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File: 1733343439720.mp4 (3.69 MB, 848x480, 53:30, 3 for free.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

 No.152247[View All]

I'm guessing he used a Browning-action handgun with a Temu/Wish/Aliexpress "fuel filter" sans booster. Early reports mention 9mm casing(s) and a live round at the scene…live round likely ejected after he tapped the back of the slide to help it into battery then racked it out when it wouldn't budge.

Doesn't look professional,but rather someone moderately practiced/equipped.
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What a good goy.


I have to agree that he was an idiot to make that into a spectacle, in the end all he got was a bunch of Discord trannies making him a Cartoon girl or cuckfaggots like Tarrantdup post blacked in his name.
He should have committed the massacre so as not to let fingers be pointed at "Alt right" and destroy 8chan. It just made New Zealand more cucked.


in the first pic they all look like the same guy, just he plucked his unibrow in some


The problem with that explanation is the timeline. The photo of the guy without the unibrow was taken before the mugshot of the unibrow'd Mangione. Nobody goes from shaven to full unibrow in less than a week.


I'm not too hung up on the magic unibrow. We really give the camera devices too much liberty to interpret the images they produce. Some times it's for practical reasons like saving bandwidth/storage space for security systems, but too often it's for normienigger cellphone "photography".
I swear my old digital cameras from the mid-late 2000's produce more true to life images than new shit


Mangione was born into a wealthy family. He had no reason to throw his life away, even if they were denying his claim, he could've paid out of pocket for whatever procedure he needed.


People don't always act they way you'd expect. I paintballed a much-hated English teacher's house despite never taking her class. She quit the following day. I didn't have any personal beef with her and it didn't benefit me at all.


>drive-by paintball shooting
We've got some edgy guys here!


>Nobody goes from shaven to full unibrow in less than a week.
I think I could. Getting between my eyebrows has been part of my regular shaving routine since I was a teenager. If I stop doing it, I'll turn into Oscar the Grouch.


It was full hopper vs a 3 story Victorian made out of that old porous brick. Knowing what I now know, it was the most nigger thing Ive ever done


how about we abolish the fda, dea, dhs, and every other federal agency that serves the jews?


So another psyop or what? The leftist faggots are taking this as a big win for them, antisjw faggots and cuckservatives are eating the bait.


It looks like Brian Thompson was used as a sacrificial lamb to push gun control, specifically, ammunition control. As soon as they mentioned it was a ghost gun, I knew.


Leftists are happy because it was a successful white businessguy who got killed, if it were any other powerful person they would be furious
they actually want society to be some hellscape where black people just randomly execute white people in the street


Was the dead CEO white or (((white)))?
Because if he was white, this all ends up being even more idiotic, out of so many Jews in these positions did he really have to pick the only white guy?


regular white, but he wasn't even the true end boss of that organization.



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Every little tidbit of information that comes out about this makes it glow all the brighter.





>He should have committed the massacre so as not to let fingers be pointed at "Alt right" and destroy 8chan
Back then people already called him out with some schizos going as far as theorizing that he was an assassin paid by the government to kill those muzzies and become an excuse to give them a strong excuse to emasculate citizens. Wouldn't be surprised if that were true, though. It was also weirdly convenient that the covid op really took off not that long afterwards.


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Why are you shitskins so weak? No wonder jews keep destroying you in battle.


File: 1734693336192.mp4 (10.84 MB, 704x392, 88:49, what up nigger.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Cute little banter from the gaycel.


>spamming your lover


Do you think Mark would let me rim his Jewish dirty hole while I take a coon dick from behind? I am so depressed and alone in the world, it would be an honor to find myself in such a position.


this dude is so buck broken he now spams super ramon porn back and forth at himself
grim outlook


Gahoole, you're rich! I'll forgive you for not loving me if you pay Ramon to fuck me in the ass. My gaycel butthole is crying out for his coon dick! Every weekend is so hard for me in my loneliness, you owe me that for psychologically breaking me!




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kys kike please


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Even one of the ISIS puppets died of the cringe as shown in one of those drone attack videos.


Apparently what broke the camel's back for Sam Hyde was him saying that this whole story is fake.


Luigi just wanted to recreate a MDE sketch.


Knife school


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i've ranted about this in another server before but the global economy is fundamentally broken because of people like elon make it a race to the bottom. At some point companies in general just cut cost and don't train anyone. It's a game of hot potato basically. Let people pay for their own training or let startups do it and then fail because they can't afford anything anyway. Since people looking for work always have more to lose than management, it's been an 'employer's market' for a really long time.
there's a big chunk of people my age and younger and even the tail end of gen x who aren't just chronically unemployed but underemployed and this is by far the best metric of how shit the job market really is. You likely know several people who have multiple degrees and yet are doing some inane shit job
economists in the news frequently ignore underemployment because all they care about is preventing panic. The economy is fine! Look, unemployment isn't rising so badly! The currency is stable! And other such lies
now, I know the story that's going to come because I heard it all before. "sucks on them they shouldn't have fallen for the lie of doing a uni degree" or "should have picked a better major" or any other of the 24 varieties of 'coulda woulda shoulda'. This is crabs in a bucket mentality. The thing is the job market should be able to offer people with skills in labour some kind of employment in that field. Be that something that takes only months to train or many years. The conditions under which said training is offered is a second issue, but one that will surely get overlooked more often if the job market wasn't so fundamentally broken worldwide.
competing with countries that are okay with modern slavery is a losing battle. A race to the bottom. Either you join that race, which is what many modern countries are hypocritically allowing multinationals to do or you strenghen your own economy by investing in the future.
nothing about the 'current internet debate' about this symptom is surprising. This is what happens when you fail to regulate. Companies will move their production, their responsibilities and their labour halfway across the world just to save another cent. This has long been the reason why we have such massive issues with emissions
you can either make such moves illegal or you pull a luigi
i'm a fashy italian transwoman btw


>i'm a fashy italian transwoman btw
Did you cut your dick off? I'll withhold judgment waiting for your answer.


Would you like to join the Discord server? We have an Irish incel tranny chaser who uses Christianity as a coping mechanism, a Polish Egg pathologist liar living in Paraguay who larps as a based and rich nazi and several Italian faggot ugly trannies and bears


Sounds interesting.


A lot of people are playing as Luigi in Smash now lol. Good for me, he's easy to pwn.


You are a manchild loser.


I'm not the one autistically attacking this board every day with porn spam.


You are a retarded newfag.


Stop ban evading.


Fuck yourself


Seething gaycel! Lmao!



Don't forget that they lie about employement. If you go 2 or 3 months without having a job they delete you, you are no longer a part of the workforce population ergo you are not unemployed but fall into the stats of the children, the elderly, and the stay home mothers. Prisoners and such too of course, of which is their answer, just chain gang 'em, but they hide it and it's called 'probation work' now. Where i live people get caught loitering, homelessness is thus illegal, and they end up owning the jail money for toilet paper and such so if you do not get a job you just keep going back into the jail over and over. It's all working according to plan, this scares the sheep into trying real hard to keep their 4 min wage jobs to avoid it, tearing tendons all the while, wishing they could call out. We need to all give up and just knock people in the head, take the wheels of the car and sell them for 50 bucks a piece. That's what I'm tempted to do. Part of the game is that if you work for a low wage they don't give the hours, but if you do get a slightly okayish job they over work you against your will, making you sign a paper often that reads: you will be fired if you don't work 80 hours per week. Some people say in the middle ages farmers only worked like 4 hours a day in contrast.


*owing not owning

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