>>153387How many of those girls were legitimately kidnapped off the street and enslaved, and how many were just race traitors cavorting with non-Whites who got mixed up in prostitution? It's hard to say. I don't like muzzies but let's be real.
>>153392I can't imagine many 12 year old white girls hanging out with muds
>>153396It's quite common, particularly when the father is absent.
>>153392Majority of those children were sold by their own parents or selected in orphanages to be given to a fake foster family that would sell them with the state covering everything up. After they depleted the local supply Russia was hit with massive adoption demand and banned adoption to several countries in 2013. Last year they banned adoption to any country that performs sex change mutilation on children.
What's really shocking is that this how unwanted children have always been dealt with in England yet people still pretend it's news or that anything will change. You can find scandals from the 1800's about reporters purchasing children. No.153400
>>153399I wish I could buy a qt virgin girl to marry.
>>153421>mass rape of little girlsElon is being melodramatic. These aren't little girls getting picked off the street, they are 13-year-olds looking for alcohol, drugs, and money, they run with the niggers when they learn they can get these things by selling their bodies. Many such cases.
>>153400In the modern era a virgin being sold by a corporate cult to an outsider would divorce or murder her husband as soon as possible, procure a new identity and hymenoplasty to rinse and repeat. Within the corporate cult it's not much better for the husband in fact an early death may be preferable.
>>153427They're not getting fingered behind the bleachers by some high schooler after a shot of vodka, they're getting humped by multiple 38 year old Abdul's. People have every right to be upset about this, even if the modern foid is terrible; it's still no excuse for typical muslim behaviour. People are allowed to be as upset as they want at brown people for anything, from their tendency to commit sexual crime to the fact that they're all stupid and smelly.
>>153452People with that much power and wealth have their own breeding ranches(Epstein's was in New Mexico), private fertility clinics and eugenic cults throughout the world. Their virgins are practically made to order.
>>153455If you're having sex with 500 men, at some point you are the problem.
>>153466>officer she was asking for itHow would it be a little girls problem its not like she asked to be raped by sand niggers.
>>153475Farage is a pussy.
>>153474>its not like she asked to be raped by sand niggers.You don't know that because of the confusion caused by female victimhood that calls consensual sex rape because of age, regret, or other factors. It's not only disingenuous but it has caused such confusion over the decades that people see headlines about child rape and blindly accept it as fact, without thinking critically about whether it was rape, or
statutory rape, which is merely rape by technicality imposed by the gynocracy. This does a disservice to real rape victims, and makes people less sympathetic to them. Maybe that girl was raped a few times, but 500 times, I say again, she has to ask herself if she is the problem.
>>153477She was 11 years old.
>>153482>you actually think an 11 year old english girl living in some mudslimed area with a retarded single mother would eventually consent to getting raped by sandniggers? Yeah I'm sure she wasn't just being passed around like a fucking toy by those animals.If she didn't like what was happening, she should've gone to the authorities. It doesn't say they were holding her captive. Most likely scenario is it's a race traitor with buyer's remorse, now playing the victim.
>>153483How could a little girl be a race-traitor? Being pumped full of propaganda 24/7 and getting raped by sandniggers while your retarded mom who doesn't wanna be called racist and the authorities and social workers also do nothing for the same reason isn't exactly the same thing as some dumb mudshark whos 25 years old.
>>153498Why didn't the cuckservatives vote on this whilst they were in the majority for 14 years?
>>153509Really makes you think.
>>153563Depends. Are you a Muslim?
>>153553>back in 2004At this point, he does need to let it go and move on.
>>153568I don't think so, heads really need to roll for this.
>>153667A true /pol/ack Aryan
>>153667They're going to kill him aren't they?
>>153688Well yeah, he is not a muslim.
>>153688>>153693Not sure if zog can do it immediately anymore.
It's amazing how YouTube is saturated with fatty Angloid pseudo-intellectuals. The takes colder than a penguin's ass.
AA decided to go full spergy banning anyone with different opinions from him while preaching Marxism to "save the west", Sargon with his boomerish and smug behavior didn't improve anything.
>>153776When the retarded normalfags will stop paying attention only to the muslims and blame the niggers and jews?
>>153821I swear I opened this video already knowing what the outcome would be. Lmao.
>>153821>i'm english>i love arabic culture>i converted to islamYeah, that checks out.
>>153833He is by no means English by blood. Some Brits with Celtic blood may look more Mediterranean, but not in that way.
>>153483>she should've gone to the authorities"The authorities" in a 99% mudslime area aren't practicing the same laws as the rest of the country.
>>154145>this vile offenderWhy is he speaking pig latin?
>we owe it to these innocent young girls to deliver the change that they deserveLet me guess, more knoife control?
>>154168>picSomeone is going to jail.
>>154395I'm really curious what the percentage of the babies abandoned are shit colored is.
>>154395Do they dispose of the babbys in those pods, or is there a person on the other side?
>>154409It's for show, they go right into a furnace.
>>154423>the products of coal burning ends up burned like coalLike poetry. It rhymes.
>>154434We all know you're a lazy subhuman.
>>154435Oxymoron. Subhuman is low iq, chad is lazy
>>154435>educate yourself bigotJoin the 41%.
>>154425It's ok, that little girl is British!
>>154617Was about to post that
Poor retard doesn't even know what he's fighting for.
Probably got his head filled with "muh Ukrainian nationalism" in college and volunteered.
>>154617He found out the hard way that in real life, you don't respawn after getting fragged.
>>154666If they killed any shitskins, good.
>>154676Don't get your hopes up. It's Sweden. They'd sacrifice every single human in the country to protect the life of a single rapefugee.
>>154678Wasn't there some cope going on about how Sweden was finally getting a little less pozzed? I saw both people celebrating and those crying over this supposed fact.
>>154676Stop being racist, anon.
>>154679First I'm hearing about it.
>>154679The same thing happened in Norway, they were beginning to unpoz themselves and then the Breivik false flag happened, giving them an excuse to crack down on the right.
>>154719Every so often, a blind squirrel finds a nut. In another life this nigger would be the Kang of all the lands in Africa
Is this just the Eastern mindset? Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a 9yo girl Aisha. The Jewish tradition doesn't fall behind. Ruth, the great-grandmother of David, is described as a naarah at the time when Boaz married her, though a widow. Senile David also notoriouly used underage Abishag before his son Solomon born of a harlot took her and there's an entire book called Song of Songs dedicated to it
>There are sixty queens And eighty concubines, And virgins without number
>>154812No such thing as underage before the 19th century.
>>154815Yes, that's what I meant. In fact,
>if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable (Sanhedrin 54b:21)>An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing (Ketubot 11b:6)But not so for pups
>The Sages taught: With regard to intercourse with a male, the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy; but with regard to intercourse with an animal, the Torah does deem a young animal to be like an old animal. (Sanhedrin 54b:19) No.154828
>>154822>The Sages taught: With regard to intercourse with a male, the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boyI've reached the same conclusion.
>>154984Grim. I don't see the UK coming back from this. Their last chance was last year's riots, but not enough citizens stood up. To many cucks.
>>154985Don't worry anon, the muslim population will change the UK goverment.
>>155105Lesson here is if you're gonna burn Korans when there are slimes around, don't be a weak little bitch who can't defend yourself.
>>155723Yakuza if he was younger and more athletic.
Yakuza, hello. Could you explain to me if you are Algerian or Moroccan and from which generation? Second, third?
Are you an exemplary Muslim, or a secular Muslim, or was your family never Muslim?
>>155734Only jews are kings in the USA
>>155733What's even more ridiculous and pathetic is that even with the government tugboat they get, they generally just fuckoff to France and Germany.
I'm glad, but holy shit the pathetic state of the Eurozone.
>>153775>AA decided to go full spergy banning anyone with different opinions from him while preaching Marxism to "save the westWhen did AA do this?
>>155765kek, you stupid goyim will learn the (((truth))).
>>155767Looks like fun, everybody dressing up in those white jumpsuits and running around.
>>155767>that woman brown copThey always hire the mongrels to keep down tge native populace.
>>155814How do they fast for an entire month without dying of starvation?
>>155820they are allowed to eat when the sun sets
>>155820They only fast for 11-12 hours a day, from right at the break of dawn (4:20 AM) to sunset (5:50 PM). Any ketofag, OMADfag or even a Catholic can do way more.
>>155935Windsor once stood as a fortress of Catholic Anglo-Saxon England at a point when the crusades somewhat unified Europe before the full-on schisms and protestant cuck moments. Now a bunch of retarded brown subhumans who are inbred beyond belief shit all over its halls, thanks a lot Churchill. Remember that Many castles in Europe were built the way they were in the first place because mudslimes kidnapped so many of our people into slavery.
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