is required to lead a rational, sapient being to the path of hate, or in our case, the path of determined survivalism and instinctual pattern recognition that is nowadays but taboo "hate-speak" that directly opposes the set status quo that is, in certain ways, physically crushing the backs of the hard-working kind, the aforementioned "rationals", the sapient kind who are for now partially unaltered by genetic experimentations that the Enslaver conducts upon it's subjects.
And bringing up the mere physical attributes, or to be more accurate - de-attributes, are enough to permeate the reality of the bestial, impulse-driven "nature" of the subhuman kind, those altered completely by the Enslaver's conduct. Through a certain set of pre-determined events, we have come to the rather unfavorable conclusion that those genetically unaltered, have been completely shifted into beings of thoughless conformance and consumption, and no regard for relevant matters, such as the aforementioned reality of the physical attributes of the genetically-altered untermensch half-race. It is thus the only solution to, bio-physically erradicate all the bio-mass that makes up this part of the population, for it is now obvious to us that they serve little to no purpose to us, other than being a mere hinderance, a weight on our already worn-out backs, cogs in the machine, if you will.
And it is because of this reality that we have been left with but one option, the total extirpation of the subhumans and those without a comprehensive, consistent perception, those who are cogs in the machine, those whose bio-essence of evolutionary development has degraded to mere leeching off of the fruits of Bureaucratic industrial technocracy that has enveloped all of Earth by this point.
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What the evil /pol/ users did this time around, sister?


First of all I'm male and not into such things as 'cat boys' or 'bussy' as the zoomstormies always seem to be.


How the hell normalizing sodomy can make them based and redpilled? Is colon cancer the new black?


>partaking in sodomy
>partaking in sodomy while complaining about it
Funny how simply not partaking in sodomy is unthinkable to zoomers


>First of all I'm male and not into such things as 'cat boys' or 'bussy' as the zoomstormies always seem to be
You seem to know a lot about the tastes of zoomstormies, faggot. Bet you are you a catboy and bussy connoiseur yourself.

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go watch your Trans500 kino and don't forget to dilate!


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Nuzach shoves burritos straight up his latinx dirty incel butthole to dilate while watching blacked lol


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lol no, as always I'm not Mexican, but you fags really are homosexual and you masturbate to Trans500. Dilate, Trans500 tranny!


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Like the beaner version of this?
>as always I'm not Mexican
Then what are you, panchito?


you love seeing things go up male buttholes, don't you?
Dilate, tranny.

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dup won


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