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90% of the leftist movement is literally useful morons, not as an insult but as a diagnosis, and 10% are cunning political adventurers who are trying to saddle this mass of useful morons and use them for their own purposes to seize power. But among these adventurists are mostly just petty-bourgeois elements who want to acquire the status of the ruling bureaucracy in a system with one hundred percent state ownership of the means of production. The capitalist is always the sponsor of communism, not in terms of selling rope, because capitalists of other countries bought revolutionaries, they themselves could not be afraid of rope, but in terms of client-killer relations. Communists always kill the elites of a country, even if it is in a state of reform, throwing countries back in development for many years. The USSR first caught up with the RI of 1913, and then caught up with the USA. China first caught up with the USSR, then caught up with the US. Sometimes the regime did not catch up with anyone at all, but simply killed. And who lived a hundred years of revolution without much trouble?USA. Now it's the USA's turn, but they are paying for their own revolution, China and RF are bankrupt. But there is one country for which Marx's teachings were created. This country is Israel.
Israel was created by leftists and socialists, why do they hate their child now?


>Israel was created by leftists and socialists, why do they hate their child now?
It's almost as if your understanding of the NWO is completely fucked up and retarded.


That doesn't answer the question, you leftist pig, why do you hate your kikechild, your Israel, you leftist pig?


Because right-wing kikes who are only right-wing for their own race made it. But there is a decent amount of infighting in the NWO. Rothschilds are the main sponsors of Israel, hence its continued existence, however, someone like George Soros who is a complete leftist thinks a jewish ethnostate is bad for jews, as he sees it as them being a fish out of water. Soros thinks jews only truly thrive as parasites, he would uave Israel destroyed so more jews go back to parasiting the goyim.

There is a lot of infighting among the NWO but they all unite to fuck over the Aryan Race, and by extension any decent human being that doesn't want to be a slave or to take advantage of others.



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Oh, Rothschild. Is this the same Rothschild that Hitler arrested in Austria and took all his money and property? The same Rothschild who was so angry about it that he started spreading rumors to get some kind of revenge? That's the rumor you're telling me, you leftist pig? Why not Rockefeller? Or have you forgotten who helped create Israel? Who owned Baku oil and kicked open the door to Stalin's office? Stalin first created the Jewish Autonomous Region in the USSR. Then, when the jews refused to move to Birobidzhan, he gave them Israel. Who supplied Israel with Czechoslovakian rifles? Stalin. Who made the decision to give land to the jews? Stalin. The first country to fully recognize the jewish state, de jure, was the USSR on May 17. Stalin is not a leftist? Kibbutzim are not leftist? Ben-Gurion as leader of the socialist-Zionist MAPAI party is not leftist? Have you seen the symbols of this party? Stop squealing about your new sponsor, you leftist pig, I don't give a shit about Soros, I'm asking you why you hate the work of your own hands, Israel? Because it's a crime?
Novus ordo seclorum - Novus ordo mundi? Unless I'm confused, and I'm not, it is world domination that the left has always dreamed of. They're the ones who need the NWO.


It's kosher to call out kikes like Soros and Rothschild, as long you don't name directly their subhuman race.
>Stalin the red golem
If you want to pour salt on the /trannypol/ice's genital warts, bring up the fact that chinks also love kikes and even raised a statue just to suck off Benjamin's circumcised cock. Mao was a fucking puppet with piss poor hygiene like a rabbi who refuses to hit the showers.


Posts like OP are what happens when people are too stupid to distinguish between different ideologies and just label things 'leftist' and 'rightist' like a football yob.


>disjointed rant
>conveniently forgetting that Nazi Germany tried to create an Israel in Madagascar
>China […] are bankrupt
4/10 worth a chuckle


>Grunting leftist pigs.
>It's the wrong lefties
>And here's China, and here's the Nazis
It would seem a simple and obvious question, following from history itself, which is not so ancient that it is difficult to compare facts, but no, the leftist pigs will shift the shit out of their pants into someone else's to avoid answering. I'm asking you why you hate the work of your own hands, Israel? Because it's a crime?


Pretty sure Stalin also turned on a ton of yids, can't tell whether this is a joke post, you are actually mad at me or you are just poisoning the well. Either way not a fan of Stalin, or Rothschilds.

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