90% of the leftist movement is literally useful morons, not as an insult but as a diagnosis, and 10% are cunning political adventurers who are trying to saddle this mass of useful morons and use them for their own purposes to seize power. But among these adventurists are mostly just petty-bourgeois elements who want to acquire the status of the ruling bureaucracy in a system with one hundred percent state ownership of the means of production. The capitalist is always the sponsor of communism, not in terms of selling rope, because capitalists of other countries bought revolutionaries, they themselves could not be afraid of rope, but in terms of client-killer relations. Communists always kill the elites of a country, even if it is in a state of reform, throwing countries back in development for many years. The USSR first caught up with the RI of 1913, and then caught up with the USA. China first caught up with the USSR, then caught up with the US. Sometimes the regime did not catch up with anyone at all, but simply killed. And who lived a hundred years of revolution without much trouble?USA. Now it's the USA's turn, but they are paying for their own revolution, China and RF are bankrupt. But there is one country for which Marx's teachings were created. This country is Israel.
Israel was created by leftists and socialists, why do they hate their child now?
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>>145742>too stupid to distinguish between different ideologiesThe left is not an ideology. The left is a disease.
>>145809You stupid asshole. The guy's not asking you about the Rothschilds, he's asking you about the Stalin-Rockefeller connection. And he does it in a rhetorically ironic way because he obviously knows the answer.
>>145743Germany didn't plan to create a state, they planned to take all the garbage to Madagascar, they generally tried to dump garbage all the time, then to the Arabs, then to America, but no one needed that much soap. It's a huge difference between creating a giant enclave within your own country.
>>145551If the American bankers hadn't paid the leftists for their coup in 1917, Israel would probably be in Ukraine's shoes. I have no idea what Empress Catherine was thinking when she created comfortable conditions for Jews on the outskirts of Russia. I guess this proves once again that women in government are only capable of destroying empires. They should have kicked them out as they did in Europe, but Russians are always too kind and tolerant - it ruined them.
there is no left or right, there's just the international banking cartel.. and everyone else. World Jewish Congess, ADL, SPLC, WEF, CIA, NSA, Israel, etc. all kike banker institutions.