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 No.127828[Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Greg Lansky, Jewish creator of interracial porn website Blacked.com, has been copyright claiming all of the videos where he gave speeches and interviews during 2015-2018?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5hYCvfCyhw [Embed]

That video used to be his Keynote speech at XBIZ 2017, where he talked about why he created Blacked.com. You can find a description of it here:


And then there's this Hareetz interview which is still up in text form, but all videos have been taken down.


What's Greg trying to hide?


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In 2020, near the end of the Trump era, Lansky actually sold his ownership of Blacked.com:


He peaced out headed for the hills, so to speak. Ever since then he has slowly been purging all videos of himself from the internet.


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According to this tweet and photograph, he is now a sculptor, selling his artworks off to the highest bidder:


Does anyone else find this odd?


Wtf kind of statue is that


YWNBAM brazilian kike


>Assblasteed by thread's existence


Lmao what a stupid manchild you are.


This would cut deep if you weren't projecting.


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I love interracial porn! What a hero.


>vol3 determined to turn tvch.moe into blacked.moe electric boogaloo
mission accomplished. And all this time I thought vol3 was just another incel nazi.


>The niggerdick spammer is concerned about negative press for the blacked porn website owner.


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I thought that thumbnail was Billy Mays for a second.


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More like Billy Gays.


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He was very heterosexual.


>Finger tips
>Holding a phone
That's hoverhand for sure.
100% complete fag


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I wish I was as cool as Greg Lansky, don't you anon?


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No, he's a cool guy.


He made enough fuck you money to be able to live in semi-retirement in his 40s, and now that he finds it much comfier than whatever he did before while not having any financial worries at all, he is slowly erasing all online traces of himself to avoid any potential backlash his past work might cause him in the future. Not saying he isn't a massive kike faggot because he is, but that's how you can tell the world has truly gone to shit: basically only people like him get to be successful in these modern times.


Just like female pornstars.


Did he cheat his taxes?


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His YouTube shorts are hilarious.


Is that a threat?


File: 1676225237211.mp4 (1.91 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, ⁣“𝘕𝘰 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵”, 2022 ⁣….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

It's meant to be deep. Like this peace sign made out of handguns. He's an unironic midwit. and it makes me think he genuinely thought he was making art with his cuck porn. He's that retarded. It's a shame no one saved that speech he gave that's talked about above, because it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Like Sam Hyde's Ted talk, but unironic and 100% genuine while he's talking about how he makes Blacked videos out of kindness and love and how he wants to make the world a better place.


I still say this made jew has zero artistic talent and he is paying ghost artists to do these sculptures in his name. He is trying to give the impression that he has artistic talent beyond recording mudwhores getting fucked by niggers.


The "art" isn't the sculpture itself, but him with his exhibit.


He's 100% using welders and other artists to execute his juvenile ideas, but I do believe they're his ideas. You can see the actual craftsmen in the background of the video here: >>128193


>but I do believe they're his ideas
He spells it out in that facebook post 'fake it till you make it'. Millionaires like him that want to cultivate a public image as an artiste have entire teams of ghost artists doing the real work. All he has to do is pose as he points to sketches and blueprints he didn't make, watches the product being made by workers and then with it to claim it as his own creation. Maybe a few photos or videos with him in dirty clothes in a workshop but not too many as he's sure to embarrass himself by proving that he can't do shit if given a chance.


This why jews produce pron cuase they can't fuck?






Hey, jannie, why didn't you delete this post like the ones in your seethe thread?
How have you not killed yourself yet? This kind of anger is not healthy.


Please stop. You're getting to me.


I'm having dinner with Greg next week. What would you like me to ask him /tv/?


"How does it feel always looking over your shoulder for your misdeeds?"


Well what did you talk about


Fuck this kike


This kike lol


If he and Louis CK get along




Is he still sculpting fake tits on statues


Kys, queer


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Whatever happened to the girl dating her own kind while advertising her racemixing dating app?


Who are these brit faggots
You can hear the kike tv producer in his voice


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Nuzach made incels like you become BBC addicted, he won


You took the bait, bitch.


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The funny part is
>he's imitating emojitroon
>he keeps talking about himself in third person
>He's the one who has nigger dicks in his hd, he posts it, calls other gays.


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>worships a half nigger gay pornstar
>admits he is irony gay
<calls others gay


Nobody admits anything, you're the faggot goin on zzzchan and making up lies to cope with your own jewish homosexuality after being BTFO'D by everyone in this site, from Yakuza to Blaine, from Emojitroon to Wrist, from Sneedious to me.


Lansky not like his current self-image?


This, but unironically


>Pay no attention to a jew.


But I'm paying attention to (You).


Anybody have the Langsky video of him working with his team on a project? Not the gun one, but him going over plans and stuff


>bumping the nigger Jew thread


The absolute state of your seething.


>yeah I love jew made nigger porn!
t. tvch
>inb4 muh nigger dicks


>I wish this thread died to protect Langsky's integrity.
yup it's a counter-sage


Are you going to post nigger dicks and blame it on him


<inb4 nigger dicks
>doood, nigger dicks!
<tvtroon bumps the Jew nigger thread
>NO, U muh niggers!


you're supposed to say "sage negated"


The only nigger dicks here are the ones on your harddrive yet to be posted.
Your asshole is so easily wrecked.


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>Another weekened with butthurt Jewzach acting like a jewish woman.


>Post cp and black cocks
>Blame his "tvtroon/cowkike" booooooooogieman and claims everyone else is gay and a kike pedophile, but not him, never him!


>you're mad not me!
>Ramon Coon
>muh Nuzach
>muh nigger dicks
God you losers are boring now


>Anybody have the Langsky video of him working with his team on a project? Not the gun one, but him going over plans and stuff
reposting request since it got seethed


You're boring as fuck, really uncreative.
In Brave New World you would be an Epsilon without any doubts.


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>the honest to God, self professed queer is calling Nuzach a fag
Now that is seething.




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>the honest to God, self professed queer is calling Ramonposter a fag
Now that is delusion and cope!


He's "Nuzach", the one spamming black dicks and acting like a total hapa for over a year.


The goblin who replied to you, mad because you hurt his jewish incel feelings by posting something based or Ramon.


He is Nuzach, he just hates being called that and is falseflagging.


Anybody have the Langsky video of him working with his team on a project? Not the gun one, but him going over plans and stuff


>Jewish faggot is trying to sage this thread


I think the video was posted in the original thread, but I can't find it.


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Probably is gone for good, the feds are working hard to kill this discussion. But if you find it, post here.


I hope one day your mom catches you posting shit like this when she enters your room, Jewzach.


He'll just tell his mom that there's still a 50/50 chance it was actually yakuza who somehow posted them from his computer, like what he's been doing in multiple threads already.


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Greg Lansky and some literal rabbis got a little too cocky, for years they gave these interviews revealing their intentions too much, normalfags would obviously never notice or care, but open minded people and of course "redpilled" people noticed all these interviews. Webm related, they never expected someone recording this and using as a webm to redpill people.

And Yakuza, being a retarded, is actually right now on /cow/ cyclical thread astroturfing together with Nuzach unable to reason how this can backfire on him.
I guess the entire story of Yakuza becoming a homosexual and black lover is true, I refused to believe in Emojitroon, but every week it seems more and more factual.


Hi emojitroon, didn't know you came back. At least you got a nice webm this time.


Not emojitroon, I don't use discord. Emojitroon maybe a psychotic, but at leas he's white and don't hate white people, like Yakuza and Nuzach.


Is there a proper citation for that first quote anywhere? These quotes of people talking like cartoon supervillains set off my bullshit alarm.


This is a Greg Lansky thread about Greg Lansky.


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Did he die since he stopped making porno?


No, he's just in hiding because a lot of people want to kill him.


What did he do? Pick the wrong girl to trick into doing porn with niggers?


Trying to derail this thread again, discorfaggot?


>what did the kike pornographer do
Just think of something morally abhorrent and the answer is probably 'yes'.


Just open your wrists already, kike.


What's his name again?


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>What's his name?

<It's a whole new game!

<If you want creamy buck juice, I'm your friend! Say hello to my chocolate blend!


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Does he have a twitter?


Greg Lansky?


Was he the drug kingpin from The Sound of Freedom?
Oh wait, that was a spic…


No, Greg Lansky was a prominent criminal who was involved with Lucky Luciano and the National Crime Syndicate.




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This thread makes me laugh.




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How does he do it?


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The kike version of Zach is Tzach.



Hey, glowies, when are you guys gonna arrest the jews who ran pornhub for distributing CP? Serious question.


I thought I read something happening on this recently.


>bumps the porn kike thread
gas yourself


Broooo, you forgot your bump there, here let me fix that for you haha! :)

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