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We already had a thread about how they are poisoning us with food and drinks, but it seems to have been slide to hell.
I've been seeing that some normalfags are finally becoming aware of how horrible sugar and synthetic foods are, even those who usually just soyface about other issues.
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>nice blog post


>t. seething zoomer


Yeah recently I've realized just how bad my roomy stomach has gotten since I've filled it with that crap. Been trying to fix it up the best I can with yogurt and Keefer.


I should try some real keefer, I just take some keefer pills made by some places from my city and I don't know if this shit is really helping.


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Wow bigoted considering hipsters are retarded when doing basic cuisine is not a surprise they're also pushing for shitacular recipes through cucktoons

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Events are moving fast in the Middle East region following the massive Israeli airstrikes which killed Hezbollah's longtime leader, Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah belatedly confirmed his death on Saturday.

Overnight, Iran held an emergency meeting of its national security council, at the home of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But immediately after the meeting, which was likely disclosing to Iran's leadership and miliary the death of Nasrallah, the Ayatollah was reportedly transferred to a secret and secure location.

Khamenei has been "transferred to a secure location inside the country with heightened security measures in place," regional security officials told Reuters.

"The sources said Iran was in constant contact with Lebanon's Hezbollah and other regional proxy groups to determine the next step after Israel announced that it had killed Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in a strike on south Beirut on Friday," the report added.

Given Israel's surprise and bold decapitation strike against Hezbollah, Iran likely fears that Israel could go after the Islamic Republic's top leadership in Tehran next. Netanyahu had warned this week, "There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach."

There are unconfirmed reports that one or more Iranian IRGC offers were killed in the strike that took out Nasrallah.

So far Iran has been mute in terms of a military response. Will it launch ballistic missiles on Israel? Will it mount attacks on other Israeli assets in the region or across the globe?

Did Khamenei go to a secure location in order to oversee a new war?
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you assume ZOG are an independent entity when in fact it's a puppet of the burger (((deepstate))) who wanted to extend their influence and military reach
the american deepstate won't abandon Isntreal even if it has to sacrifice every white child in America, half the countries in the ME are Russian allies and more are turning away from America/NATO thanks to BRICS

holy checked



There are idiots who prefer Russia just because they're contrarians.


this thread needs to die nothing ever happens americans aren't dying for israel- there is no appetite for foreign wars especially for israel.


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While ignoring that all of South America support RusZion, the South America that is so beloved among tranny-tankies because they're perpetually socialist.

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His jewish handlers cited a (((microsoft))) report blaming Iran

Fuck Trump, Fuck harris. Fuck both parties. US politics are jewish and zionist.

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>It's going to magically happen
>muh natural selection magic
You know who is being culled by "natural selection?" You.
This is not wrist.



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We must fight the greys and reptilians.


Niggers never made it out of Africa before the White Man came, let alone increased their numbers substantially.


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Isn't it interesting how a question was raised about January 6th at both Trump debates AND the Vance-Walz debate, but a question was NEVER raised about Kamala Harris' activities regarding the BLM riots of 2020, including her support of the rioter bail fund which helped to release violent criminals, or her comment that the riots would continue, and should continue.

Everybody by now has some knowledge of J6, and has formed their own opinions, but how many Americans are aware of Kamala Harris' BLM rioter support, or her previous support for defunding the police?
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Non-whites and white trash tend to be the ones getting abortions.


Fuck it, dup should talk about forced sterilization as a counter to abortionists.


You're hitting a new low, sagefaggot.

Obviously it is mental programming, of course there have always been certain situations and women with less maternal instincts, but just like so many bad things emerging in humanity today this is part of the mental damage created by the powers that be.


I want kamala win to accelerate, white people will relax under a trump presidency which is the last thing we need. Trump sucks so much jewish cock we have to be on our toes even more with him as president.


I find this logic flawed. Most people with any awareness about the future and the problems need a good economy to prepare themselves, that's the best reason to get back into cucked guys like Dup, the Argentine jew anos Bolsonaro etc.
The rest of the cattle are on their own, they're going to get screwed anyway in the long game.

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So without even getting into the security lapses, my first question is, how did this assassin have the intel that Dup would be golfing at Mar-a-Lago today?
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Now that is just fucking retarded. Was the first assesination attempt real and the next ones are fake just to make the normalfags think that all assisination attempts are boogus?


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Left-faggots are simply getting more violent because they know that they don't suffer the consequences as much, even with their claim to be the "oppressed rebels".
Meanwhile, the opposite side is too focused on vidya and movies to do anything real, or they've turned into Christian cucks who have the delusion that nothing in the world really matters because they're going to heaven.
Either way things are going to get more violent and neither side is really prepared.


It won't. First, Trump is a moron. Second, his base is utterly cucked after J6 crackdowns.


Yeah the e-christfaggotry and seething about media is sad because its the one thing they focus on. It reminds me of incels only focusing on the darkness of the blackpill rather than using the truth to try and make the best of their situation.


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>americanmutt breadtubers larping as slav made a cringe and full of coldtakes video about "far-right"
The faggot who uses wojaks? Typical leftwing tradition of regurgitating shit that has been done to death to the point of being safe enough for his soyim kind.

>renting that
Fun fact, the ADL flipped their shit over that cartoon because of its ugly character design of the jews.

Highly privileged jews murdering their inferior breeds and throwing some white people to the bunch.


>Highly privileged jews murdering their inferior breeds and throwing some white people to the bunch
Sounds like something a yid would say.


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Is she right?


<My name is Paul, and I am waging a meme war against the basement dwelling dweebs on the Freak-Left and Freak-Right.
<If you consider yourself a part of the silent majority or the politically homeless, then this is the channel for you.
>another faggot who didn't get it back than and won't get it now


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That's what they want to imply when Nazi Germany took over, but in reality it was the bolsheviks who started race-wars not this retarded and impossible "class-wars", if that was the case many trannies and faggots would face the wall because they had it too easy and being able afford privileges despite acting like overgrown useless toddlers.

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Maduro is done. This is how you properly revolt when communists steal your election.

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every single venezuelan gang member along with the people who helped them get to the US and gave them money, need to be shot.


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>The same party that eradicated anyone who wasn't liberal enough
>The same party that was kind enough to focus on sending basic needs to the communist shithole that was the USSR instead of their own people
<The same party that confiscated guns after the Halconazo stage-play by glowing spics LARPing as commies
>The same party that welcomed legitimate leftwing snakes with open arms (Salvador Allende's family) and even it became the only country to establish a relationship with Cuba after Fidel took over, same with Venezuela
<The same fucking party who pushed for the state to get involved into everything and sanction anyone who doesn't fall in line, including movies and TV (hence the mexican mainstream media sucks tremendous monkey balls)
Reminder that mexican Bernie Sanders didn't outlaw any of their shit during his 6 years of government, their cattle is so densely fucktarded to acknowledge that liberalism killed their country and lefties are just raping its corpse. Besides if the PRI is so heckin based then why did they put an old hag for this 2024's presidency? What difference would've been made if she won instead of the kikess?


Are Venezuelans still making money playing OSRS and becoming shemales to show off online for cash?


>didn't outlaw any of their shit
Outlawed meritocracy in both congress and jewdicial system (common citizens can get voted to be a judge), outlawed state law about consent age (from 13 and 15 to strictly 18), outlawed discounts for proper payments (no incentives and tax breaks for model citizens), outlawed colorful food packaging (Tucan Sam got damnatio memoriae)
>why did they put an old hag for this 2024's presidency?
No idea, PRI is having a civil war as far as the specialized political news say, practically was a rag team of barely coherent politicians against every political operator shady enough to change flag under the same banner.
>What difference would've been made if she won instead of the kikess?
Who cares, now it's all about more mexicans jumping the border due to their maize market crumbling and having to cable their minimum wage to their convenience stores. Kikess is now under pressure because she has to wrestle being a jew and having to cater to Russian economic interests.


I miss Porfirio.

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dup btfo
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Reminder that he is a vegan.


And an antifa faggot.


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Hey guys its Yakuza


I remember this post from 8chan. Nice to see it again.

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Hay, caramba, eso es racista, ese!


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Bumping for more pedo related truthbombs and news


more politicians, billionaires and jews please


Don't leave out immigrants.

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Based emojitroon, latino "man" are build to BWC


"tranny son"..just say gay son faggot.



Faggot literally turned on his trillionaire loving father cause hes a cock sucking anti white faggot. So pathetic it's almost sad but all trannies deserve this. Imagine being Elons son and getting ZERO money from him lmfao.


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Hello fellow Anomalous
We are Region
Forgive and Forget
Expecto Patronum

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