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Imagine needing a jewtube zoomer faggot to convince you this


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After the failed leftwing coup of course he's regurgitating /pol/ shitposting, funny how the mixed race cops are ready to apprehend and won't hesitate at pulling the trigger, these leftwing cucks fell for it and fell hard.

God forbid if he cucks out like Bernie Sanders, who ended up siding with Israel.


What are you talking about, you stupid faggot kike lover nigger dick spammer? DO WHITES control everything and the POOR kikes don't? Kys.


you're retarded


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>you're retarded

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>Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on board the helicopter that suffered a "hard landing" in Iran's East Azerbaijan province, says Iranian state media.

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Based, I'm noticing a lot of anti-pajeets all across the internet in recent times, from true-asians to niggers, they are poking fun and hating on currycels.


I hope India and China nuke each other into oblivion, it would make me happy. India is essentially Africa with a running industry; Africa would be as overcrowded and literally shitty like India if it had industry and an independent economy. Nuke Pakistan too I guess but not the white(r) peoples in the north.


hopefully indian and pakistan nuke eachother and israel get's glassed somehow in the crossfire


Even Canadian news are now calling out poos for their nigger tier invasions. browns are embarrassing.


>cucknadian (((news))) calling out anyone the hue of poo
I'm not saying you're lying or wrong, but I find that really fucking hard to believe.

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Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie (R) revealed to Tucker Carlson in an interview released Friday that every GOP congressman has an "AIPAC babysitter" who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel.

"Everybody but me has an AIPAC person - like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC," Massie said. "They're probably a constituent from your district but they're firmly embedded in AIPAC."

"Every member has something like this?" Tucker Carlson asked.

"Every Repub-, I don't know how it works on the Democrat side, but that's how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they've got your cell number and you have conversations with them."

Though Massie said he doesn't know if the situation is the same for Democrats, the late Democratic Congressman James Traficant of Ohio said similar in 2009 during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

"I served in Congress for 17 years," Traficant said, "I've seen members question bills and votes on - 'How does Israel feel about this?' - I must have heard that every time there was a significant vote!"



Trumps handler is pumping his daughters pussy full of cum every night.


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You should read about how evangelicals and protestants got duped in too accepting jews as "chosen people" lots of larping jews claiming to pastors. The jews still pay big named "Christian" preachers.


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That's the reality of USA and South America, evangelicals are a pest.


evangelical christians get the rope first before the kikes

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>House committee hearing disrupted as Rep. Taylor Greene and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez clashed.
>Greene criticized Jasmine Crockett's appearance, prompting AOC to demand her words be struck.
>The dispute began during a vote to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress.
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That's what I'm saying. Conservatives try to demonize her and accidentally make her sound awesome when she wasn't.


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How Real Housewives Invaded Congress

Political consultant/producer Andy Cohen has glamorized the cat fight - a step down from Clare Boothe Luce's The Women.

By Armond White

Considering the reality-TV show that the U.S. Congress has become, last week's congressional melee between Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Jasmine Crockett can be traced to one cultural force: TV producer Andy Cohen. Cohen's world-renowned Real Housewives cable-TV series has altered the public role of women, as was proven by the fracas that began when Greene asked whether any Democrats on the Oversight Committee are employing Loren Merchan, daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is tyrannizing the court in the current Trump case in Manhattan.

The ruckus was not like TV's Jerry Springer Show, as Senator John Fetterman cluelessly snarked. It began with a political provocation equivalent to asking, "Who was your husband seen with?" The meeting shifted to evasions and personal insults that were decidedly more catty than parliamentary. It brought out a strain of feminine pique first unleashed when former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dramatically, in full view of the cameras, ripped up a copy of President Trump's State of the Union address immediately after he delivered it.

Such gloves-off vitriol is characteristic of the sides-taking outbursts that have become standard under Pelosi. They parallel the melodrama that made a millionaire of 55-year-old Cohen, a leftist TV phenomenon who claims he was inspired by "strong, powerful women who dressed well with big hair." (Pelosi's stunt rivaled felon Teresa Giudice flipping over a restaurant table in Real Housewives of New Jersey.) He boasted to the New Yorker that his Real Housewives series offered a "great feminist tableau."

Cohen belongs to the line of popular feminist mountebanks - right behind Frida Kahlo, Gloria Steinem, and Madonna - who reshaped the way women express their anger. As the entrepreneur and executive producer behind Bravo network's Real Housewives franchise, which began in 2006, Cohen has limited the view of women's lives to brunch and shopping, concentrating on gaudy finery and petty jealousies. This form of narcissism relates to political selfishness. Cohen has normalized the catfight.

Cohen's franchise is now a global phenomenon: The Real Housewives shows span Orange County, New York City, New Jersey, Atlanta, D.C.,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


What was really on display in that congressional melee was the contrast between black street-culture posturing (Crockett's vulgarity), white southernism (Greene's tough belle), and white northern-socialist linguistic appropriation (Cortez's ethnic-slang pretense). It may be enough to impress their core constituents (although criticism has come only from anti-Greene RINOs), but it's important to note that in this context, the bickering is no different from Pelosi's duping of Mike Pence on January 6, as seen in the documentary Pelosi in the House.

Understand how this behavior originated. Andy Cohen's henhouse TV phenomenon has coarsened the idea of womanhood, reducing it to celebrity-wannabes presenting themselves like courtesans in prêt-à-porter versions of Met Gala costumes. That idea has, undeniably, entered the floor of the House, passing for authenticity only among the unworldly. It's a good sign that MTG was unfazed by AOC's "baby girl" taunt. The real cleavage Andy Cohen has given us divides the country.


Why can't one politician just say "jews"…they have nothing to lose honestly.


ms sheboon crockett nigger how the fuck did that nigger kike puppet get into office holy shit

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Today's Darwin Award goes to the missionary couple who chose to remain in Haiti because of the White Man's Burden.

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Hanania is a jewfro kike that you can safely ignore. Please don't post this kike ever again.


>Hanania is a jewfro kike
He's a Palestinian. He's also right about this.


He is not Palestinian, you fake news assclown. He is a kike, he loves and defends kikes, and consorts with kikes. He has a nappy headed jewfro.


>He is not Palestinian, you fake news assclown.
Yes, he is. At least do some basic research.


Mórmons are just crazy

Evangelicals are pure cattle and most of the time they are not even white

And atheists being the least fond of kikes really makes you think.

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I mean the asians are nothing but soul less bugs that do nothing but consume. No wonder asian women kill their asian babies they are helping nature take its course.
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>i've made a terrible mistake


she looks like the kind of girl that gets beat every 2 or 3 days a week.


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For breeding with a negroid, she deserves to be beaten at least 2-3 times per week.


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He's done this every election term since 1972

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This guy has something in the woodpile.
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Bingo. This is why liberals seethe at free speech and anonymity.
Wrong. Never reveal yourself IRL unless it is to one single person you know you can trust.


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>Wrong. Never reveal yourself IRL unless it is to one single person you know you can trust.
This is why building parallel institutions is essential. If you've got a resilient community going where everyone is on the same page, there would be little need to hide your heckin' problematic opinions.


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Don't let lefties and golems gaslight into self-doxxing, because the authorities will fuck you up too.


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Never reveal yourself IRL unless it is to one single person you know you can trust.
Nope. That defeats the purpose of being Anonymous. Trust nobody. Not even me.


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>millions of third world jeets and niggers flood Mexico
>all of your children are brainwashed from primary school into being faggots
>every (((TV))) commercial is Tyrone fucking Maria and Hispanic men become a running joke
>elects a jewess as el presidente anyways
Have y'all not seen what the kikes have done to the USA?! This is now your fate! This is the future that you chose!
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The normalfags deserve everything they get.


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Forget about their goy politicians getting clipped, watch the cartoons ese.

God forbid if you name the bolshevik, recently a fuckton of /mex/crements were protesting at the JewYork Times for exposing AMLO as a drug cartel puppet.


Is that for real? If it is, I'm seriously not surprised. I'm trying to sound the air raid sirens for the spics. Mexico will be dead soon and a kike will end them. Millions upon millions of niggers and muslims. So many niggers and muslims that the regular refugee cash grabbers from south American won't survive. Everyone from south America will be violently raped and murdered be the millions of niggers and muslims coming in on boats. Stay in Venezuela if you know what's good for you.


Nah, they will export all the beaners to the USA and then turn Mexico into New Israel.

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Dr Fouchi and his cult following of mad qinese scientists have transformed dup into a bird for his fraudulent so-called "crimes."
This would make Our Lord and Saviour Trump both the first president in US history to serve from jail, as well as the first avian president in US history.
WV103875A 2 more weeks trust the plan


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trust the plume




birdup btfo

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