>>151894Are you seriously still trying to push this shit? The problem is not an either or situation like the others have said. Everything began when kikes and kike adjacents manipulated women to ruin the nuclear family and it all went downhill from there, but that doesn't mean women will just stop being eternal gaslighters if there are no kikes. Reminder that even the kikes themselves wrote tons of shit portraying women as manipulators, including in several books of the bible. They even specifically used a stereotypical prostitute of their time as a symbol for the devil. Their spiritual descendants aka Muslims specifically created religious rules to btfo their own women. These were all shrewd, duplicitous assholes we're talking about and even they whined about how women are almost inherently problematic. If anything, they sought to control today's women precisely because they know how dangerous women can be to their own society when given even the tiniest bit of power.