>Interview with Siegfried, a member of the Sicherheitspolizei [Security Police] and later the Einsatzgruppen, Landau, 1989. the tensions between Germany and Poland and what Jews were up to years before the war.
>>151603it's the opposite, dumbo. The cold north suppressed most of the competing forms of life that allows humans to flourish. That's why the metal age caused such a population boom there that destroyed the Roman empire with the migrations. Africans had to contend with way more diseases, predators, and giant fauna, and for that reason they could never get off the ground and could only survive by reproducing extremely quickly.
>>151605Niggers are simply too stupid to build any type of civilization. You're looking for pathetic excuses. They have been equally incapable of doing anything good even when made free and living amongst Whites. Europe had all sorts of dangerous wild animals too and diseases were not unheard of. Black Death sweeped across the whole of Europe but that didn't prevent Europe from improving. No, niggers are just unruly, smelly and useless humanoid garbage, that's why they never get off the ground.
>>151605>it's the opposite, dumbo. The cold north suppressed most of the competing forms of life that allows humans to flourish. That's why the metal age caused such a population boom there that destroyed the Roman empire with the migrations.Everything is downstream from the Fertile Crescent and the eastern Mediterranean. You really can't expect people in a frozen backwater removed from what was going on in the Mediterranean region to be as developed them culturally. They just did the best they could with what they had.
>Africans had to contend with way more diseases, predators, and giant fauna, and for that reason they could never get off the ground and could only survive by reproducing extremely quickly.They also didn't have to worry about planning ahead for cold winters.
>>151603>Hitler fetishized classical antiquity too much to understand that people in the cold north away from established civilization were effectively playing on hard mode.You see this in a lot of modern people as well who imply the northerners weren't making their own civilzation. In an age of cultural decline the vikings found America before anyone else and conquered numerous parts of Europe. They had no true contact with the Romans or post-Roman peoples and yet they were very successful. People forget that Rone never took the Picts of Britian or any of Germany past the Rhine. Do they bot realize that these peoples had simular military techbologies to the Romans? Its just absured to say that the Northern European peoples weren't advanced. Uncle's worst take was his owm shame for a lack of muh buildings. The Mongols conqured a massive chunk of the world without any of it.