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Post redpills about white whores and how women are destroying the world.
We previously had a cuckvol or troonvol deleting or bumpblocking all threads on the topic, because they are offended by the truth.


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its duh joos tho


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Why do you focus so much on white women in particular?


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OP is a latrino incel.


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Yakuza never had any HOPE


poo indian thread.


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The real answer is because they were the first to be weaponized against white society, but you're not here to have an intellectually honest conversation.


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They fuck dogs.


Honestly, the US needs to pass something akin to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 but, for Indians.


And africans, and haitians, and latinos, and the chinese, and jews, and and and and and


I always despised and trolled pajeets the first few times I used the internet, but they are out of control, just wait another five years and you will see multiple currycels commenting on shootings.

As far as I know, this is already happening in Canada.


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My thoughts exactly.
I naively saw them as a harmless comic relief race with some smart, hardworking people here and there up until recently. I had no idea how bad they really were. Their spitefulness, unscrupulousness, and incompetence combined with their sheer numbers really are a threat to the rest of the world. They really are a disgusting race, and I struggle to think of anything good about them as people.


Lovecraft said it best, besides a few decent professionals its a land of dengeneracy. Most of the decent Indians are the ones who have the most blood from the Aryan Conquerers as well, concidence I think not. There is a reason the upper-castes of India wanted British Rule, besides wanting to reclaim their ancestors phenotype where duh white ppl at the upper-class pajeets knew that they could live in peace, govern the wanted and force true Aryans to keep the lowers castes in line.


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The British should have stayed in India and created a breeding scheme to continually find the most genetically fit Pajeetas of each generation and pair them with BWC breeding bulls. Indians who don't measure up to a certain standard could have been sterilized and be entitled to a certain standard of living in return. If a bleaching program like that had been enacted, then maybe India would have actually had a shot at becoming a superpower by 2020. Just imagine if India had a fraction of its current population and the country was on its way to becoming a biological outpost of Europe in Asia. Maybe if it had become overwhelmingly white it could have become part of the UK eventually.

Pic related, although I'm not sure if Jeet genes are as recessive as Abo genes.


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The British should have never tried to remove the caste system from India. It's part of the reason why Gandhi lead a rebellion against the British rule, as he knew such a thing would bring calamity to his people. With that said, there are plenty or "Aryans" in the Indian population, you mostly see them in their TV shows and movies.
Fun note, around the 19th century there was a German historian who theorized that the events of the Mahabharata, part of the Indian Bible, took place in Ukraine and not Indian. We are called Indo-Europeans for a reason.


Daily reminder that Gandhi really didn't have all that much to do with the bri'ish leaving india and it had way more to do with debts post WW2


Daily reminder youre gay.


Making mutts is not the solution, the british should had killed all the indians and just sent british to colonize the land.


I'm talking about carefully breeding the Pajeet out of them.


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This is why UK, USA and Canada need to bring in billions of Africans and Latinos, our fat women deserve love!!!


>it's so hard being a fatty
Hit the fucking gym then, bitch.


It's not too hard for fat women. A whole lot of Chads are chubby chasers and will have them as side bitches.


"hard" for this chick is that normal dudes don't want to be seen with her. She's tired of being a side piece. And that's great; stop being a side piece. But that means you have to make yourself worthy of being more than a side piece, and for 90% of guys; that means not being a fatty.
So I say again; hit the fucking gym, bitch. and watch how your dates last longer than 45 seconds.


They have an inflated sense of self-worth and don't want to have to settle for an average overweight guy who is compatible with them, they all feel entitled to a ripped 6'3" chad with a 6-pack, because they had that before.


>she's stuck on her highest setting
I'm aware. The only thing that >we can do now is wait for her and millions like her to get even more bitter and destroy the country. Making yourself attractive is a bridge too far for most.


>Chads are chubby chasers.
Wrong, very wrong. There's actually some good looking fags and women into fat guys, but most of trannies and beta dudes into fat chicks are far from being "chads" in any capacity.


Men settle for less. This is why you very often see pretty but very fat women with average to above-average build guys. Fat women almost always date up, rather than settle for a male who is on their level.


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Fat pride killed the remains after feminism nuked the mindset of many dykes. Now those diabetic cunts also want their prince charming.


late response but there has always been a minority of pajeets who still display their Aryan ancestors phenotype and as >>148647 Indians are so obsessed with being white again or becoming white they put this minority all over their tv shows.

Last time I watched Pajeet tv I remembered one of the MC's is a literal 6 foot tall blue eyed pajeet who towers over every other character in the show and his job is mainly to give the A10 blue eye stare.


Every fat woman I've ever seen IRL is either dating or married to a really shitty guy in terms of looks and mental health.
Meanwhile when you finally find a fat guy with a woman or even a faggy one, the partner is usually really attractive.
Maybe this is different where you live, but here fat women never get the "chad", but the fat guy gets a good match as a "chad".


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Men and women continue to lose.

Israel won, Israel is strong.

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