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Political Shitposting
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You are my favorite irony-poisoned poster


Cry about it dicklet.


>Also it's worth mention those Irish rebels who despise Thatcher are no saints, even leftoids know about that, because they firmly believe that Ireland is for the Irish excluding any shitskin from the country.
[clarify statement please]

What is there to know? They've been sucking nigger dick way before it was even trending in the good old US of A. They pay the price for it now.


macron crying himself to sleep as bridgette fucks him in the ass


Someone here has to be ironic, not everyone can be a true BBC lover like you, my friend. May God be with you as he is with Israel.

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Feel like kamala doing a bit too much
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It's normal for sheboons, they have the emotional maturity of an 8-year-old. Do not be deceived by the fact they look like adults. She probably shouldn't be behind the wheel of that car.


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speaking of childish she-chimps


she's going to put the boots to some white geriatric in the care home isn't she?


Yeah, but that's just another typical Wednesday for a she-ape.


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thanks I feel better about getting old now

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-still using 2FA registered glownigger honeypot telegram
-still on cozy (dead)
-muh e celeb!
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Is it true that Fuentes was recently seen limping?


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Damn, him and Ramon linked up? I need it!


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>mfw the thumbnail made it look like a donut made of feces
Kinda disappoint.

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This is the only good Hapa to ever exist

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Pictured is a test for 8th graders from 1912. Let's discuss the dumbing down of education in America and elsewhere. What are its causes? What are its solutions? Is it even an issue?


Today Americans are getting dumber because they are becoming less white, and the internet makes it so easy to bullshit school.

Education on the whole was dumbed down by the new jewish masters of america because it was the start of the process that helped make the world today possible.


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They wanted to dumb down the population, but it was a multi-layered approach, with the education system being just one. They also dumb us down physiologically with pharmaceuticals, and chemical additives in the food and water. Finally, the arts became debased for the lowest-common denominator until we've arrived at Tiktok and White kids aping the nigger music flavor of the week.


jews. next question.


That was a test for whites only. Kill all the niggers, beaners and kikes and the education will get better.


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A Dutch court has ruled that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates must stand trial in a Covid "vaccine" injuries case.

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the court ruled on a lawsuit from seven people injured by the injections.

Dubbed the "corona skeptics" by Dutch media, the plaintiffs sued Gates last year for his role in the Netherlands' Covid vaccination campaign.

The lawsuit also names Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and former Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who now serves as NATO Secretary General.

"Several members" of the Dutch government's COVID-19 "Outbreak Management Team" are also named.

"Because Bill Gates' foundation was involved in combating the corona pandemic, he has also been summoned," De Telegraaf reported.

According to the Dutch independent news outlet Zebra Inspiratie, the plaintiffs allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of Covid mRNA "vaccines."

However, they alleged that Gates knew "that these injections were not safe and effective."
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Oh look, natzees right again!


How many weeks until the trial?


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thanks satan

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Ok, I am Nuzach and I am now officially voting for Dup. I wasn't going to vote or maybe Kamaladup or third party just…because why not? Let women abort themselves. I think women aborting their own genetics is good, because fuck women. But after this….this is literally me! Dup is me!
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Regardless of the result, Ramon has already won.


Gay third world shitskins do indeed infest white countries, I agree. Good to know you jerk off to their Trans500 porno, fag.


My dear, you spam zoofag and blacked shit.
When you say this kind of thing it not only sounds like projection but jewish hypocrisy.


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nobody cares faggot

why dont you jumpzach off a bridge

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It'd be good if all the Jenrick supporters defected to the Nigel Party.

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Confirmed glownigger honeypot
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Ok, but I'll post on /vb/ since Markchan's /v/ermins tend to be insufferable retards when their beloved Ninty or Valvegina get disrespected and cry "niggerpill" or "wily" when they run out of fucking arguments.
Let alone the spic-ing side are 10 times much more retarded to understand sarcasm, I get it, they're mixed race; their shit-tier mutations cannot let them understand anything beyond than turning off their IP address: Yet they think still communism works despite living inside a leftwing shithole ruled by sephardic kikes and dodge the gigantic evidence of their failed state, these shitskin faggot neets are middle aged and love to spread how pedophilic they are and do mental gymnastics whenever numales pedophiles get brought up.


>youtube poster

Um. Uhhhhh. No.


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LOL, stay here it's one of the best places around, unless you're a degenerate clop enjoyer.
>And if I were a billionaire I would have bought 4chan, and made a big change to the site as a whole.
I'd have bought reddit and bombed the fuck out of it, deleting 99% of the content just to make untold millions ree into eternity.
>Theoretically the webring was supposed to house 8chan refugees but as time as gone on more users gave up, because zoomers just use discord and twitter now its almost impossible to get a string of potential quality newfags.
Indeed they love Dickord full of troons and Twix.
> a sort of outreach program.
We need Helldivers 3, Shitposting edition.


>text and picture stacking
Also, in order to attract people, whoever is in charge of the code here will have to clean up that fucking mess above.


>We need Helldivers 3, Shitposting edition
Something of a proper welcoming message of users to tvch in particular and how to not be a giant faggot.

Honestly a shame the webring hasn't panned out like it should have, its essentially a proper realization of the infinite in fullchans name in the sense that it can never truly die as long as one autist runs a node for it.

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4D chess by mike lindell to reach trumps white base for him?
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A fucking jumpscare videogame got censored for using the number 88 by the fucking ADL, the one with a Mickey Mouse knockoff.


We're a democracy though!
We're FREE!!!


88 has long been used as the number of Jesus Christ.


ADL are enemies of the state and must register as foreign agents.


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>14 88
>wears a christcuck cross

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